Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 46, 338 - 359, 31.08.2023


Bilimsel bilgi, bireylerin günlük hayatlarının temel ve ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Konvansiyonel ve dijital medyadaki bilim haberleri, bireyler için önemli bir bilgi kaynağıdır. Bu anlamda medya bilimsel gelişmelerin aktarılmasında rehberlik gibi merkezi bir role sahiptir. Bilim muhabirleri karmaşık konuları ve bilimsel araştırmaları farklı seviyedeki takipçiler için anlaşılır kılmaktadır. Bu anlamda bilim alanındaki gelişmeler toplumun genelini kapsayacak şekilde medya aracılığıyla paylaşılmaktadır. Halkın özellikle tıbbi konulardaki yeni tedavi ve teknolojik gelişmelere karşı yoğun bir ilgisi söz konusudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, belirli bibliyometrik göstergelere dayalı bilim haberciliğinin önde gelen eğilimlerine genel bir bakış sağlamaktır. Bu amaçla Web of Science veri tabanında taranan bilim haberciliği ile ilgili makaleler analiz edilmektedir. Çalışmada bibliyometrik analiz için VOSviewer programı kullanılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak Web of Science veritabanında iletişim alanında bilim haberciliği ile ilgili 190 makalenin tarandığı tespit edilmektedir. Bu makalelerden 53 tanesinin Amerika Birleşik Devletlerindeki araştırmacılar tarafından yayımlandığı görülmektedir. Bu makaleler arasında Türkiye’den ise hiçbir çalışmanın yer almadığı dikkat çekmektedir.


  • Akgül, Y., Selçi, B. Y., Geçgil, G., & Yavuz, G. (2020). Yenilik Ekonomisi Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir İnceleme. The Journal of International Lingual Social and Educational Sciences, 6(1), 66-81.
  • Allan, Stuart. 2011. Introduction: science journalism in a digital age. Journalism, 12(7): 771–7. doi:10.1177/1464884911412688.
  • Alsharif, A. H., Salleh, N. Z. M. D. Baharun, R. (2020). Research Trends of Neuromarketing: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98(15), 2948-2962.
  • Amend, Elyse and Secko, David M. 2012. In the Face of Critique: a qualitative meta-synthesis of the experiences of journalists covering health and science. Science Communication, 32(2): 241–82. doi:10.1177/1075547011409952.
  • Ashe, Teresa. (2013). How the Media Report Scientific Risk and Uncertainty: A Review of the Literature. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
  • Ayhan, B., Baloğlu, E., & Livberber, T. (2018). Bilim ve Teknoloji Haberlerinin Dijital Medyada Sunumu. 7. Uluslararası Çin’den Adriyatk’e Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim 2018, Bakü–Azerbaycan, 202-214.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2007). Worldwide econometrics rankings: 1989-2005. Econometric Theory, 23(5), 952-1012.
  • Bonilla, C., Merigo, J. M. ve Torres-Abad, C. (2015). Economics in Latin America: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 105(2), 1239-1252.
  • Brechman, Jean M., Chul-joo Lee, and Joseph N. Cappella (2009). “Lost in Translation?: A Comparison of Cancer-Genetics Reporting in the Press Release and Its Subsequent Coverage in the Press.” Science Communication 30 (4): 453–474. doi:10.1177/1075547009332649.
  • Bütüner, O. (2022). Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Kavramının Bibliyometrik Analizi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(3), 2565-2590.
  • Castelfranchi Y, Massarani L and Ramalho M (2014). War, anxiety, optimism and triumph: A study on science in the main Brazilian TV news. Journal of Science Communication 13(3). Available at: https://
  • Cooper, Benjamin E. J., William E. Lee, Ben M. Goldacre, and Thomas A. Sanders. (2012). “The Quality of the Evidence for Dietary Advice Given in UK National Newspapers.” Public Under-standing of Science21: 664–673. doi:10.1177/0963662511401782.
  • Coupé, T. (2003). Revealed performances: Worldwide rankings of economists and economics departments, 1990-2000. Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(6), 1309-1345.
  • Crow, D., & Stevens, R. (2012). Local Science Reporting Relies on Generalists, Not Specialists. Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 35-48.
  • Demirbulat, Ö. G., & Dinç, N. T. (2017). Sürdürülebilir turizm konulu lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik profili. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 14(2), 20-30.
  • DeRosier C, Sulemana I, James HS Jr, Valdivia C, Folk W and Smith RDH (2015). A comparative analysis of media reporting of perceived risks and benefits of genetically modified crops and foods in Kenyan and international newspapers. Public Understanding of Science 24(5): 563–581.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Dönmez, İ. (2023). Newspapers in Science Communication: A Content Analysis on Science and Technology News. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 93-112.
  • Dudo, Anthony, Sharon Dunwoody, and Dietram A. Scheufele. (2011). “The Emergence of NanoNews: Tracking Thematic Trends and Changes in U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Nanotech-nology.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 88: 55–75. doi:10.1177/107769901108800104.   Dunwoody, S. (2014). Science journalism: Prospects in the digital age. In M. Bucchi, & B. Trench (Eds.), Routledge handbook of public communication of science and technology (pp. 43–55). Routledge.
  • Dunwoody, S. (2020). Science Journalism and Pandemic Uncertainty. Media and Communication, 8(2), 471–474. DOI: 10.17645/mac.v8i2.3224.
  • Dursun, O. (2018). Bilim Gazeteciliğinde Popülaritenin ve Pozitif Bilimlerin Hegemonyası. İletişim, 29, 83-114.
  • Fagerberg, J., Fosaas, M. ve Sapprasert, K. (2012). Innovation: exploring the knowledge base. Research Policy, 41(7), 1132-1153.
  • Guenther, L. (2019). Science journalism. In H. Ornebring (Ed.), Oxford encyclopedia of journalism studies. Oxford University Press.
  • Guenther, L., Bischoff, J., Löwe, A., Marzinkowski, H., & Voigt, M. (2019). Scientific evidence and science journalism: Analysing the representation of (un) certainty in German print and online media. Journalism studies, 20(1), 40-59.
  • Guenther, Lars, Klara Froehlich, and Georg Ruhrmann. (2015). “(Un)Certainty in the News: Journal-ists’ Decisionson Communicating the Scientific Evidence of Nanotechnology.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 92 (1): 199–220. doi:10.1177/1077699014559500. Holtzman, Neil A., Bernhardt, Barbara A., Mountcastle-Shah, Eliza, Rodgers, Joann E., Tambor, Ellen and Geller,
  • Gail. (2005). The Quality of Media Reports on Discoveries Related to Human Genetic Diseases. Community Genetics, 8(3): 133–44. doi:10.1159/000086756.
  • Joshi, A. (2018). Science Journalism and Communication in India: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7(22018), 10374- 10379.
  • Koch, Klaus. (2012). “Individualisierte Medizin: Wie Können Journalisten ein Realistisches Bild Ver-mitteln?” [Individualized Medicine and What Journalists Can Do to Build a More Realistic Picture?]. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 106: 23–28. doi:10.1016/j.zefq.2011.11.017.
  • Kuriya, Bindee, Elana C. Schneid, and Chaim M. Bell. (2008). “Quality of Pharmaceutical Industry Press Releases Based on Original Research.” Public Library of Science One 3 (7): 1–3. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002828.
  • Küçükvardar, M. (2020). Bilim Gazeteciliği: Haber Siteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi (52), 167-186.
  • Lai, W. Y. Y., & Lane, T. (2009). Characteristics of medical research news reported on front pages of newspapers. Plos one, 4(7): 1-7.
  • Landstrom, H., Harirchi, G. ve Astrom, F. (2012). Entrepreneurship: exploring the knowledge base. Research Policy, 41(7), 1154-1181.
  • Martínez-López, F. J., Merigó, J. M., Valenzuela-Fernández, L., & Nicolás, C. (2018). Fifty years of the European Journal of Marketing: a bibliometric analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 52(1/2), 439-468.
  • Midttun A, Coulter P, Gadzekpo A and Wang J (2015). Comparing media framings of climate change in developed, rapid growth and developing countries: Finding from Norway, China and Ghana. Energy & Environment 26(8): 1271–1292.
  • Murcott, T. H., & Williams, A. (2013). The challenges for science journalism in the UK. Progress in Physical Geography, 37(2), 152-160.
  • Nelkin, Dorothy. (1995). Selling Science: how the press covers science and technology. New York: W. H. Freeman.
  • Nguyen, A. ve Tran, M. (2019). Science journalism for development in the Global South: A systematic literature review of issues and challenges. Public Understanding of Science, 28(8), 973-990.
  • Nisbet, M. C., Brossard, D., & Kroepsch, A. (2003). Framing science: The stem cell controversy in an age of press/politics. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 8(2), 36-70.
  • Olvera-Lobo, M. D. ve López-Pérez, L. (2015). Science journalism: the standardisation of information from the press to the internet. Journal of Science Communication 14(3), 1-12.
  • Öztekin, H. & Şahin, M. (2020). Medyanın Bilimle İmtihanı: Türkiye'de Gazetelerde Yer Alan Bilim Haberleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (33), 178-197.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, N. P. ve Bachrach, D. G. (2008), Scholarly influence in the field of management: a bibliometric analysis of the determinants of university and author impact in the management literature in the past quarter century. Journal of Management, 34(4), 641-720.
  • Rensberger, B. (2009). “Science Journalism: Too Close for Comfort.” Nature 459 (7250): 1055–1056. doi:
  • Saf, H. H. (2023). Popülizm ve Sosyal Medyayla İlgili Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 10(1), 283-304.
  • Schafer, M. (2011). Science Journalism and Fact Checking. Journal of Science Communication, 10(4): 1-5.
  • Schneider, Jen. (2010). “Making Space for the‘Nuances of Truth’: Communication and Uncertaintyat an Environmental Journalists’ Workshop.” Science Communication, 32: 171–201. doi:10.1177/1075547009340344.
  • Schwartz, L. M., Woloshin, S., Andrews, A., & Stukel, T. A. (2012). Influence of medical journal press releases on the quality of associated newspaper coverage: retrospective cohort study. BMJ, 344: 1-11. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d8164.
  • Secko, D. M., E. Amend, and T. Friday. (2013). “Four Models of Science Journalism: A Synthesis and Practical Assessment.” Journalism Practice, 7(1): 62–80.
  • Van Eck, N. J. & Waltman, L. (2010), “Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping”, Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2007). VOS: A new method for visualizing similarities between objects. In H.-J. Lenz & R. Decker (Eds.), Advances in data analysis: Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the German Classification Society (299-306). Heidelberg: Springer.   Williams, A., & Clifford, S. (2010). Mapping the field: A political economic account of specialist science news journalism in the UK national media. Report funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and commissioned by the Expert Group on Science and the Media. Erişim Adresi:
  • Woloshin, S., & Schwartz, L. M. (2006). Media reporting on research presented at scientific meetings: more caution needed. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(11), 576-580.
  • Wormer, Holger. (2008). “Science Journalism.” In The International Encyclopaedia of Communication, edited by Wolfgang Donsbach, 4512–4514. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Yıldırım, İ. E., & Ergüt, Ö. (2006). Uluslararası ekonometri, yöneylem araştırması ve istatistik sempozyumu’nun bibliyometrik analizi. Sosyal Bilimler Metinleri, 2014(2), 1-24.
  • Yumuşak, T. (2019). Kadın girişimciliğin bibliyometrik durum analizi. Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 5(3), 182-192.


Year 2023, Issue: 46, 338 - 359, 31.08.2023


Scientific knowledge has become a fundamental and integral part of individuals' daily lives. Science news in conventional and digital media is an important source of information for individuals. In this sense, the media has a central role as a guide in conveying scientific developments. Science journalists make complex topics and scientific research understandable for audiences at different levels. In this sense, developments in the field of science are shared through the media to the general public. The public has a keen interest in new treatments and technological developments, especially in medical issues. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the leading trends in science journalism based on specific bibliometric indicators. For this purpose, articles related to science journalism scanned in the Web of Science database are analyzed. The study uses the VOSviewer program for bibliometric analysis. As a result, it is determined that 190 articles related to science journalism in the field of communication are scanned in the Web of Science database. It is seen that 53 of these articles were published by researchers in the United States of America. It is noteworthy that there is no study from Turkey among these articles.


  • Akgül, Y., Selçi, B. Y., Geçgil, G., & Yavuz, G. (2020). Yenilik Ekonomisi Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir İnceleme. The Journal of International Lingual Social and Educational Sciences, 6(1), 66-81.
  • Allan, Stuart. 2011. Introduction: science journalism in a digital age. Journalism, 12(7): 771–7. doi:10.1177/1464884911412688.
  • Alsharif, A. H., Salleh, N. Z. M. D. Baharun, R. (2020). Research Trends of Neuromarketing: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98(15), 2948-2962.
  • Amend, Elyse and Secko, David M. 2012. In the Face of Critique: a qualitative meta-synthesis of the experiences of journalists covering health and science. Science Communication, 32(2): 241–82. doi:10.1177/1075547011409952.
  • Ashe, Teresa. (2013). How the Media Report Scientific Risk and Uncertainty: A Review of the Literature. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
  • Ayhan, B., Baloğlu, E., & Livberber, T. (2018). Bilim ve Teknoloji Haberlerinin Dijital Medyada Sunumu. 7. Uluslararası Çin’den Adriyatk’e Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim 2018, Bakü–Azerbaycan, 202-214.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2007). Worldwide econometrics rankings: 1989-2005. Econometric Theory, 23(5), 952-1012.
  • Bonilla, C., Merigo, J. M. ve Torres-Abad, C. (2015). Economics in Latin America: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 105(2), 1239-1252.
  • Brechman, Jean M., Chul-joo Lee, and Joseph N. Cappella (2009). “Lost in Translation?: A Comparison of Cancer-Genetics Reporting in the Press Release and Its Subsequent Coverage in the Press.” Science Communication 30 (4): 453–474. doi:10.1177/1075547009332649.
  • Bütüner, O. (2022). Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Kavramının Bibliyometrik Analizi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(3), 2565-2590.
  • Castelfranchi Y, Massarani L and Ramalho M (2014). War, anxiety, optimism and triumph: A study on science in the main Brazilian TV news. Journal of Science Communication 13(3). Available at: https://
  • Cooper, Benjamin E. J., William E. Lee, Ben M. Goldacre, and Thomas A. Sanders. (2012). “The Quality of the Evidence for Dietary Advice Given in UK National Newspapers.” Public Under-standing of Science21: 664–673. doi:10.1177/0963662511401782.
  • Coupé, T. (2003). Revealed performances: Worldwide rankings of economists and economics departments, 1990-2000. Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(6), 1309-1345.
  • Crow, D., & Stevens, R. (2012). Local Science Reporting Relies on Generalists, Not Specialists. Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 35-48.
  • Demirbulat, Ö. G., & Dinç, N. T. (2017). Sürdürülebilir turizm konulu lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik profili. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 14(2), 20-30.
  • DeRosier C, Sulemana I, James HS Jr, Valdivia C, Folk W and Smith RDH (2015). A comparative analysis of media reporting of perceived risks and benefits of genetically modified crops and foods in Kenyan and international newspapers. Public Understanding of Science 24(5): 563–581.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Dönmez, İ. (2023). Newspapers in Science Communication: A Content Analysis on Science and Technology News. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 93-112.
  • Dudo, Anthony, Sharon Dunwoody, and Dietram A. Scheufele. (2011). “The Emergence of NanoNews: Tracking Thematic Trends and Changes in U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Nanotech-nology.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 88: 55–75. doi:10.1177/107769901108800104.   Dunwoody, S. (2014). Science journalism: Prospects in the digital age. In M. Bucchi, & B. Trench (Eds.), Routledge handbook of public communication of science and technology (pp. 43–55). Routledge.
  • Dunwoody, S. (2020). Science Journalism and Pandemic Uncertainty. Media and Communication, 8(2), 471–474. DOI: 10.17645/mac.v8i2.3224.
  • Dursun, O. (2018). Bilim Gazeteciliğinde Popülaritenin ve Pozitif Bilimlerin Hegemonyası. İletişim, 29, 83-114.
  • Fagerberg, J., Fosaas, M. ve Sapprasert, K. (2012). Innovation: exploring the knowledge base. Research Policy, 41(7), 1132-1153.
  • Guenther, L. (2019). Science journalism. In H. Ornebring (Ed.), Oxford encyclopedia of journalism studies. Oxford University Press.
  • Guenther, L., Bischoff, J., Löwe, A., Marzinkowski, H., & Voigt, M. (2019). Scientific evidence and science journalism: Analysing the representation of (un) certainty in German print and online media. Journalism studies, 20(1), 40-59.
  • Guenther, Lars, Klara Froehlich, and Georg Ruhrmann. (2015). “(Un)Certainty in the News: Journal-ists’ Decisionson Communicating the Scientific Evidence of Nanotechnology.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 92 (1): 199–220. doi:10.1177/1077699014559500. Holtzman, Neil A., Bernhardt, Barbara A., Mountcastle-Shah, Eliza, Rodgers, Joann E., Tambor, Ellen and Geller,
  • Gail. (2005). The Quality of Media Reports on Discoveries Related to Human Genetic Diseases. Community Genetics, 8(3): 133–44. doi:10.1159/000086756.
  • Joshi, A. (2018). Science Journalism and Communication in India: Challenges and Way Forward. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7(22018), 10374- 10379.
  • Koch, Klaus. (2012). “Individualisierte Medizin: Wie Können Journalisten ein Realistisches Bild Ver-mitteln?” [Individualized Medicine and What Journalists Can Do to Build a More Realistic Picture?]. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 106: 23–28. doi:10.1016/j.zefq.2011.11.017.
  • Kuriya, Bindee, Elana C. Schneid, and Chaim M. Bell. (2008). “Quality of Pharmaceutical Industry Press Releases Based on Original Research.” Public Library of Science One 3 (7): 1–3. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002828.
  • Küçükvardar, M. (2020). Bilim Gazeteciliği: Haber Siteleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi (52), 167-186.
  • Lai, W. Y. Y., & Lane, T. (2009). Characteristics of medical research news reported on front pages of newspapers. Plos one, 4(7): 1-7.
  • Landstrom, H., Harirchi, G. ve Astrom, F. (2012). Entrepreneurship: exploring the knowledge base. Research Policy, 41(7), 1154-1181.
  • Martínez-López, F. J., Merigó, J. M., Valenzuela-Fernández, L., & Nicolás, C. (2018). Fifty years of the European Journal of Marketing: a bibliometric analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 52(1/2), 439-468.
  • Midttun A, Coulter P, Gadzekpo A and Wang J (2015). Comparing media framings of climate change in developed, rapid growth and developing countries: Finding from Norway, China and Ghana. Energy & Environment 26(8): 1271–1292.
  • Murcott, T. H., & Williams, A. (2013). The challenges for science journalism in the UK. Progress in Physical Geography, 37(2), 152-160.
  • Nelkin, Dorothy. (1995). Selling Science: how the press covers science and technology. New York: W. H. Freeman.
  • Nguyen, A. ve Tran, M. (2019). Science journalism for development in the Global South: A systematic literature review of issues and challenges. Public Understanding of Science, 28(8), 973-990.
  • Nisbet, M. C., Brossard, D., & Kroepsch, A. (2003). Framing science: The stem cell controversy in an age of press/politics. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 8(2), 36-70.
  • Olvera-Lobo, M. D. ve López-Pérez, L. (2015). Science journalism: the standardisation of information from the press to the internet. Journal of Science Communication 14(3), 1-12.
  • Öztekin, H. & Şahin, M. (2020). Medyanın Bilimle İmtihanı: Türkiye'de Gazetelerde Yer Alan Bilim Haberleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (33), 178-197.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, N. P. ve Bachrach, D. G. (2008), Scholarly influence in the field of management: a bibliometric analysis of the determinants of university and author impact in the management literature in the past quarter century. Journal of Management, 34(4), 641-720.
  • Rensberger, B. (2009). “Science Journalism: Too Close for Comfort.” Nature 459 (7250): 1055–1056. doi:
  • Saf, H. H. (2023). Popülizm ve Sosyal Medyayla İlgili Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 10(1), 283-304.
  • Schafer, M. (2011). Science Journalism and Fact Checking. Journal of Science Communication, 10(4): 1-5.
  • Schneider, Jen. (2010). “Making Space for the‘Nuances of Truth’: Communication and Uncertaintyat an Environmental Journalists’ Workshop.” Science Communication, 32: 171–201. doi:10.1177/1075547009340344.
  • Schwartz, L. M., Woloshin, S., Andrews, A., & Stukel, T. A. (2012). Influence of medical journal press releases on the quality of associated newspaper coverage: retrospective cohort study. BMJ, 344: 1-11. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d8164.
  • Secko, D. M., E. Amend, and T. Friday. (2013). “Four Models of Science Journalism: A Synthesis and Practical Assessment.” Journalism Practice, 7(1): 62–80.
  • Van Eck, N. J. & Waltman, L. (2010), “Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping”, Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2007). VOS: A new method for visualizing similarities between objects. In H.-J. Lenz & R. Decker (Eds.), Advances in data analysis: Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the German Classification Society (299-306). Heidelberg: Springer.   Williams, A., & Clifford, S. (2010). Mapping the field: A political economic account of specialist science news journalism in the UK national media. Report funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and commissioned by the Expert Group on Science and the Media. Erişim Adresi:
  • Woloshin, S., & Schwartz, L. M. (2006). Media reporting on research presented at scientific meetings: more caution needed. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(11), 576-580.
  • Wormer, Holger. (2008). “Science Journalism.” In The International Encyclopaedia of Communication, edited by Wolfgang Donsbach, 4512–4514. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Yıldırım, İ. E., & Ergüt, Ö. (2006). Uluslararası ekonometri, yöneylem araştırması ve istatistik sempozyumu’nun bibliyometrik analizi. Sosyal Bilimler Metinleri, 2014(2), 1-24.
  • Yumuşak, T. (2019). Kadın girişimciliğin bibliyometrik durum analizi. Gazi İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 5(3), 182-192.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Enes Baloğlu 0000-0002-3765-7546

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 46


APA Baloğlu, E. (2023). BİLİM HABERCİLİĞİ ÇALIŞMALARININ BİBLİYOMETRİK PROFİLİ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(46), 338-359.

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