Research Article
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Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri

Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 55, 226 - 236, 31.07.2019


Günümüzün yoğun rekabet ortamında kurumsal itibar, şirketler
için önemli bir rekabet üstünlüğü sağlama unsuru olarak stratejik yönetim sürecinde
yer almaktadır. Artık uzun dönemli ve sürdürülebilir başarı hedefleyen
şirketler itibar yönetimi ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk gibi konulara daha önem
vermeye başlamışlardır.

Bu makalenin amacı kurumsal itibar kavramını irdeleyerek,
yönetimsel açıdan önemini ve etkilerini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda kurumsal
itibarın, yazında temellendirildiği kuramlar yardımıyla nasıl açıklanıp anlamlandırıldığı
tartışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, farklı disiplinler ve kuramsal
temellendirmeler baz alındığında itibarın örgütsel etki ve sonuçlarının değiştiği görülmüştür.
Ayrıca yeni bir itibar oluşum modeli önerilerek çeşitli teoriler
birleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kuramların itibarın nasıl oluştuğunu ve teoriler
tarafından ne şekilde açıkladığını anlamak özellikle kurumsal itibar yönetimi
açısından da önem taşımaktadır.


  • Aydemir, B. A. (2008). İşletmelerin yeni rekabet aracı olarak kurumsal itibar. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 10(2), 27-53.
  • Barnett, M.A., Jermier, J.M. ve Lafferty, B.A. (2006). Corporate reputation: The definitional landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(1), 26-38.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17 (1): 99-120.
  • Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64(1), 39-44.
  • Basdeo, D.K., Smith, K.G., Grimm, C.M., Rindova, V.P. ve Derfus, P.J. (2006). The impact of market actions on firm reputation, Strategic Management Journal, 27, 1205–1219.
  • Bergh, D. D., Ketchen, D. J., Jr., Boyd, B. K., ve Bergh, J. 2010. New frontiers of the reputation–performance relationship: Insights from multiple theories. Journal of Management, 36: 620-632.
  • Bitektine, A. (2011). Toward a theory of social judgments of organizations: The case of legitimacy, reputation, and status. Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 151-179.
  • Boyd, B. K., Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen Jr, D. J. (2010). Reconsidering the reputation—performance relationship: A resource-based view. Journal of management, 36(3), 588-609.
  • Boyd, B. K., Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen Jr, D. J. (2010). Reconsidering the reputation—performance relationship: A resource-based view. Journal of management, 36(3), 588-609.
  • Brammer, S. J., & Pavelin, S. (2006). Corporate reputation and social performance: The importance of fit. Journal of management studies, 43(3), 435-455.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. (2005). Corporate reputation and philanthropy: An empirical analysis. Journal of business ethics, 61(1), 29-44.
  • Cable, D. M., & Graham, M. E. (2000). The determinants of job seekers' reputation perceptions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(8), 929-947.
  • Carmeli, A. ve Tishler A. (2005). Perceived organisational reputation and organisational performance: An emperical investigation of industrial entrprises, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol:8, No:1, 13-20.
  • Carroll, A.B. (2008). A history of corporate social responsibility: concepts and practices. In Crane, A., McWilliams, A., Matten, D., Moon, J. and Siegel, D. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 19–46.
  • Collis, D. J., & Montgomery, C. A. (1998). Creating corporate advantage (pp. 71-83). Harvard Business School.
  • Combs, J.G. ve Ketchen, D.J. (1999). Explaining Interfirm Cooperatıon and Performance: Toward a Reconciliation of Predictions from the Resource-based Vıew and Organızatıonal Economics. Strategic Management Journal, 20: 867–888.
  • Çakır, T. (2009). Kurumsal itibar-örgütsel doku ilişkisine kuramsal yaklaşım-ı: Paydaş Teorisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (37), 49-64.
  • Davies G., Chun R., Da Silva, R. V. ve Poper S. (2003). Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness, Routledge, New York.
  • Deephouse, D. L. (2000). Media reputation as a strategic resource: An integration of mass communication and resource-based theories. Journal of Management, 26: 1091-1112.
  • Dörtok, A. (2004). Kurumsal İtibarınızdan Kaç Sıfır Atabilirsiniz? Rota Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (Eds.). (1991). The new institutionalism in organizational analysis (Vol. 17, pp. 1-38). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Ertuğrul, F. (2008). Paydaş Teorisi ve İşlemelerin Paydaşları ile İlişkilerinin Yönetimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 199–223.
  • Flanagan, D. J., & O’Shaughnessy, K. C. (2005). The effect of layoffs on firm reputation. Journal of Management, 31: 445-463.
  • Fombrun, C.J. ve Shanley, M. (1990). What’s in a name? Reputation building and corporate strategy. Academy of Management Journal, 33 (2), 233-258.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (1996). Reputation: Realizing Value From the Corporate Image. Boston: Harvard Business Scholl Press.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. (1997). The reputational landscape. Corporate reputation review, 1(2), 5-13.
  • Frederick, C. W. (1994). From CSR1 to CSR2: The Maturing of Business-and-Society Thought, Business and Society, 33 (2).
  • Freeman, R. E., (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman, Boston.
  • Helm, R., & Mark, A. (2007). Implications from cue utilisation theory and signalling theory for firm reputation and the marketing of new products. International Journal of Product Development, 4(3/4), 396.
  • Helm, S. (2011). Employees' awareness of their impact on corporate reputation. Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 657-663.
  • Karaköse, T. (2007). Örgütlerde İtibar Yönetimi, Akademik Bakış, sayı: 11, 1-12.
  • King, B. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2008). Rethinking the relationship between reputation and legitimacy: A social actor conceptualization. Corporate Reputation Review, 11(3), 192-207.
  • Mahon, J. F., Heugens, P. P., & Lamertz, K. (2004). Social networks and non‐market strategy. Journal of Public Affairs: An International Journal, 4(2), 170-189.
  • Meyer, J. W. ve Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2): 340-363.
  • Meyer, J.W. ve Scott, W.R. (1983). Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality. Beverly Hills: Sage.
  • Neville, B. A., Bell, S. J., & Mengüç, B. (2005). Corporate reputation, stakeholders and the social performance-financial performance relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 39(9/10), 1184-1198.
  • Özbağ, G. K. (2016). Rekabet Avantajı Yaratmada İki Temel Yaklaşım; Kaynak Tabanlı ve Endüstri Tabanlı Yönetim Modeli. Yeni Türkiye, 88, 888-899.
  • Özen, Ş. (2007). Yeni kurumsal kuram: Örgütleri çözümlemede yeni ufuklar ve yeni sorunlar. AS Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Der) Örgüt kuramları (237-331). Ankara: İmge.
  • Petkova, A. P. (2016). Standing out or blending in? The formation of new firms’ legitimacy and reputation under different levels of market uncertainty. Corporate Reputation Review, 19(1), 22-34.
  • Rindova, V. P., Williamson, I. O., & Petkova, A. P. (2010). Reputation as an intangible asset: Reflections on theory and methods in two empirical studies of business school reputations. Journal of Management, 36(3), 610-619.
  • Rindova, V., Williamson, I., Petkova, A., & Sever, J. (2005). Being good or being known: An empirical examination of the dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of organizational reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 48: 1033-1050.
  • Ruf, B. M., Muralidhar, K., Brown, R. M., Janney, J. J., & Paul, K. (2001). An empirical investigation of the relationship between change in corporate social performance and financial performance: A stakeholder theory perspective. Journal of business ethics, 32(2), 143-156.
  • Tucker, L. & Melewar T.C (2005). Corporate reputation and crisis management: The threat and manageability of anti-corporatism. Corporate Reputation Review, 7, 4, pp. 377-387.
  • Saylı, H., & Uğurlu, A. G. Ö. Y. (2007). Kurumsal itibar ve yönetsel etik ilişkisinin analizine yönelik bir değerlendirme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3).
  • Seitel, F. (2016). Halkla ilişkiler uygulaması. (Çeviri editörü: Seda Mengü). 12. Basım, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
  • Spence, M. (1973). Job Market Signaling, The Quertely Journal Of Economics 87.
  • Stanaland, A. J., Lwin, M. O., & Murphy, P. E. (2011). Consumer perceptions of the antecedents and consequences of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 102(1), 47-55.
  • Suchman, M.C., (1995). Managing Legitimacy: Strategic and Institutional Approaches, Academy of Management Review, Vol: 20, No: 3, 571-610.
  • The Huffington Post, (30 Ağustos 2013). The 16 best things Warren Buffett has ever said,. Erişim 12 Ocak 2017,
  • Ural, E. G. (2002). İtibar Yönetimi Değer Yaratan Bir Halkla İlişkiler Çalışması Olarak İtibar Yönetimi. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 83-93.
  • Walker, K. (2010). A systematic review of the corporate reputation literature: Definition, measurement, and theory. Corporate reputation review, 12(4), 357-387.
Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 55, 226 - 236, 31.07.2019



  • Aydemir, B. A. (2008). İşletmelerin yeni rekabet aracı olarak kurumsal itibar. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 10(2), 27-53.
  • Barnett, M.A., Jermier, J.M. ve Lafferty, B.A. (2006). Corporate reputation: The definitional landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(1), 26-38.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17 (1): 99-120.
  • Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64(1), 39-44.
  • Basdeo, D.K., Smith, K.G., Grimm, C.M., Rindova, V.P. ve Derfus, P.J. (2006). The impact of market actions on firm reputation, Strategic Management Journal, 27, 1205–1219.
  • Bergh, D. D., Ketchen, D. J., Jr., Boyd, B. K., ve Bergh, J. 2010. New frontiers of the reputation–performance relationship: Insights from multiple theories. Journal of Management, 36: 620-632.
  • Bitektine, A. (2011). Toward a theory of social judgments of organizations: The case of legitimacy, reputation, and status. Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 151-179.
  • Boyd, B. K., Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen Jr, D. J. (2010). Reconsidering the reputation—performance relationship: A resource-based view. Journal of management, 36(3), 588-609.
  • Boyd, B. K., Bergh, D. D., & Ketchen Jr, D. J. (2010). Reconsidering the reputation—performance relationship: A resource-based view. Journal of management, 36(3), 588-609.
  • Brammer, S. J., & Pavelin, S. (2006). Corporate reputation and social performance: The importance of fit. Journal of management studies, 43(3), 435-455.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. (2005). Corporate reputation and philanthropy: An empirical analysis. Journal of business ethics, 61(1), 29-44.
  • Cable, D. M., & Graham, M. E. (2000). The determinants of job seekers' reputation perceptions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(8), 929-947.
  • Carmeli, A. ve Tishler A. (2005). Perceived organisational reputation and organisational performance: An emperical investigation of industrial entrprises, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol:8, No:1, 13-20.
  • Carroll, A.B. (2008). A history of corporate social responsibility: concepts and practices. In Crane, A., McWilliams, A., Matten, D., Moon, J. and Siegel, D. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 19–46.
  • Collis, D. J., & Montgomery, C. A. (1998). Creating corporate advantage (pp. 71-83). Harvard Business School.
  • Combs, J.G. ve Ketchen, D.J. (1999). Explaining Interfirm Cooperatıon and Performance: Toward a Reconciliation of Predictions from the Resource-based Vıew and Organızatıonal Economics. Strategic Management Journal, 20: 867–888.
  • Çakır, T. (2009). Kurumsal itibar-örgütsel doku ilişkisine kuramsal yaklaşım-ı: Paydaş Teorisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (37), 49-64.
  • Davies G., Chun R., Da Silva, R. V. ve Poper S. (2003). Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness, Routledge, New York.
  • Deephouse, D. L. (2000). Media reputation as a strategic resource: An integration of mass communication and resource-based theories. Journal of Management, 26: 1091-1112.
  • Dörtok, A. (2004). Kurumsal İtibarınızdan Kaç Sıfır Atabilirsiniz? Rota Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (Eds.). (1991). The new institutionalism in organizational analysis (Vol. 17, pp. 1-38). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Ertuğrul, F. (2008). Paydaş Teorisi ve İşlemelerin Paydaşları ile İlişkilerinin Yönetimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 199–223.
  • Flanagan, D. J., & O’Shaughnessy, K. C. (2005). The effect of layoffs on firm reputation. Journal of Management, 31: 445-463.
  • Fombrun, C.J. ve Shanley, M. (1990). What’s in a name? Reputation building and corporate strategy. Academy of Management Journal, 33 (2), 233-258.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (1996). Reputation: Realizing Value From the Corporate Image. Boston: Harvard Business Scholl Press.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. (1997). The reputational landscape. Corporate reputation review, 1(2), 5-13.
  • Frederick, C. W. (1994). From CSR1 to CSR2: The Maturing of Business-and-Society Thought, Business and Society, 33 (2).
  • Freeman, R. E., (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman, Boston.
  • Helm, R., & Mark, A. (2007). Implications from cue utilisation theory and signalling theory for firm reputation and the marketing of new products. International Journal of Product Development, 4(3/4), 396.
  • Helm, S. (2011). Employees' awareness of their impact on corporate reputation. Journal of Business Research, 64(7), 657-663.
  • Karaköse, T. (2007). Örgütlerde İtibar Yönetimi, Akademik Bakış, sayı: 11, 1-12.
  • King, B. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2008). Rethinking the relationship between reputation and legitimacy: A social actor conceptualization. Corporate Reputation Review, 11(3), 192-207.
  • Mahon, J. F., Heugens, P. P., & Lamertz, K. (2004). Social networks and non‐market strategy. Journal of Public Affairs: An International Journal, 4(2), 170-189.
  • Meyer, J. W. ve Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2): 340-363.
  • Meyer, J.W. ve Scott, W.R. (1983). Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality. Beverly Hills: Sage.
  • Neville, B. A., Bell, S. J., & Mengüç, B. (2005). Corporate reputation, stakeholders and the social performance-financial performance relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 39(9/10), 1184-1198.
  • Özbağ, G. K. (2016). Rekabet Avantajı Yaratmada İki Temel Yaklaşım; Kaynak Tabanlı ve Endüstri Tabanlı Yönetim Modeli. Yeni Türkiye, 88, 888-899.
  • Özen, Ş. (2007). Yeni kurumsal kuram: Örgütleri çözümlemede yeni ufuklar ve yeni sorunlar. AS Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Der) Örgüt kuramları (237-331). Ankara: İmge.
  • Petkova, A. P. (2016). Standing out or blending in? The formation of new firms’ legitimacy and reputation under different levels of market uncertainty. Corporate Reputation Review, 19(1), 22-34.
  • Rindova, V. P., Williamson, I. O., & Petkova, A. P. (2010). Reputation as an intangible asset: Reflections on theory and methods in two empirical studies of business school reputations. Journal of Management, 36(3), 610-619.
  • Rindova, V., Williamson, I., Petkova, A., & Sever, J. (2005). Being good or being known: An empirical examination of the dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of organizational reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 48: 1033-1050.
  • Ruf, B. M., Muralidhar, K., Brown, R. M., Janney, J. J., & Paul, K. (2001). An empirical investigation of the relationship between change in corporate social performance and financial performance: A stakeholder theory perspective. Journal of business ethics, 32(2), 143-156.
  • Tucker, L. & Melewar T.C (2005). Corporate reputation and crisis management: The threat and manageability of anti-corporatism. Corporate Reputation Review, 7, 4, pp. 377-387.
  • Saylı, H., & Uğurlu, A. G. Ö. Y. (2007). Kurumsal itibar ve yönetsel etik ilişkisinin analizine yönelik bir değerlendirme. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3).
  • Seitel, F. (2016). Halkla ilişkiler uygulaması. (Çeviri editörü: Seda Mengü). 12. Basım, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
  • Spence, M. (1973). Job Market Signaling, The Quertely Journal Of Economics 87.
  • Stanaland, A. J., Lwin, M. O., & Murphy, P. E. (2011). Consumer perceptions of the antecedents and consequences of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 102(1), 47-55.
  • Suchman, M.C., (1995). Managing Legitimacy: Strategic and Institutional Approaches, Academy of Management Review, Vol: 20, No: 3, 571-610.
  • The Huffington Post, (30 Ağustos 2013). The 16 best things Warren Buffett has ever said,. Erişim 12 Ocak 2017,
  • Ural, E. G. (2002). İtibar Yönetimi Değer Yaratan Bir Halkla İlişkiler Çalışması Olarak İtibar Yönetimi. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 83-93.
  • Walker, K. (2010). A systematic review of the corporate reputation literature: Definition, measurement, and theory. Corporate reputation review, 12(4), 357-387.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Belgin Bahar

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 55


APA Bahar, B. (2019). Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14(55), 226-236.
AMA Bahar B. Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. July 2019;14(55):226-236. doi:10.19168/jyasar.483063
Chicago Bahar, Belgin. “Kurumsal İtibar Ve Kuramsal Temelleri”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, no. 55 (July 2019): 226-36.
EndNote Bahar B (July 1, 2019) Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 55 226–236.
IEEE B. Bahar, “Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 55, pp. 226–236, 2019, doi: 10.19168/jyasar.483063.
ISNAD Bahar, Belgin. “Kurumsal İtibar Ve Kuramsal Temelleri”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14/55 (July 2019), 226-236.
JAMA Bahar B. Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:226–236.
MLA Bahar, Belgin. “Kurumsal İtibar Ve Kuramsal Temelleri”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 55, 2019, pp. 226-3, doi:10.19168/jyasar.483063.
Vancouver Bahar B. Kurumsal İtibar ve Kuramsal Temelleri. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14(55):226-3.