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Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 13 - 30, 02.06.2014


In the long history of mankind, countries have always been classified and compared on the basis of backwardness-forwardness dichotomy. The Industrial Revolution has made the polarization between developed and underdeveloped countries deeper. Those countries that could not complete their industrialization process in the last two centuries are now aware that their less-developed positions and prefer to target the level of developed countries. Turkey’s development endeavor goes back to the Ottoman Reform Movement Era in which the Ottomans tried to imitate the development model of Western European countries. This perspective has gradually expanded from advancement in military technology and administrative structure to political, economic and socio-cultural fields. Thus, the value system of the West concerning development has been taken as a point of reference during the Republic. As a consequence, the last two centuries of Turkey has been passed with successful and failed attempts to reach to the level of modern civilization. This paper investigates on the how far Turkey’s development efforts have gone, what opportunities have been missed, at what level now Turkey stands in the development process, what similarities and differences can be identified between Turkey and Western countries, and at which extent Turkey’s development endeavor provides some clues for transitional countries. In this paper, the fundamental questions are on whether the administration of development process (e.g. misallocation of resources, inefficiency and waste, corruption) is in the “right direction”.


  • Abdul A.T. (2002). Statement by T. Abdul Aziz, Vice-Chairman of Transparency International on the launch of the Corruption Perceptions Index. Retrieved 1 June 2007 http://www.transparency. org/pressreleases_archive/2002/2002.08.28.cpi.en.html.
  • Akalın, G. (2002). Türkiye’de Ekonomi-Politik Kriz ve Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçiş. Ankara: Akçağ Kitabevi.
  • Akçay, S. (2002). Corruption, Democracy and Bureaucracy: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries. Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2002(1), 205-218.
  • Aktan, C.C. (1992). Politik Yozlaşma ve Kleptokrasi: 1980-1990 Türkiye Deneyimi. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye.
  • Aktan, C.C. (1999). Kirli Devletten Temiz Devlete. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye.
  • ATO (2005). ATO Başkanı Sinan Aygün’ün Türkiye’deki Yolsuzlukların Boyutu İlgili Açıklaması. Retrieved 10 May 2007
  • Barro, R.J., & Martin, X.S. (1995). Economic Growth. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Başkaya, F. (2000). Kalkınma İktisadının Yükselişi ve Düşüşü. Ankara: İmge.
  • Başkaya, F. (2001). Azgelişmişliğin Sürekliliği. Ankara: İmge.
  • Beyhan, B. (2007). Örtük Bilginin Yerel ve Bölgesel iktisadi Kalkınmadaki Önemi Üzerine: Yöntembilimsel Mücadelelerin İç İçe Geçme Eğilimi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi. 25(1), 1-19.
  • Brinkerhoff, W.D. (1999). Identifying and Assessing Political Will or Anti-Corruption Efforts. Working Paper, USAID’s Implementing Policy Change Project, No. 13.
  • Buchanan, J.M. (1980). Rent-Seeking and Profit-Seeking. In J.M. Buchanan, G. Tullock and R. Tollison (eds.), Towards a General Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society. College Station, Texas: A&M University Press.
  • Çanakçı, İ.H. (2005). “Business Environment in Turkey”. İstanbul: Knowledge Economy Forum IV.
  • Davoodi, H. & Alonse-Terme, R. (1998). Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty. IMF Working Paper, WP/98. Washington D.C.: IMF.
  • Eğilmez, M. (2010). Dünya ve Türkiye. Retrieved October 11, 2010 from the World Wide Web: =RadikalYazarYazisi&ArticleID=1022977&Date=10.10.2010&CategoryID=101
  • Eigen, P. (2002). Statement by P. Eigen, Chairman of Transparency International, on the launch of the CPI. Retrieved April 21, 2007 from the World Wide Web: archive/2002/2002.08.28.cpi.en.html.
  • Fraser Institute (2007). Economic Freedom of the World: 2007 Annual Report. Retrieved February 1, 2007 from the World Wide Web:
  • Gökbunar, R. (2004). Etkin Devletin Temel Unsurları. Türk İdare Dergisi, 76 (445), 19-41.
  • Gülçubuk, B. (2006). Kırsal Kalkınma: Kavramlar, Uygulama Esasları ve Dikkat Noktaları. In Y. Ergün (ed.), Hatay’da On Sıcak Gün (pp. 60-70). Hatay: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi.
  • Güler-Parlak, Z. (2005). Barajlar ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma: Atatürk Barajı Örneği. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • Heper, M. & Berkman, A.Ü. (1980). Development Administration in Turkey: Conceptual Theory and Methodology. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Hope, K.R. (1985). Politics Bureaucratic Corruption and Maladministration in the Third World. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 51(1), 1-6.
  • Huntington, S.P. (1989). Modernization and Corruption. In A.J. Heidenheimer, M. Johnston & V.T. Levine (eds.), Political Corruption: A Handbook, (pp. 37-88). New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
  • Hürriyet Gazetesi (2009). 14.09.2009.
  • Keleş, R. & Hamamcı, C. (2002), Çevrebilim, 4. Baskı, Ankara, İmge Kitabevi.
  • Kepenek, Y. & Yentürk, N. (2005). Türkiye Ekonomisi. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Keyder, Ç. (2004). Ulusal Kalkınmacılığın İflası. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Leff, N.H. (1964). Economic Development through Bureaucratic Corruption. American Behavioral Scientist, 8(3), 8-14.
  • Mauro, P. (1997). The Effects of Corruption on Growth, Investment, and Government Expenditure: A Cross Country Analysis (pp. 83-107). In K.A. Elliot (ed.), Corruption in the Global Economy. Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics.
  • Milliyet Gazetesi (2004). 27.07.2004.
  • Muasher, M. (2007). “Preface”, A Guide to World Bank. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
  • Myint, U. (2000). Corruption, Consequences and Cures. Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 7(2), 33-58.
  • OECD (2001), Corruption Perceptions Index, 2001. Retrieved December 10, 2006 from the World Wide Web: hhtp:// English/go05.html.
  • Öktem, M.K. (2009). Kalkınmada Yenilikçi Topluma Finlandiya Örneği. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 4(1), 133-156.
  • Ömürgönülşen, U. (2009). System Studies Report: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Measures Implemented in Recent Years, including the Code of Ethics, the Public Information Act, Criminal Law Measures and Disciplinary Provisions, Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC), Council of Europe&European Union&Council of Ethics for the Public Service, Ankara.
  • Ömürgönülşen, U. (2010). Etik Kamu Yönetimi ve Yolsuzlukla Mücadele, 25 Mayıs Etik Haftası Etik Eğitim Sunumu, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, S. (2007). TOBB Başkanı Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu ile Röportaj. Hürriyet Gazetesi, 18.08.2007, s.11.
  • Pieterse, J.N. (2010). Development Theory. 2nd edition. USA: SAGE Publications.
  • Rose-Ackerman, S. (1999). Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Şahin, H. (2006). Türkiye Ekonomisi, Tarihsel Gelişim ve Bugünkü Durum. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Sahle, E.N. (2010). World Orders, Development and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan Pub.
  • Schwab, K. & Porter, M.E. (2008), The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009, World Economic Forum, Geneva-Switzerland.
  • Skousen, M. (2003). Modern İktisadın İnşası-Büyük Düşünürlerin Hayatları ve Fikirleri, In M. Acar, E. Erdem & M. Toprak (eds.). Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı (2009). Kamu Finansmanı İstatistikleri, Retrieved September 7, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
  • Tanzi, V. & Davoodi, H. (1997). Corruption, Public Investment, Growth. IMF Working Paper, WP/97/139. Washington D.C.: IMF.
  • Tanzi, V. (1998). Corruption around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope, and Cures. IMF Working Paper, WP/98/63. Washington, D.C.: IMF.
  • Tatlıdil, H. & Özgürlük, B. (2009). İşgücü Piyasasında İllerin İşsizlik Risklerinin Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ile Belirlenmesi, TİSK Akademi, 4(8): 7-21.
  • Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), see
  • TÜİK (2007), Ar-Ge İstatistikleri. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: _adi=AR-GE%20İstat istikleri&ust_id=2.
  • turkce/bulten/bulten.php3?sira=116.
  • UN (2006), Human Development Index. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: WebSayfaNo=696.
  • UNDP (2007), Human Development Report 2007/2008 – Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World, UNDP, New York-USA.
  • Weber, M. (1978). Economy and Society. Vol. II. (ed.) G. Roth and Wittich. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press.
  • World Bank (1996). From Plan to Market, World Development Report 1996. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • World Bank (1997). The State in a Changing World, World Development Report, 1997. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • World Bank (2006a), Turkey at a Glance. Retrieved August 31, 2007 from the World Wide Web: .asp?SelectedCountry=TUR&CCODE=TUR&CNAME=Turkey&PTYPE=CP.shared /readmore.asp?sNav=pb&id=934
  • World Bank (2006b) World Development Indicators. Retreived 17, September 2007 from the World Wide Web: 2006/contents/Table1_6.htm
  • World Bank (2009), 2009 World Development Indicators, The World Bank, Washington-USA.
  • World Economic Forum (2007). The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007. Retreived September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: 06/gcr2006rankings.pdf
Year 2010, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 13 - 30, 02.06.2014



  • Abdul A.T. (2002). Statement by T. Abdul Aziz, Vice-Chairman of Transparency International on the launch of the Corruption Perceptions Index. Retrieved 1 June 2007 http://www.transparency. org/pressreleases_archive/2002/2002.08.28.cpi.en.html.
  • Akalın, G. (2002). Türkiye’de Ekonomi-Politik Kriz ve Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçiş. Ankara: Akçağ Kitabevi.
  • Akçay, S. (2002). Corruption, Democracy and Bureaucracy: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries. Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2002(1), 205-218.
  • Aktan, C.C. (1992). Politik Yozlaşma ve Kleptokrasi: 1980-1990 Türkiye Deneyimi. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye.
  • Aktan, C.C. (1999). Kirli Devletten Temiz Devlete. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye.
  • ATO (2005). ATO Başkanı Sinan Aygün’ün Türkiye’deki Yolsuzlukların Boyutu İlgili Açıklaması. Retrieved 10 May 2007
  • Barro, R.J., & Martin, X.S. (1995). Economic Growth. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Başkaya, F. (2000). Kalkınma İktisadının Yükselişi ve Düşüşü. Ankara: İmge.
  • Başkaya, F. (2001). Azgelişmişliğin Sürekliliği. Ankara: İmge.
  • Beyhan, B. (2007). Örtük Bilginin Yerel ve Bölgesel iktisadi Kalkınmadaki Önemi Üzerine: Yöntembilimsel Mücadelelerin İç İçe Geçme Eğilimi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi. 25(1), 1-19.
  • Brinkerhoff, W.D. (1999). Identifying and Assessing Political Will or Anti-Corruption Efforts. Working Paper, USAID’s Implementing Policy Change Project, No. 13.
  • Buchanan, J.M. (1980). Rent-Seeking and Profit-Seeking. In J.M. Buchanan, G. Tullock and R. Tollison (eds.), Towards a General Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society. College Station, Texas: A&M University Press.
  • Çanakçı, İ.H. (2005). “Business Environment in Turkey”. İstanbul: Knowledge Economy Forum IV.
  • Davoodi, H. & Alonse-Terme, R. (1998). Does Corruption Affect Income Inequality and Poverty. IMF Working Paper, WP/98. Washington D.C.: IMF.
  • Eğilmez, M. (2010). Dünya ve Türkiye. Retrieved October 11, 2010 from the World Wide Web: =RadikalYazarYazisi&ArticleID=1022977&Date=10.10.2010&CategoryID=101
  • Eigen, P. (2002). Statement by P. Eigen, Chairman of Transparency International, on the launch of the CPI. Retrieved April 21, 2007 from the World Wide Web: archive/2002/2002.08.28.cpi.en.html.
  • Fraser Institute (2007). Economic Freedom of the World: 2007 Annual Report. Retrieved February 1, 2007 from the World Wide Web:
  • Gökbunar, R. (2004). Etkin Devletin Temel Unsurları. Türk İdare Dergisi, 76 (445), 19-41.
  • Gülçubuk, B. (2006). Kırsal Kalkınma: Kavramlar, Uygulama Esasları ve Dikkat Noktaları. In Y. Ergün (ed.), Hatay’da On Sıcak Gün (pp. 60-70). Hatay: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi.
  • Güler-Parlak, Z. (2005). Barajlar ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma: Atatürk Barajı Örneği. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • Heper, M. & Berkman, A.Ü. (1980). Development Administration in Turkey: Conceptual Theory and Methodology. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
  • Hope, K.R. (1985). Politics Bureaucratic Corruption and Maladministration in the Third World. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 51(1), 1-6.
  • Huntington, S.P. (1989). Modernization and Corruption. In A.J. Heidenheimer, M. Johnston & V.T. Levine (eds.), Political Corruption: A Handbook, (pp. 37-88). New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
  • Hürriyet Gazetesi (2009). 14.09.2009.
  • Keleş, R. & Hamamcı, C. (2002), Çevrebilim, 4. Baskı, Ankara, İmge Kitabevi.
  • Kepenek, Y. & Yentürk, N. (2005). Türkiye Ekonomisi. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Keyder, Ç. (2004). Ulusal Kalkınmacılığın İflası. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Leff, N.H. (1964). Economic Development through Bureaucratic Corruption. American Behavioral Scientist, 8(3), 8-14.
  • Mauro, P. (1997). The Effects of Corruption on Growth, Investment, and Government Expenditure: A Cross Country Analysis (pp. 83-107). In K.A. Elliot (ed.), Corruption in the Global Economy. Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics.
  • Milliyet Gazetesi (2004). 27.07.2004.
  • Muasher, M. (2007). “Preface”, A Guide to World Bank. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
  • Myint, U. (2000). Corruption, Consequences and Cures. Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 7(2), 33-58.
  • OECD (2001), Corruption Perceptions Index, 2001. Retrieved December 10, 2006 from the World Wide Web: hhtp:// English/go05.html.
  • Öktem, M.K. (2009). Kalkınmada Yenilikçi Topluma Finlandiya Örneği. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 4(1), 133-156.
  • Ömürgönülşen, U. (2009). System Studies Report: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Measures Implemented in Recent Years, including the Code of Ethics, the Public Information Act, Criminal Law Measures and Disciplinary Provisions, Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC), Council of Europe&European Union&Council of Ethics for the Public Service, Ankara.
  • Ömürgönülşen, U. (2010). Etik Kamu Yönetimi ve Yolsuzlukla Mücadele, 25 Mayıs Etik Haftası Etik Eğitim Sunumu, Ankara.
  • Özdemir, S. (2007). TOBB Başkanı Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu ile Röportaj. Hürriyet Gazetesi, 18.08.2007, s.11.
  • Pieterse, J.N. (2010). Development Theory. 2nd edition. USA: SAGE Publications.
  • Rose-Ackerman, S. (1999). Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences and Reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Şahin, H. (2006). Türkiye Ekonomisi, Tarihsel Gelişim ve Bugünkü Durum. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Sahle, E.N. (2010). World Orders, Development and Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan Pub.
  • Schwab, K. & Porter, M.E. (2008), The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009, World Economic Forum, Geneva-Switzerland.
  • Skousen, M. (2003). Modern İktisadın İnşası-Büyük Düşünürlerin Hayatları ve Fikirleri, In M. Acar, E. Erdem & M. Toprak (eds.). Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı (2009). Kamu Finansmanı İstatistikleri, Retrieved September 7, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
  • Tanzi, V. & Davoodi, H. (1997). Corruption, Public Investment, Growth. IMF Working Paper, WP/97/139. Washington D.C.: IMF.
  • Tanzi, V. (1998). Corruption around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope, and Cures. IMF Working Paper, WP/98/63. Washington, D.C.: IMF.
  • Tatlıdil, H. & Özgürlük, B. (2009). İşgücü Piyasasında İllerin İşsizlik Risklerinin Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ile Belirlenmesi, TİSK Akademi, 4(8): 7-21.
  • Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), see
  • TÜİK (2007), Ar-Ge İstatistikleri. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: _adi=AR-GE%20İstat istikleri&ust_id=2.
  • turkce/bulten/bulten.php3?sira=116.
  • UN (2006), Human Development Index. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: WebSayfaNo=696.
  • UNDP (2007), Human Development Report 2007/2008 – Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World, UNDP, New York-USA.
  • Weber, M. (1978). Economy and Society. Vol. II. (ed.) G. Roth and Wittich. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press.
  • World Bank (1996). From Plan to Market, World Development Report 1996. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • World Bank (1997). The State in a Changing World, World Development Report, 1997. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • World Bank (2006a), Turkey at a Glance. Retrieved August 31, 2007 from the World Wide Web: .asp?SelectedCountry=TUR&CCODE=TUR&CNAME=Turkey&PTYPE=CP.shared /readmore.asp?sNav=pb&id=934
  • World Bank (2006b) World Development Indicators. Retreived 17, September 2007 from the World Wide Web: 2006/contents/Table1_6.htm
  • World Bank (2009), 2009 World Development Indicators, The World Bank, Washington-USA.
  • World Economic Forum (2007). The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007. Retreived September 17, 2007 from the World Wide Web: 06/gcr2006rankings.pdf
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Kemal Öktem

Uğur Ömürgönülşen

Uğur Sadioğlu

Publication Date June 2, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Öktem, M. K., Ömürgönülşen, U., & Sadioğlu, U. (2014). TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 3(1), 13-30.
AMA Öktem MK, Ömürgönülşen U, Sadioğlu U. TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. June 2014;3(1):13-30.
Chicago Öktem, Mustafa Kemal, Uğur Ömürgönülşen, and Uğur Sadioğlu. “TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 3, no. 1 (June 2014): 13-30.
EndNote Öktem MK, Ömürgönülşen U, Sadioğlu U (June 1, 2014) TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 3 1 13–30.
IEEE M. K. Öktem, U. Ömürgönülşen, and U. Sadioğlu, “TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS”, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 13–30, 2014.
ISNAD Öktem, Mustafa Kemal et al. “TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 3/1 (June 2014), 13-30.
JAMA Öktem MK, Ömürgönülşen U, Sadioğlu U. TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. 2014;3:13–30.
MLA Öktem, Mustafa Kemal et al. “TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 13-30.
Vancouver Öktem MK, Ömürgönülşen U, Sadioğlu U. TURKEY IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: OBSTACLES, PREMISE AND PROSPECTS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. 2014;3(1):13-30.