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Fake News Pandemic: Fake News And False Information About Covid-19 and An Analysis on FactChecking from Turkey in Sample

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 117 - 143, 31.01.2022


As in all crisis periods, eyes have turned to both mass media and social media platforms in the period of COVID-19. Misinformation about the spread of the disease, preventive measures and treatment methods can leave much deeper effects than the false news seen in other periods and cause the pandemic to spread further and seriously affect public health. Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic becomes even more dangerous with the fake and false news pandemic, which is effective on a global scale, and the need for news validation activities and the organizations that carry out this process increases. In this study, fact-checking activities carried out by Teyit which continued to work as a member of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in Turkey, during the pandemi period were discussed. In the study, when compared to the same time period in 2018 in Turkey, the number of suspects examined by Teyit in the first three months of the year 2020 has been shown to increase. In addition, it was determined that the policy category, which ranks first in the questionable content type that has been passed through the fact-checking process, has been replaced by the health category


  • Akyüz, S. S. (2020). Yanlış Bilgi Salgını: COVID-19 Salgını Döneminde Türkiye’de Dolaşıma Giren Sahte Haberler. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 422-444.
  • Alcott, H., Gentzkow, M., & Yu, C. (2019). Trends in the diffusion of misinformation on social media. Research and Politics, 1-8.
  • Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 231-236.
  • Al-Rakhami, M., & Al-Amri, A. (2020). Lies Kill, Facts Save: Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation in Twitter . IEEE Access.
  • Al-Zaman, S. (2021). Social media and COVID-19 misinformation: how ignorant Facebook users are? . Heliyon.
  • Andreu, C.-R. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on the Media System. Communicative and Democratic Consequences of News Consumption during the Outbreak. El profesional de la información.
  • Ateş, N. B., & Baran, S. (2020). Kriz İletişiminde Sosyal Medyanin Etkin Kullanimi: Covid-19 (Koronavirüs) Salginina Yönelik Twitter Analizİ . Kocaeli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi, 66-99.
  • Baştürk, O. (2020). Kimi bayılıyor kimi nefret ediyor: O bir koronastar! Retrieved from
  • Binark, M. (2020). Küresel Pandemi Krizi Anında Enformasyon Yüklenmesi ve Enformasyon Sisi… . Retrieved from
  • Bok, S. (1999). Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. New York: Vintage.
  • Brandtzaeg, P. B., & Folstad, A. (2017). Trust and Distrust in Online Fact-Checking Services . Communications of The ACM, 65-71.
  • Brennen, J. S., Simon, F. M., Nielsen, & Kleis, R. (2020). Beyond (Mis)Representation: Visuals in COVID-19 Misinformation . The International Journal of Press/Politics.
  • Cherubini, F., & Graves, L. (2016). The Rise of Fact-Checking Sites in Europe . Retrieved from
  • Cinelli, M., Quattrociocchi, W., Galezzi, A., Valensise, C. M., Brugnoli, E., Schmidt, A. L., .. . Scala, A. (2020). The COVID-19 social media infodemic. Basingstoke: Springer Nature.
  • Claire, W. (2017). Fake news. It’s complicated. Retrieved from
  • Çelik, R. (2020). Tık Odaklı Habercilikte “Tık Yemi” Taktiği: Koronavirüs (Kovid-19) Örneği . Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 14-25.
  • Çerçi, Ü. Ö., Canöz, N., & Canöz, K. (2020). Çerçi, Ü. Ö., Canöz, N., & Canöz, K. (2020). Covid-19 Krizi Döneminde Bilgilenme Aracı Olarak Sosyal Medya Kullanımı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (44), 184-198. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi.
  • Çiçeklioğlu, A. Ş. (2019). Content Verification Platforms in New Media. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • David, Y., & Sommerlad, E. (2021). Media and Information in Times of Crisis: The Case of the COVID-19 Infodemic . In COVID-19 and Similar Futures . Switzerland: Pandemic Geographies .
  • Flynn, D., Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2017). The Nature and Origins of Misperceptions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs About Politics . Advances in Political Psychology.
  • Foça, M. A. (2020). twitter. Retrieved from
  • Fuchs, C. (2021). Communicating Covid-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times (Societynow). Bradford: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Geeng, C., Yee, S., & Roesner, F. (2020). Fake News on Facebook and Twitter: Investigating How People (Don’t) Investigate. CHI ‘20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Ghebreyesus, G. (2020). Munich Security Conference . Retrieved from
  • Gordon Pennycook, J. M. (2020). Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media:Experimental Evidence for a Scalable Accuracy-Nudge Intervention. Psychological Science, 770-780.
  • Gottlieb, M., & Dyer, S. (2020). Information and Disinformation: Social Media in the COVID-19 Crisis. Academic Emergency Medicine, 640-641.
  • Güz, N., Seden Meral, P., Bozkurt, S., & Durmaz, Y. (2021). Corona Günlerinde Geleneksel Medya Ve Yeni Medya Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Medya ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi.
  • Hassan, I. (2020). The other COVID-19 pandemic: Fake news . Retrieved from
  • Hossain, T., IV, R. L., Ugarte, A., Matsubara, Y., Young, S., & Singh, S. (2020). COVIDLIES: Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media. Association for Computational Linguistics .
  • Islam, S., Sarkar, T., Khan, S. H., Kamal, A.-H. M., Hasan, M. S., Kabir, A., . . . Seale, H. (2020). COVID-19–Related Infodemic and Its Impact on Public Health: A Global Social Media Analysis . The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
  • Jablonska, J. (2020). Temper Fear with Reason: COVID-19 and Spread of Fake News. Retrieved from
  • Keyes, R. (2004). The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Kouzy, R., Jaoude, J. A., Kraitem, A., El Alam, M., Karam, B., Adib, E., . . . Baddour, K. (2020). Coronavirus Goes Viral: Quantifying the COVID-19 Misinformation Epidemic on Twitter . Cureus.
  • Kreps, S., & Nyhan, B. (2020). Coronavirus Fake News Isn’t Like Other Fake News . Retrieved from
  • Lab, D. R. (2021). Fact Checking. Retrieved from
  • Loomba, S., Figueiredo, A. d., Piatek, S. J., Graaf, K. d., & Larson, H. J. (2021). Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA . Nature Human Behaviour.
  • Marco-Franco, J. E., Pita-Barros, P., Vivas-Orts, D., Gonzales-de-Julian, S., & VivasConsuelo, D. (2021). COVID-19, Fake News, and Vaccines: Should Regulation Be Implemented? . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Mecier, H. (2020). Fake News in The Time of Coronavirus: How Big Is The Threat? Retrieved from
  • Meinert, J., Mirbabaie, M., Dungs, S., & Aker, A. (2016). Is It Really Fake? – Towards an Understanding of Fake News in Social Media Communication. In Social Computing and Social Media (pp. 484-497). Toronto: Springer.
  • Moravec, P., Minas, R., & Dennis, A. R. (2018). Fake News on Social Media: People Believe What They Want to Believe When it Makes No Sense at All. Kelley School of Business Research Paper , 18-87.
  • Morris, C. (2020). Retrieved from
  • Nielsen, R. K., Fletcher, R., Kalogeropoulos, A., & Simon, F. (2020). Communications in the coronavirus crisis: lessons for the second wave. Oxford: Reuters Institute.
  • Öz, E. (2020). Koronavirüs haberlerinde infodemik salgını nasıl durdurulacak? Retrieved from
  • Pennycook, G., McPhetres, J., Zhang, Y., G. Lu, R., & G., D. (2020). Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media: Experimental Evidence for a Scalable AccuracyNudge Intervention. Psychological Science, 770-780.
  • Report, T. B. (2020). Trust Barometer Special Report. Retrieved from
  • Report-13, S. (2020). Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCov). Retrieved from
  • Röchert, D., Shahi, K. G., Neubaum, G., Ross, Björn, & Stieglitz, S. (2021). The Networked Context of COVID-19 Misinformation: Informational Homogeneity on YouTube at the Beginning of the Pandemic . Online Social Network and Media.
  • Saklıca, E. İ. (2020). Rapor: Covid-19 dijital platformlarda haber alma alışkanlıklarımızı nasıl değiştirdi? Retrieved from
  • Sanchez, C. A., & Pascual, M. A. (2020). Fake images of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the communication of information at the beginning of the first Covid-19 pandemic . Elprofesional de la información.
  • Savolainen, & Reijo. (2021). Assessing the credibility of COVID-19 vaccine mis/disinformation in online discussion . Journal of Information Science.
  • Shani, K. G., Dirkson, A., & Majchrza, T. (2021). An exploratory study of COVID-19 misinformation on Twitter . Online Social Networks and Media.
  • Shao, C., Ciampaglia, G. L., Varol, O., Yang, K.-C., Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2018). The spread of low-credibility content by social bots . Nature Communications.
  • Shimizu, K. (2020). 2019-nCoV, fake news, and racism. The Lancet.
  • Social, W. A. (2021). Digital 2021 Global Overview Report. London: We Are Social.
  • Soğukdere, Ş., & Öztunç, M. (2020). Sosyal Medyada Koronavirüs Dezenformasyonu . Kastomonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi.
  • Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Kaur, P., Zafar, N., & Alrasheedy, M. (2019). Why do people share fake news? Associations between the dark side of social media use and fake news sharing behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72-82.
  • Tasnim, S., Hossain, M. M., & Mazumder, H. (2020). Impact of Rumors and Misinformation on COVID-19 in Social Media . Journal of Preventive Medicine&Public Health.
  • Topsakal, T. (2021). Dijital Ortamda Yanliş Bilgi Ve Haberlerin Yayilmasi: Koronavirüs Salgin Haberlerine Dair Bir İnceleme. İnönü Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (İNİF E-Dergi).
  • Tunçer, S. (2018). Reinterpreting Crisis Communications in the Post-Truth Era . Moment Dergi, 368-382.
  • Tunez-Lopez, M., Vaz-Alvarez, M., & Fieiras-Ceide, C. (2020). Covid-19 and public service media: Impact of the pandemic on public television in Europe. Profesional de la Información .
  • Uberti, D. (2016). The real history of fake news . Retrieved from
  • Ünal, R., & Çiçeklioğlu, A. Ş. (2019). The Function and Importance of Fact-Checking Organizations in The Era of Fake News: an Exampe From Turkey. Medijske Studije Media Studies, 140-160.
  • van der Meer, T. G., & Jin, Y. (2019). Seeking Formula for Misinformation Treatment in Public Health Crises: The Effects of Corrective Information Type and Source. Health Communication, 560-575.
  • Vanderslott, S. (2020). How to spot coronavirus fake news – an expert guide . Retrieved from
  • Vosoughi, S., Roy, D., & Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false news online. Science, 1146-1151.
  • Yılmaz, M. C. (2020). 5G ile yeni koronavirüs arasında bağ olduğu iddiaları Türkiye’ye nasıl geldi? . Retrieved from
  • Wardle, C. (2017). Fake news. It’s complicated. Retrieved from Received from

Yalan Haber Salgını: Teyit.Org Örnekleminde Covid-19 Salgınının Başında Türkiye’de Yalan Haber ve Yanlış Bilgi Akışı ve Doğrulamaya İlişkin Bir Analiz

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 117 - 143, 31.01.2022


Tüm kriz dönemlerinde olduğu gibi, COVID-19 salgınında da gözler hem kitle iletişim araçlarına hem de sosyal medya platformlarına çevrilmiştir. Hastalığın yayılması, önleyici tedbirler ve tedavi yöntemleri ile ilgili yanlış bilgiler, salgın öncesi dönemde görülen yanlış haberlerden çok daha derin etkiler bırakabilir ve hastalığın daha da yayılmasına ve halk sağlığını ciddi şekilde etkilemesine neden olabilir. Dolayısıyla küresel ölçekte etkili olan yalan ve yanlış haber salgını ile COVID-19 salgını daha da tehlikeli hale gelmekte ve haber doğrulama faaliyetlerine ve bu süreci yürüten kuruluşlara olan ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Uluslararası Haber Doğrulama Platformu üyesi olarak çalışmalarını sürdüren Teyit’in salgın döneminde Türkiye’de gerçekleştirdiği doğrulama faaliyetleri ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada, Türkiye’de 2018 yılının aynı dönemine kıyasla, 2020 yılının ilk üç ayında Teyit’in sorguladığı şüpheli sayısında artış olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca teyit sürecinden geçen şüpheli içerik türünde ilk sırada yer alan politika kategorisinin yerini sağlık kategorisine bıraktığı belirlenmiştir. COVID-19 ile ilgili şüpheli içeriklerin daha çok sosyal medya platformlarında görüldüğü ve Wardle’ın (Wardle, 2017) kategorizasyonuna göre yalan haberlerin yüzde 66’sının tamamen aldatma ve zarar verme amaçlı üretildiği de çalışmada elde edilen bulgular arasındadır.


  • Akyüz, S. S. (2020). Yanlış Bilgi Salgını: COVID-19 Salgını Döneminde Türkiye’de Dolaşıma Giren Sahte Haberler. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 422-444.
  • Alcott, H., Gentzkow, M., & Yu, C. (2019). Trends in the diffusion of misinformation on social media. Research and Politics, 1-8.
  • Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 231-236.
  • Al-Rakhami, M., & Al-Amri, A. (2020). Lies Kill, Facts Save: Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation in Twitter . IEEE Access.
  • Al-Zaman, S. (2021). Social media and COVID-19 misinformation: how ignorant Facebook users are? . Heliyon.
  • Andreu, C.-R. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on the Media System. Communicative and Democratic Consequences of News Consumption during the Outbreak. El profesional de la información.
  • Ateş, N. B., & Baran, S. (2020). Kriz İletişiminde Sosyal Medyanin Etkin Kullanimi: Covid-19 (Koronavirüs) Salginina Yönelik Twitter Analizİ . Kocaeli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi, 66-99.
  • Baştürk, O. (2020). Kimi bayılıyor kimi nefret ediyor: O bir koronastar! Retrieved from
  • Binark, M. (2020). Küresel Pandemi Krizi Anında Enformasyon Yüklenmesi ve Enformasyon Sisi… . Retrieved from
  • Bok, S. (1999). Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. New York: Vintage.
  • Brandtzaeg, P. B., & Folstad, A. (2017). Trust and Distrust in Online Fact-Checking Services . Communications of The ACM, 65-71.
  • Brennen, J. S., Simon, F. M., Nielsen, & Kleis, R. (2020). Beyond (Mis)Representation: Visuals in COVID-19 Misinformation . The International Journal of Press/Politics.
  • Cherubini, F., & Graves, L. (2016). The Rise of Fact-Checking Sites in Europe . Retrieved from
  • Cinelli, M., Quattrociocchi, W., Galezzi, A., Valensise, C. M., Brugnoli, E., Schmidt, A. L., .. . Scala, A. (2020). The COVID-19 social media infodemic. Basingstoke: Springer Nature.
  • Claire, W. (2017). Fake news. It’s complicated. Retrieved from
  • Çelik, R. (2020). Tık Odaklı Habercilikte “Tık Yemi” Taktiği: Koronavirüs (Kovid-19) Örneği . Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 14-25.
  • Çerçi, Ü. Ö., Canöz, N., & Canöz, K. (2020). Çerçi, Ü. Ö., Canöz, N., & Canöz, K. (2020). Covid-19 Krizi Döneminde Bilgilenme Aracı Olarak Sosyal Medya Kullanımı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (44), 184-198. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi.
  • Çiçeklioğlu, A. Ş. (2019). Content Verification Platforms in New Media. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • David, Y., & Sommerlad, E. (2021). Media and Information in Times of Crisis: The Case of the COVID-19 Infodemic . In COVID-19 and Similar Futures . Switzerland: Pandemic Geographies .
  • Flynn, D., Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2017). The Nature and Origins of Misperceptions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs About Politics . Advances in Political Psychology.
  • Foça, M. A. (2020). twitter. Retrieved from
  • Fuchs, C. (2021). Communicating Covid-19: Everyday Life, Digital Capitalism, and Conspiracy Theories in Pandemic Times (Societynow). Bradford: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Geeng, C., Yee, S., & Roesner, F. (2020). Fake News on Facebook and Twitter: Investigating How People (Don’t) Investigate. CHI ‘20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Ghebreyesus, G. (2020). Munich Security Conference . Retrieved from
  • Gordon Pennycook, J. M. (2020). Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media:Experimental Evidence for a Scalable Accuracy-Nudge Intervention. Psychological Science, 770-780.
  • Gottlieb, M., & Dyer, S. (2020). Information and Disinformation: Social Media in the COVID-19 Crisis. Academic Emergency Medicine, 640-641.
  • Güz, N., Seden Meral, P., Bozkurt, S., & Durmaz, Y. (2021). Corona Günlerinde Geleneksel Medya Ve Yeni Medya Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Medya ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi.
  • Hassan, I. (2020). The other COVID-19 pandemic: Fake news . Retrieved from
  • Hossain, T., IV, R. L., Ugarte, A., Matsubara, Y., Young, S., & Singh, S. (2020). COVIDLIES: Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media. Association for Computational Linguistics .
  • Islam, S., Sarkar, T., Khan, S. H., Kamal, A.-H. M., Hasan, M. S., Kabir, A., . . . Seale, H. (2020). COVID-19–Related Infodemic and Its Impact on Public Health: A Global Social Media Analysis . The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
  • Jablonska, J. (2020). Temper Fear with Reason: COVID-19 and Spread of Fake News. Retrieved from
  • Keyes, R. (2004). The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Kouzy, R., Jaoude, J. A., Kraitem, A., El Alam, M., Karam, B., Adib, E., . . . Baddour, K. (2020). Coronavirus Goes Viral: Quantifying the COVID-19 Misinformation Epidemic on Twitter . Cureus.
  • Kreps, S., & Nyhan, B. (2020). Coronavirus Fake News Isn’t Like Other Fake News . Retrieved from
  • Lab, D. R. (2021). Fact Checking. Retrieved from
  • Loomba, S., Figueiredo, A. d., Piatek, S. J., Graaf, K. d., & Larson, H. J. (2021). Measuring the impact of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on vaccination intent in the UK and USA . Nature Human Behaviour.
  • Marco-Franco, J. E., Pita-Barros, P., Vivas-Orts, D., Gonzales-de-Julian, S., & VivasConsuelo, D. (2021). COVID-19, Fake News, and Vaccines: Should Regulation Be Implemented? . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Mecier, H. (2020). Fake News in The Time of Coronavirus: How Big Is The Threat? Retrieved from
  • Meinert, J., Mirbabaie, M., Dungs, S., & Aker, A. (2016). Is It Really Fake? – Towards an Understanding of Fake News in Social Media Communication. In Social Computing and Social Media (pp. 484-497). Toronto: Springer.
  • Moravec, P., Minas, R., & Dennis, A. R. (2018). Fake News on Social Media: People Believe What They Want to Believe When it Makes No Sense at All. Kelley School of Business Research Paper , 18-87.
  • Morris, C. (2020). Retrieved from
  • Nielsen, R. K., Fletcher, R., Kalogeropoulos, A., & Simon, F. (2020). Communications in the coronavirus crisis: lessons for the second wave. Oxford: Reuters Institute.
  • Öz, E. (2020). Koronavirüs haberlerinde infodemik salgını nasıl durdurulacak? Retrieved from
  • Pennycook, G., McPhetres, J., Zhang, Y., G. Lu, R., & G., D. (2020). Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media: Experimental Evidence for a Scalable AccuracyNudge Intervention. Psychological Science, 770-780.
  • Report, T. B. (2020). Trust Barometer Special Report. Retrieved from
  • Report-13, S. (2020). Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCov). Retrieved from
  • Röchert, D., Shahi, K. G., Neubaum, G., Ross, Björn, & Stieglitz, S. (2021). The Networked Context of COVID-19 Misinformation: Informational Homogeneity on YouTube at the Beginning of the Pandemic . Online Social Network and Media.
  • Saklıca, E. İ. (2020). Rapor: Covid-19 dijital platformlarda haber alma alışkanlıklarımızı nasıl değiştirdi? Retrieved from
  • Sanchez, C. A., & Pascual, M. A. (2020). Fake images of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the communication of information at the beginning of the first Covid-19 pandemic . Elprofesional de la información.
  • Savolainen, & Reijo. (2021). Assessing the credibility of COVID-19 vaccine mis/disinformation in online discussion . Journal of Information Science.
  • Shani, K. G., Dirkson, A., & Majchrza, T. (2021). An exploratory study of COVID-19 misinformation on Twitter . Online Social Networks and Media.
  • Shao, C., Ciampaglia, G. L., Varol, O., Yang, K.-C., Flammini, A., & Menczer, F. (2018). The spread of low-credibility content by social bots . Nature Communications.
  • Shimizu, K. (2020). 2019-nCoV, fake news, and racism. The Lancet.
  • Social, W. A. (2021). Digital 2021 Global Overview Report. London: We Are Social.
  • Soğukdere, Ş., & Öztunç, M. (2020). Sosyal Medyada Koronavirüs Dezenformasyonu . Kastomonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi.
  • Talwar, S., Dhir, A., Kaur, P., Zafar, N., & Alrasheedy, M. (2019). Why do people share fake news? Associations between the dark side of social media use and fake news sharing behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72-82.
  • Tasnim, S., Hossain, M. M., & Mazumder, H. (2020). Impact of Rumors and Misinformation on COVID-19 in Social Media . Journal of Preventive Medicine&Public Health.
  • Topsakal, T. (2021). Dijital Ortamda Yanliş Bilgi Ve Haberlerin Yayilmasi: Koronavirüs Salgin Haberlerine Dair Bir İnceleme. İnönü Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (İNİF E-Dergi).
  • Tunçer, S. (2018). Reinterpreting Crisis Communications in the Post-Truth Era . Moment Dergi, 368-382.
  • Tunez-Lopez, M., Vaz-Alvarez, M., & Fieiras-Ceide, C. (2020). Covid-19 and public service media: Impact of the pandemic on public television in Europe. Profesional de la Información .
  • Uberti, D. (2016). The real history of fake news . Retrieved from
  • Ünal, R., & Çiçeklioğlu, A. Ş. (2019). The Function and Importance of Fact-Checking Organizations in The Era of Fake News: an Exampe From Turkey. Medijske Studije Media Studies, 140-160.
  • van der Meer, T. G., & Jin, Y. (2019). Seeking Formula for Misinformation Treatment in Public Health Crises: The Effects of Corrective Information Type and Source. Health Communication, 560-575.
  • Vanderslott, S. (2020). How to spot coronavirus fake news – an expert guide . Retrieved from
  • Vosoughi, S., Roy, D., & Aral, S. (2018). The spread of true and false news online. Science, 1146-1151.
  • Yılmaz, M. C. (2020). 5G ile yeni koronavirüs arasında bağ olduğu iddiaları Türkiye’ye nasıl geldi? . Retrieved from
  • Wardle, C. (2017). Fake news. It’s complicated. Retrieved from Received from
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Articles in Foreign Languages

Recep Ünal 0000-0001-6181-6255

Alp Şahin Çiçeklioğlu 0000-0002-5983-6764

Publication Date January 31, 2022
Submission Date September 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Ünal, R., & Çiçeklioğlu, A. Ş. (2022). Fake News Pandemic: Fake News And False Information About Covid-19 and An Analysis on FactChecking from Turkey in Sample Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 9(1), 117-143.