Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1. Journal title: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research has been published since 1990 as an interdisciplinary scientific/academic journal focusing on tourism research.
2. Frequency of publication: The journal is published twice a year, in April and October.

3. Type of publication: The journal is published in print and online (open access).
4. Publication language: The publication language of the journal is Turkish. The title, abstract and keywords of the articles are published in two languages, Turkish and English. Additional papers such as reviews, reports and meeting abstracts are published in Turkish, and the English title, abstract and key words of the papers are also included.
5. Number of articles in one issue: Each issue has seven peer-reviewed articles and additional papers.
6. Manuscript evaluation process: All proposed manuscripts are first pre-evaluated by the editor-in-chief. The manuscripts that pass the preliminary evaluation are taken to the double-blind peer-review process. With the blind peer-review, manuscripts are subjected to an objective evaluation based on the content of the manuscript. At least two academicians take role as reviewers for the manuscripts. The evaluation process of manuscripts includes the following stages: The manuscript is submitted to the journal, the editors make a preliminary evaluation, the manuscripts that are successful in the preliminary evaluation are directed to the field editor, the field editor examines the manuscript and assigns two appropriate reviewers to the manuscript, the reviewers accept to review the manuscript, complete their reviews and send it to the field editor through the system. At this stage, the manuscript may be accepted, the authors may be asked to make revisions or the editors may decide to reject the manuscript. In case of rejection of the manuscript, a detailed and comprehensive justification for rejection explaining the weaknesses of the study is sent to the authors. Authors may use the information contained in the reasoned report to improve their manuscript before submitting it to another journal. Authors are expected to respect the ethical rules in relation to plagiarism, slicing, fabrication, manipulation, lack of mentioning the funds or support and author issues (conflict of interest, lack of authors, order of authors, intellectual right of authors etc.) for their papers to be submitted to the journal. Before submission, papers should be scanned with "iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software" and the report should be involved in to the submission documents. For editorial process, the maximum acceptable rate is 15% excluding references and citations. In addition, the similarity rate with each source should not exceed 1%. Manuscripts with similarity rate above the specified rates will not be evaluated and will be rejected.
7. The reviewer list: The names of the academics who took role as reviewers for a year and the number of times they reviewed manuscripts are published in the last issue of the year as a list.
8. Time given to authors for revision: Thirty days are given to the authors for pre-check and revision requests of the reviewers. If the authors do not submit the revised manuscript within this period, manuscript is rejected.
9. Compliance with the universal ethical rules: The journal management agrees to comply with the scientific and publishing ethical rules determined at the universal level.
10. Editor’s responsibilities: Editors accept in advance the obligation to evaluate the manuscripts proposed to the journal in terms of scientific content, regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religious beliefs or political philosophies. It is ensured that all information about the submitted paper is kept confidential until it is published. Editors keep the information and ideas obtained through peer-review confidential and do not use them for their personal interests. They ensure that field editors don't use it for their personal interests either. Editors may not use the manuscript submitted to the journal or certain parts of the manuscript for personal research purposes. They also ensure that field editors and editorial board members do not use it. Editors attach importance that the content and quality of the proposed manuscript contribute to the scientific development of the tourism literature. The final decision on publication is made based on the importance of the topic, its originality, its contribution to the literature and practice, the validity of the study, and its suitability for the scope of the journal. While the final decision is given by the editors, editors can consult the field editors and reviewers when making this decision. Editors do not evaluate manuscripts by authors with conflicts of interest arising from their personal connections. These manuscripts are reviewed by field editors or members of the editorial board. This also applies if the editors have a conflict of interest with an institution/organization mentioned in the manuscript. Editors agree to avoid any conflicts of interest or competition that may arise between authors and reviewers. Editors request authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest prior to publication. If a conflict of interest is determined after the study is published, which the authors did not specify in the manuscript, the study is retracted by the journal editor. The published article is marked as “retracted” from the journal.
11. Authors’ responsibilities: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research professionally conducts every stage of the manuscript evaluation and publication processes. For this reason, there are some responsibilities that authors, such as editors and reviewers, must undertake. Expectations of the journal from the authors are as follows:

  • Authors should ensure the originality of the manuscript they submit to the journal. They should declare that the manuscript has not been published anywhere, in any language, or has not been proposed to another journal for publication.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared following the "author’s guidance".
  • While the manuscript is submitted to the journal via the submission system, the authors' information and order should be written carefully. If an error is made in the order of the authors, if the order is changed, if a new author is added to the manuscript, or if an author is removed from the study, the editor should be informed. In such matters, the reason for the change of the author status should be presented to the editor in writing.
  • Copyrighted materials (such as tables, figures, or other quotations) may only be published with valid permission and copyright approval. Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions and approval documents and submitting them to the journal.
  • Permission must be obtained from the owners for using scales, questionnaires, and photographs/visuals belonging to other researchers. The obtained permission document must be uploaded to the system at the time of manuscript submission.
  • Authors must comply with the Turkish language and expression rules throughout the manuscript. In addition, Turkish equivalents of foreign concepts and words that have common equivalents in Turkish should be preferred.
  • For editorial review, authors may be asked to share the study's raw data with the journal editorial. In this case, the authors are obliged to share the data.
  • Authors should cite references appropriately and indicate the relevant sources following the journal's writing rules. For detailed information on reference and citation, see the "author’s guidance".
  • Method and application information should be carefully explained in terms of "reproducibility" in applied studies and the subject and content of the manuscripts.
  • Authors should submit the revised manuscript to the submission system within the time given, based on the revisions they received during the review process of the manuscript.
  • The “response to reviewers” file should also be uploaded when submitting the revised manuscript to the system. The authors' revision notes and comments regarding the reviewers' suggestions should be included in this file. An example of this file can be seen via.
  • Authors cannot request the information of the reviewers who evaluated their manuscripts. The double-blind peer review system is applied in Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research.
  • Authors should check the journal's research ethics directive and act in accordance with ethical rules.
  • If the manuscript includes human participants, the authors must obtain ethics committee approval and upload the document to the system in addition to the manuscript. Moreover, the document number regarding the ethics committee's approval should be given in the manuscript.
  • Persons or organizations that made significant contributions to the research should be included in the acknowledgment section of the manuscript. The financial support and project funds used should also be disclosed here.
  • If there is a conflict of interest, the authors should declare it at the time of submission to the journal. Based on the conflict of interest statement, the editor decides how to further the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, the authors must declare in the manuscript that there is no conflict of interest.
  • The corresponding author undertakes the responsibility for the manuscript on behalf of co-authors during the submission and publication processes. She/he is also responsible for informing the co-authors about the process and evaluations regarding the manuscript.

12. Reviewers' responsibilities: Manuscripts submitted to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research and passed through editorial review are evaluated by expert reviewers. The reviewers invited by the editor accept the invitation from the journal system and assume the role of reviewing. The reviewer evaluation process is carried out with a double-blind peer review system. At this stage, the expectations of Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research from the reviewers are as follows:

  • When the reviewers think that the content of the submitted manuscript is incompatible with their scientific field or expertise, or when they cannot make a quick and comprehensive evaluation, they should inform the editor and ask for resignation from the evaluation process.
  • Every manuscript sent to the reviewers is confidential, so reviewers should not share or discuss the manuscripts they have reviewed with anyone.
  • The reviewers must upload their reports to the system within the time assigned. In case of a possible delay, the editor should be informed, and additional time should be requested.
  • Reviewers cannot request access to the author information of the manuscript they are reviewing, and each study is evaluated anonymously.
  • Reviewers are responsible for evaluating the manuscript they have reviewed in terms of scientific content and contributing to the quality of the study.
  • Reviewers should clearly express their views on the study with supporting arguments. Reviewers' reports should be objective, clear and understandable, and academic language should be used.
  • Reviewers should check the references and citations within the manuscript. The author should be warned if there are sentences that need to be cited. The editor should be informed if the manuscript has any copyright infringement or plagiarism issues exist.
  • If it is determined that the manuscript contains significant similarities with another published paper, the editor should be informed.
  • Reviewers cannot use all or any part of the manuscripts they have reviewed or the materials used in the manuscript in their studies.
  • Reviewers should not consider a manuscript with a conflict of interest; if any conflict of interest is detected, the editor should be informed.

13. Publication fee: There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research.
14. Expertise in using the Turkish language: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research aims to contribute to the development of Turkish as a scientific language and expects the Turkish language and expression rules to be followed in the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Authors should use the common Turkish equivalents of concepts and words developed in foreign languages.
15. Article publication in the following issues: During the pre-review process of the manuscripts submitted to the journal, the journal editor checks whether any articles of the author(s) have been published before in the Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research. If an article of the author(s) has been published in the journal before, this article’s volume and issue numbers are recorded in the follow-up chart. The articles of the same author(s) cannot be published in successive issues. A new article by the same author can only be published in the second issue following the issue in which the article was published (even if it is a joint work with different authors). In this case, if the manuscript is accepted, it is included in the articles ready for publication and is put in order for publication.
16. Authorship in the publication based on post-graduate thesis: Manuscripts prepared based on master's, or doctoral theses should be specified by the authors at the submission stage. In the manuscripts prepared based on theses, student and advisor (if any, the second legal advisor) who prepared the thesis are accepted as the authors. If the thesis student wants to submit a manuscript based on the thesis as a single author, the student is expected to obtain a letter from his/her advisor stating that the advisor has waived authorship rights and send it to the journal editor at the submission stage. The same applies to the thesis advisor as well. The advisor must also obtain a waiver letter of authorship from the thesis student and submit it.
17. Author ranking: The authors whose names are mentioned in the manuscript submitted to the journal must academically and scientifically have a direct contribution to the research, and the author(s) are obliged to indicate all the people who contributed to the manuscript they submit to the journal. People who contributed significantly to the manuscript should be cited as co-authors. For the manuscript to be submitted to the journal, the consent of all co-authors must be obtained. People who did not contribute to the manuscript but supported the research (such as technical support and helping in the reporting stage) should be listed in the acknowledgments/information section. Author ranking should be determined by the joint decision of all authors. The author order should be specified in the file containing the author information. Requests for adding/removing authors or changing the ranking of the authors are not considered in situations where the evaluation process has started.
The student is the first author in the manuscripts based on the post-graduate thesis. The thesis advisor is listed as the second author; if any, the second advisor is listed as the third. Situations and relationships that may have a conflict of interest should be specified during the manuscript submission stage. Journal management is not a party to the conflicts that may arise about the authorship ranking after the article is published. In manuscripts with more than one author, one of the authors should be indicated as the "corresponding author." The corresponding author should be in contact with the editor/field editors beginning from the evaluation stage to the publication stage and should ensure that other authors are included in the process.
18. Withdrawing the article: Author(s) has the right to withdraw their manuscripts before they are submitted to peer review. After the peer-review process has started, any manuscript cannot be withdrawn until the first result is obtained. Author(s) who withdraw their manuscript twice within five years are blacklisted, and the manuscripts they submit later are not considered. At the end of the evaluation process, the author/s who want to withdraw their manuscripts should forward the signed file to the editor with the reasons for the withdrawal. The editorial board should review the reasons for withdrawal stated by the authors and return to the author within 15 days at the latest. Studies that have not completed the withdrawal process and are not approved by the editorial board will not be sent to another journal. Authors should contact the editor if they notice any errors in their published or early-view article. On the other hand, if there is a suspicion of plagiarism in the published articles, an investigation is initiated by the journal's editorial office. If the article is decided to be withdrawn at the end of the investigation, the author is informed with a detailed report prepared by the editorial office. In electronic display, the phrase "Withdrawn" is added to the title of the article. A notice of withdrawal is announced on the journal's website. The reason for the withdrawal is shared on the journal's website, along with detailed sources of evidence.
19. Ethical standards: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research adopts the ethical standards determined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research's publication policies present clear guidelines for authors to follow. There are ethical guidelines for journal editors and reviewers to follow, as well as for authors. Key ethical issues to guide authors are listed below.
   Authorship: All authors credited in the manuscript are required to have contributed substantially to the manuscript, which will undergo a rigorous review process. The contribution may be related to the theoretical structure of the research, research design, data analysis, or reporting. At this point, it is extremely important to avoid ghost authorship and gift authorship. All authors (corresponding and co-authors) are equally responsible for the contents and results of published article.
   Plagiarism: According to The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) plagiarism is “when somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment”. In order to submit a manuscript to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research, author(s) are required to provide proper citations to all kinds of works (e.g., graduate theses, proceedings, articles, books, etc.) that they have used in their research and not to violate the intellectual property rights of other researchers. Author(s) should avoid any form of citation manipulation as described in the COPE Discussion Document. In addition, when quoting from other researchers' work or your own work, the following points should be ensured:

  • Clearly indicate the source of the citation in both text and the bibliography,
  • For previously published figures, tables, scales, etc., permission is received (if required) from the right holder,
  • A direct quotation text is provided in accordance with the journal's rules.

   Conflicts of Interest: Authors submitting a manuscript to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest regarding the individuals, institutions, and organizations that directly or indirectly financially support the research. If any conflict of interest is detected before or after publication, the processes recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) will be followed.
   Ethical oversight: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research adopts the international ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics for the publication of research and studies on vulnerable groups and individuals. Accordingly, it includes, but is not limited to, ethical oversight, permission to publish, publication on vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals, ethical conduct of research using human subjects, handling of confidential data, and ethical business/marketing policies.
   Privacy Statement: In Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research, author names and e-mail addresses will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal. Author information will not be used for any other purpose.
20. Ethics Committee Permission Certificate: In qualitative or quantitative studies requiring data collection from participants through survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, or interview techniques, permission from the ethics committee needs to be provided. This document should be submitted to the editorial board during the manuscript submission stage. In order to decide whether the research requires ethics committee permission, one may answer the following questions from the TR Index about when ethics committee permission is or not required:

  1. Will your study involve human participants with or without their knowledge or consent at the time?
  2. Will people, animals, materials or data be used for experimental or other scientific purposes?
  3. Will your study have any risk of physical or psychological harm to any person, whether a participant or not?
  4. Will you have access to personal information and/or data that allows you to identify individuals or confidential company or company information?
  5. Does your work constitute a significant risk to the environment or society?
  6. Are there any ethical issues raised by your work that require further ethical review?

If you have responded to any of the above questions as 'yes', you will be required to obtain an "Ethics Committee Approval Document".
21. Copyright: Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Studies holds the publication rights of the articles published in the journal. The article in question cannot be published in another journal or language without the written consent of the journal management.
22. Priority publication right: Manuscripts proposed to the journal will be published with priority in the first issue following the date of acceptance after the editor/referee evaluation if they meet the below requirements:
Criticism, error correction, etc. related to an article published in the journal. However, in order to be considered, such articles need to meet the scientific/academic content, feature, and format requirements.
In order to encourage new and original themes in the articles submitted to the journal, climate studies; tourism and environment studies; tourism-based multidisciplinary studies; studies focusing on the relationship between tourism and philosophy, sociology, psychology, and anthropology; culinary culture; studies exploring culinary culture, supply-demand relations in tourism are published with priority.