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Sinemada Sibergüvenlikleştirme Söylemi: İnternetle İlgili Popüler Korku ve Gerilim Filmlerinin Analizi

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 403 - 419, 31.01.2022


Kophenag Okulu tarafından geliştirilen ‘güvenlikleştirme teorisi’ bir sorunun söylem yoluyla güvenlik sorunu olarak inşa edilmesi süreciyle ilgilenir. Bu araştırmada güvenlikleştirme teorisi ve bu teoriyi siber alana uyarlayan Hansen ve Nissenbaum’un yaklaşımından hareketle, popüler korku ve gerilim filmlerindeki siber güvenlikleştirme söylemi incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, farklı ülke sinemalarından internetin risklerine odaklanan 13 adet korku/gerilim filmi seçilmiştir. Bu filmlerde internet ve siber alandan kaynaklı bireysel ve toplumsal güvenlik tehditlerinin nasıl tanımlandığı, referans nesneleri, güvenlikleştirici aktörler gibi unsurların nasıl konumlandığı içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Filmlerde internetin her türlü kontrol ve denetimden azade, tehlikeli ve kuralsız bir alan olarak sunulduğu, internet aracılığıyla tehdit unsurlarının kılık değiştirerek gündelik hayatın içerisine kadar sızabildiği ve kişisel mahremiyetin ihlal edildiği yolundaki argümanların öne çıktığı görülmektedir. Öte yandan gençler siber güvenlik söyleminin en temel referans nesnesi olarak sunulmakta ve siber alanın denetim altına alınması için devletin, uzmanların, bireylerin ve/veya ailenin vakit kaybetmeksizin harekete geçmesi gerektiği savunulmaktadır.


Bu araştırma İstanbul Aydın üniversitesi, İletişim Fakültesinde, ‘Dijital İletişim Araştırmaları ve Çalışmaları’ isimli 4. Sınıf Onur Dersi kapsamında, bir uygulama projesi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verilerinin toplanması, yorumlanması ve analiz aşamaları, dersin öğretim üyesinin yönetiminde Ayşenur Karasu, Batuhan Çulhaoğlu, Gizem Karakaya, Melih Emre Nalbant, Muhammet İpek, Mücessem Çıkıkcı, Semanur Şentürk, Semih Demir, Sevgi Salman, Tamer Cingöz, Yusuf Ulvi Karademir ve Zeynep Aydın isimli öğrencilerin katkılarıyla yürütülmüştür.


  • Aziz, A. (2017). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Teknikleri. Ankara: Nobel Yay.
  • Baysal, B., & Lüleci, Ç. (2015). Kopenhag Okulu ve Güvenlikleştirme Teorisi. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 11(22), 61-95.
  • Bedir, U. (2014). Haneke Sinemasında Hazzın Engellenmesi. N. T. Cheviron içinde, Haneke Huzursuz Seyirler Diler (s. 103-135). İstanbul: Ekslibris Yay.
  • Bedir, U. (2020). Güvenlikleştirme Teorisi Bağlamında İnternette Devlet Denetiminin Meşrulaştırmas. M. C. Sadakoğlu, E. Arğın, & E. G. Erol içinde, Dijital Kültür ve Sosyal medya Okumaları (s. 306-335). İstanbul: Hiper Yayın.
  • Bendrath, R. (2001). The cyberwar debate: Perception and politics in US critical infrastructure protection. Special Issue of Information & Securityl(65), 80–103.
  • Buzan, B., & Hansen, L. (2009). Evolution of International Security Studies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O., & Wilde, J. d. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Pub.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2008). Cyber-terror—looming threat or phantom menace? The framing of the US cyber-threat debate. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 4(1), 19–36.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2010). Cyber-security. J. P. Burgess içinde, The routledge handbook of new security studies (s. 154-162). New York: Routledge.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2013). From cyber-bombs to political fallout: Threat representations with an impact in the cyber-security discourse. International Studies Review, 15(1), 105-122.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2019). The materiality of cyberthreats: securitization logics in popular visual culture. Critical Studies on Security, 7(2), 138-151.
  • Cavelty, M. D., & Egloff, F. J. (2021). Hyper-Securitization, Everyday Security Practice and Technification: Cyber-Security Logics in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(1), 139-149.
  • Coşkun, B. B. (2012). Words, images, enemies: Macro-securitization of the Islamic terror, popular TV drama and the war on terror. Turkish Journal of Politics, 3(1), 37-51.
  • Diebert, R. J. (2002). Circuits of power: Security in the internet environment. J. N. Rosenau, & b. P. Singh içinde, Information technologies and global politics : the changing scope of power and governance (s. 115-142). New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Duhm, D. (1996). Kapitalizmde Korku. (S. Şölçün, Çev.) Ankara: Ayraç Yay.
  • Düzgün, Ş. (2012). Dinsel ve Mitolojik Yönleriyle Cin ve Şeytan Algımız. Kelam Araştırmaları, 10(2), 11-30.
  • Eriksson, J. (2002). Cyberplagues, IT, and security: Threat politics in the information age. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 9(4), 211–222.
  • Furedi, F. (2017). Korku Kültürü: Risk Almamanın Riskleri. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yay.
  • Gessler, H. A. (2017). Securitizing the Internet: The case of Turkey. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days(325), 295-304.
  • Gorr, D., & Schünemann, W. J. (2013). Creating a secure cyberspace–Securitization in Internet governance discourses and dispositives in Germany and Russia. The International Review of Information Ethics(20), 37-51.
  • Hall, S., Critcher, C., Jefferson, T., Clarke, J., & Roberts, B. (1982). Policing the crisis: Mugging, the state and law and order. Hong Kong: The Macmillan Press.
  • Hansen, L., & Nissenbaum, H. (2009). Digital disaster, cyber security, and the Copenhagen School. International Studies Quarterly, 53(4), 1155–1175.
  • Hart, C. E. (2012). Securing Freedom: A media framing analysis of cybersecuritization (Doctoral dissertation). Fraser University: Communication, Art & Technology: School of Communication.
  • Hill, J., & Marion, N. E. (2017). The Use of Mythic Narratives in Presidential Rhetoric on Cybercrime. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 6(2).
  • Jantunen, S., & Huhtinen, A.-M. (2011). A Case-Study on American Perspectives on Cyber and Security. European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, (s. 163). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  • Kallender, P., & Hughes, C. W. (2017). Japan’s emerging trajectory as a ‘cyber power’: From securitization to militarization of cyberspace. Journal of Strategic Studies, 40(1), 118-145.
  • Kasper, A. (2014). The fragmented securitization of cyber threats. T. Kerikmäe içinde, Regulating eTechnologies in the European Union: Normative Realities and Trends (s. 157-187). Cham.: Springer.
  • Lawson, S. (2013). Beyond cyber-doom: Assessing the limits of hypothetical scenarios in the framing of cyber-threats. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 10(1), 86-103.
  • Lawson, S., & Middleton, M. K. (2019). Cyber Pearl Harbor: Analogy, fear, and the framing of cyber security threats in the United States, 1991-2016. First Monday, 24(3).
  • Lobato, L. C., & Kenkel, K. M. (2015). Discourses of cyberspace securitization in Brazil and in the United States. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 58(2), 23-43.
  • Maertens, L. (2015). Securitization in Pop Culture: the Environmental Threat According to Hollywood. Convention Annuelle de l’International Studies Association (ISA). La Nouvelle Orléans (USA).
  • Oskay, Ü. (1994). Popüler Kültür Açısından Çağdaş Fantazya: Bilim-Kurgu ve Korku Sineması. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Paker, E. B. (2009). Güvenlik endüstrisi ve güven(siz)liğin inşası: Bir toplumsal paranoyayı anlamak. Toplum ve Bilim(115), 204-225.
  • Rosewarne, L. (2016). Cinema and cyberphobia: Internet tropes in film and television. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 4(1), 36-53.
  • Sandywell, B. (2006). Monsters in cyberspace cyberphobia and cultural panic in the information age, Information. Community and Society, 9(1), 39-61.
  • Shad, M. R. (2019). Cyber threat landscape and readiness challenge of Pakistan. Strategic Studies, 39(1), 1-19.
  • Shires, J. (2020). Cyber-noir: Cybersecurity and popular culture. Contemporary Security Policy, 41(1), 82-107.
  • Viganò, L. (2020). Explaining Cybersecurity with Films and the Arts. In Imagine Math 7, 297-309.
  • Virgy, M. A., Destianira, C., & Mustofa, M. U. (2020). Social Media Shutdown: A Political and Cyber Securitization of Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election. Jurnal Studi Diplomasi Dan Keamanan, 12(2).
  • Waever, O. (1995). Securitization and Desecuritization. R. D. Lipschutz içinde, On Security (s. 7). New York: Columbia University Press. Yau, H.-m. (2020). Framing Cyber Security in Taiwan: A Perspective of Discursive Knowledge Production. Korean journal of defense analysis, 32(3), 457-474.

Cyber Securitization Discourse in Cinema: Analysis of Popular Horror and Thriller Movies Related to The Internet

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 403 - 419, 31.01.2022


‘Securitization theory’ developed by the Copenhagen School deals with the process of construction of an issue as a security problem through discourse. In this research, based on the theory of securitization and the approach of Hansen and Nissenbaum, who adapted this theory to cyberspace, cyber securitization discourses in popular horror and thriller movies are examined. In this context, 13 horror/thriller films focusing on the risks of the internet were selected from cinemas from different countries.. In these films, how the individual and social security threats originating from internet and cyberspace are defined, how the elements such as referent objects and securitizing actors positioned are examined by using method of content analysis. In those movies, it is seen that the internet is presented as a dangerous and lawless area free from any control and supervision and the arguments that threat elements can infiltrate into daily life by disguising and that personal privacy is violated through the internet become prominent. On the other hand, young people are presented as the main referent object of the cyber security discourse and it is argued that the state, experts, individuals and/or family should take action without wasting time in order to control the cyberspace.


  • Aziz, A. (2017). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Teknikleri. Ankara: Nobel Yay.
  • Baysal, B., & Lüleci, Ç. (2015). Kopenhag Okulu ve Güvenlikleştirme Teorisi. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 11(22), 61-95.
  • Bedir, U. (2014). Haneke Sinemasında Hazzın Engellenmesi. N. T. Cheviron içinde, Haneke Huzursuz Seyirler Diler (s. 103-135). İstanbul: Ekslibris Yay.
  • Bedir, U. (2020). Güvenlikleştirme Teorisi Bağlamında İnternette Devlet Denetiminin Meşrulaştırmas. M. C. Sadakoğlu, E. Arğın, & E. G. Erol içinde, Dijital Kültür ve Sosyal medya Okumaları (s. 306-335). İstanbul: Hiper Yayın.
  • Bendrath, R. (2001). The cyberwar debate: Perception and politics in US critical infrastructure protection. Special Issue of Information & Securityl(65), 80–103.
  • Buzan, B., & Hansen, L. (2009). Evolution of International Security Studies. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O., & Wilde, J. d. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Pub.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2008). Cyber-terror—looming threat or phantom menace? The framing of the US cyber-threat debate. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 4(1), 19–36.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2010). Cyber-security. J. P. Burgess içinde, The routledge handbook of new security studies (s. 154-162). New York: Routledge.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2013). From cyber-bombs to political fallout: Threat representations with an impact in the cyber-security discourse. International Studies Review, 15(1), 105-122.
  • Cavelty, M. D. (2019). The materiality of cyberthreats: securitization logics in popular visual culture. Critical Studies on Security, 7(2), 138-151.
  • Cavelty, M. D., & Egloff, F. J. (2021). Hyper-Securitization, Everyday Security Practice and Technification: Cyber-Security Logics in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(1), 139-149.
  • Coşkun, B. B. (2012). Words, images, enemies: Macro-securitization of the Islamic terror, popular TV drama and the war on terror. Turkish Journal of Politics, 3(1), 37-51.
  • Diebert, R. J. (2002). Circuits of power: Security in the internet environment. J. N. Rosenau, & b. P. Singh içinde, Information technologies and global politics : the changing scope of power and governance (s. 115-142). New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Duhm, D. (1996). Kapitalizmde Korku. (S. Şölçün, Çev.) Ankara: Ayraç Yay.
  • Düzgün, Ş. (2012). Dinsel ve Mitolojik Yönleriyle Cin ve Şeytan Algımız. Kelam Araştırmaları, 10(2), 11-30.
  • Eriksson, J. (2002). Cyberplagues, IT, and security: Threat politics in the information age. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 9(4), 211–222.
  • Furedi, F. (2017). Korku Kültürü: Risk Almamanın Riskleri. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yay.
  • Gessler, H. A. (2017). Securitizing the Internet: The case of Turkey. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days(325), 295-304.
  • Gorr, D., & Schünemann, W. J. (2013). Creating a secure cyberspace–Securitization in Internet governance discourses and dispositives in Germany and Russia. The International Review of Information Ethics(20), 37-51.
  • Hall, S., Critcher, C., Jefferson, T., Clarke, J., & Roberts, B. (1982). Policing the crisis: Mugging, the state and law and order. Hong Kong: The Macmillan Press.
  • Hansen, L., & Nissenbaum, H. (2009). Digital disaster, cyber security, and the Copenhagen School. International Studies Quarterly, 53(4), 1155–1175.
  • Hart, C. E. (2012). Securing Freedom: A media framing analysis of cybersecuritization (Doctoral dissertation). Fraser University: Communication, Art & Technology: School of Communication.
  • Hill, J., & Marion, N. E. (2017). The Use of Mythic Narratives in Presidential Rhetoric on Cybercrime. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 6(2).
  • Jantunen, S., & Huhtinen, A.-M. (2011). A Case-Study on American Perspectives on Cyber and Security. European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, (s. 163). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  • Kallender, P., & Hughes, C. W. (2017). Japan’s emerging trajectory as a ‘cyber power’: From securitization to militarization of cyberspace. Journal of Strategic Studies, 40(1), 118-145.
  • Kasper, A. (2014). The fragmented securitization of cyber threats. T. Kerikmäe içinde, Regulating eTechnologies in the European Union: Normative Realities and Trends (s. 157-187). Cham.: Springer.
  • Lawson, S. (2013). Beyond cyber-doom: Assessing the limits of hypothetical scenarios in the framing of cyber-threats. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 10(1), 86-103.
  • Lawson, S., & Middleton, M. K. (2019). Cyber Pearl Harbor: Analogy, fear, and the framing of cyber security threats in the United States, 1991-2016. First Monday, 24(3).
  • Lobato, L. C., & Kenkel, K. M. (2015). Discourses of cyberspace securitization in Brazil and in the United States. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 58(2), 23-43.
  • Maertens, L. (2015). Securitization in Pop Culture: the Environmental Threat According to Hollywood. Convention Annuelle de l’International Studies Association (ISA). La Nouvelle Orléans (USA).
  • Oskay, Ü. (1994). Popüler Kültür Açısından Çağdaş Fantazya: Bilim-Kurgu ve Korku Sineması. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Paker, E. B. (2009). Güvenlik endüstrisi ve güven(siz)liğin inşası: Bir toplumsal paranoyayı anlamak. Toplum ve Bilim(115), 204-225.
  • Rosewarne, L. (2016). Cinema and cyberphobia: Internet tropes in film and television. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 4(1), 36-53.
  • Sandywell, B. (2006). Monsters in cyberspace cyberphobia and cultural panic in the information age, Information. Community and Society, 9(1), 39-61.
  • Shad, M. R. (2019). Cyber threat landscape and readiness challenge of Pakistan. Strategic Studies, 39(1), 1-19.
  • Shires, J. (2020). Cyber-noir: Cybersecurity and popular culture. Contemporary Security Policy, 41(1), 82-107.
  • Viganò, L. (2020). Explaining Cybersecurity with Films and the Arts. In Imagine Math 7, 297-309.
  • Virgy, M. A., Destianira, C., & Mustofa, M. U. (2020). Social Media Shutdown: A Political and Cyber Securitization of Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election. Jurnal Studi Diplomasi Dan Keamanan, 12(2).
  • Waever, O. (1995). Securitization and Desecuritization. R. D. Lipschutz içinde, On Security (s. 7). New York: Columbia University Press. Yau, H.-m. (2020). Framing Cyber Security in Taiwan: A Perspective of Discursive Knowledge Production. Korean journal of defense analysis, 32(3), 457-474.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies, Radio-Television
Journal Section Türkçe Araştırma Makaleleri

Umur Bedir 0000-0002-6313-4028

Publication Date January 31, 2022
Submission Date August 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Bedir, U. (2022). Sinemada Sibergüvenlikleştirme Söylemi: İnternetle İlgili Popüler Korku ve Gerilim Filmlerinin Analizi. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 9(1), 403-419.