Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles
Publication Ethics
• Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication is published twice a year, in March and September. In the journal, compilations, research articles, theoretical and theoretical articles related to the field of communication sciences are published. The short name of Gümüşhane University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal, which is an academic and peer-reviewed journal, is "e-gifder".
• Manuscripts previously published in the journal, accepted for publication and being evaluated for publication are not accepted. The ethical violation or responsibility in this matter belongs to the author(s). However, the fact that the article was presented as a paper in a congress, symposium or a meeting is not an obstacle for its publication. Such cases should be stated in the footnote as in the spelling rules and this is the responsibility of the authors. All responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author. It cannot be quoted without giving reference.
• If a correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made within 2 weeks at the latest. Article acceptance begins after the relevant issue is published. The editorial board or editorial board of our journal may terminate or start the publication acceptance process, depending on the application situation or if they deem it necessary.
• Articles are published with the positive report of at least two referees. If one of the two referees gives a positive report and the other a negative report, the work is sent to a third referee. The report of the third referee is decisive. However, the editor-in-chief has all kinds of right of disposition in all processes from the preliminary examination stage to the editing stage regarding the publication or non-publishing of the work, provided that he/she states the reason in accordance with scientific ethical principles. Every author or author who sends his work to e-gifder is deemed to have accepted this rule in advance.
• The publication ethics and open access policy of Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication are also in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (For example, the “Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Journal Best Practice Guidelines for Editors; “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”) require all components of the publication process to comply with ethical principles.
• Articles sent to Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication (e-gifder) are evaluated by double-blind peer-review process and published electronically with free access.
• Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication (e-gifder) does not demand any subscription fee, publication fee or similar payment for the articles sent to the journal and access to these resources.
• All copyrights of the published articles belong Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication. The copyrights of a work are transferred to e-gifder after the work is uploaded to the journal system. Also, no royalties are paid to authors.
• Below are the ethical responsibilities, roles and duties of journal editors, reviewers and authors.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and Assistant Editors
• The publication or publication of an article sent to the journal in the relevant issue is entirely at the discretion of the editor-in-chief. Editors in chief have the right to publish the completed articles in the next issues when they deem necessary. Authors are deemed to have accepted this rule in advance by submitting their article to this journal.
• All developments and results in the manuscript process are reported to the first author online. Very successful studies prepared in accordance with the principles of Scientific Research Methods can also be published with the decision of the editor-in-chief.
• The article sent to the journal for publication is first reviewed by the editor, then submitted for the opinion of the editorial board and sent to the referees for evaluation after the positive opinion of the editorial board. The articles that have passed the peer-reviews and whose necessary deficiencies have been corrected by the author are placed in the publication queue and then published.
• Editors strive to meet the information needs of authors, referees, researchers, practitioners and readers, to provide feedback when necessary, and to act according to the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation in the publication process.
• Editors take into consideration the original value of the article, its contribution to the field of communication science, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the narrative, and the purpose and scope of the journal when making a positive or negative decision about the articles.
• Editors take the articles to the preliminary evaluation stage as long as they do not have significant problems and comply with the publication and writing rules of the journal. During the pre-evaluation phase, it may contact the author for the corrections it deems necessary and may request that necessary corrections be made before the article is evaluated.
Editors in chief may reject the article if the applied article does not fall within the field of communication sciences, does not comply with the principles of scientific writing and publication, does not have original value, the validity and reliability of the research method is not sufficient, the explanation is not clear and does not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal.
• Editors consider positive reviewer suggestions.
• Editors apply the policies of blind refereeing and evaluation process, which are among the publication policies of the journal, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated impartially and on time.
• Editors submit the articles by taking into account the expertise of the referees, and support the impartial and independent evaluations.
• Editors consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the editors, the referees and the author(s) for the unbiased evaluation of the article.
• Editors look for a wide range of referee pools and to be constantly updated.
• Editors update article publication and writing rules when deemed necessary.
• Editors prevent academic etiquette and unscientific reviews.
• Editors ensure that the journal publication processes are operated in accordance with publication policies and guidelines, and inform those who are responsible for the process about the developments in publication policies.
• Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publication process and organize meetings at regular intervals.
• Editors ensure the protection of personal data in the evaluated articles; they protect the individual data of authors, referees and readers.
• Editors; They care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article, and may reject the article if there is no ethical committee approval for the participants of the article.
• Editors; take action against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, he makes an objective investigation and shares the relevant findings.
• Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in articles are corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation. In addition, they take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of the published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications; they request the similarity report from the authors during the article submission process.
• Editors take into account the consistent criticisms of the articles published in the journal, and give the right to reply to the authors of the criticized articles.
• Editors examine the suggestions, requests, messages and complaints sent to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
• In the article evaluation process, the principle of blind refereeing is applied, in which the authors do not know the referees and the referees do not know the authors.
• Reviewers cannot communicate directly with authors.
• Article evaluation forms, notes on the text and correction requests are forwarded to the editors via the Dergipark management system. Editors forward them to the authors.
• Referees are only required to act as referees to evaluate articles related to their areas of expertise.
• Referees are required to referee articles that do not have conflicts of interest. When reviewers notice any conflict of interest, they are expected to notify the editors and refuse to referee the manuscript when necessary.
• Referees should evaluate the articles impartially, objectively, confidentially and in accordance with scientific principles.
• The referees are required to state their decision on whether the article they evaluated is publishable or not, and the reasons for their decision in the referee evaluation form.
• Referees should make the evaluation in a constructive language in accordance with academic etiquette; Personal comments containing insults and hostility should be avoided. When it is determined that the referees make such non-scientific comments, the editors can contact the referees to review the comments.
• The referees should evaluate the article for which they have accepted the evaluation within the time period (15 days).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

• Articles sent Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication must be original studies in the field of communication sciences.
• The articles sent to e-gifder for publication should be arranged in accordance with the journal's publication and spelling rules. Studies that do not comply with the e-gifder publication and writing rules will not be included in the evaluation process. Editors have the right to reject the article that does not comply with the writing and publishing rules.
All legal responsibilities of the articles sent to the journal belong to the authors. The journal does not accept responsibility. Along with the articles sent to the journal, the "Author copyright transfer" form, which can be found in the "Forms" link, must also be filled and sent. Authors who do not submit the author copyright transfer form are deemed to have assumed all responsibilities. The fact that the author has not submitted the copyright transfer form does not relieve the author or authors from liability.
• Authors are required to send their CVs, including their fields of study and consisting of maximum 75 words, with their contact information (e-mail and phone number required) attached. Prepared resumes should be in word or pdf format. The article should be uploaded to the additional files section during submission.
• Articles submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with academic writing rules.
• Since the review process of the articles is carried out according to the blind referee technique, any information about the authors or the title of the study that will reveal the author of the study should not be included in the articles to be uploaded. After the referee process of the relevant article is completed, information about the author or the article should be added. Thesis summary of the study, a presented paper, etc. If there is, the editor should be informed by message.
• Authors cannot submit an article they have published elsewhere or sent for publication, or more than one article at the same time, to the Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Communication of Gümüşhane University.
• Authors should correctly cite the sources they used during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.
• The names of people who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the author order, remove an author, or add an author of an article applied for publication.
• Persons who have a conflict-of-interest regarding the article applied for publication should be reported to the editors.
• If information or raw data are requested from the authors during the evaluation process, they should present the expected information to the editors.
• Authors should contact the editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error in their review or electronically published article. After a work is published, it should be checked by the author or authors within 3 days at the latest and possible errors should be reported to the editor. It is not possible to correct errors that have passed this period. Responsibility belongs to the author(s).
• In articles that require permission from the authors' ethics committee, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed in the article. Relevant information will be added to the footnote section of the spelling rules template after the referee processes are completed.
• Authors should present in the article evidence that they pay attention to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scales, questionnaires, photographs). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied with.
• All articles submitted to Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication should be submitted to IThenticate (, Turnitin ( etc. by the author before publication. Similarity reports should be uploaded to the system by the author at the stage of submitting the article to the journal. The similarity rate should be at most 20%. Articles exceeding this rate are examined in detail and sent back to the authors for revision or correction if deemed necessary. If plagiarism or unethical behavior is detected, articles are rejected for publication. The report should be taken without including the bibliography. Reports should be uploaded to the system in 2 different stages: (1) When the article is first uploaded to the system, (2) During the final upload in preparation for publication after the acceptance of the article.