Kağan Günçe Prof. Dr. Eastern Mediterranean University
Publication 1 Review 5
1 Publication
5 Review

Research Fields

Interior Architecture Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Architectural Design Protection, Restoration and Repair in Buildings, Environment, Habitation and Products Architecture and Environmental Psychology


Kağan Günçe is Professor of Architecture at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) in North Cyprus. He is a full-time professor in the Department of Interior Architecture, EMU. He also serves as Vice-Chair of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research at EMU. He has a Bachelor degree in Architectural Program, a Master (of Science) degree in Architecture Program and Ph.D. in Architectural Theory from EMU, Department of Architecture. He was the director of HERA-C (Housing Education, Research & Advisory Centre) and he was the head of the Interior Architecture Department at EMU. He was a long-time University senator and is currently the elected professor representative senator. His research interests include architectural theory, design, environmental psychology, conservation, housing issues and childhood space. He has also collaborated with researchers in several other disciplines such as role of technology in shaping memory of architectural space / topics in profession and education of interior architecture. He has articles, papers in many national and international journals & conferences, and international research projects in the mentioned fields. His academic work has received many citations in web of science platform.



Eastern Mediterranean University




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