Referee and Publication Process

In the article evaluation process of the Journal of Islamic Civilization, the referee(s) of the author(s) do not know the authors and the two-way blind refereeing principle is applied, the referees cannot communicate directly with the authors; Article evaluation forms, notes on the text and correction requests are forwarded to the author(s) by the editors through the journal management system.

All publication processes of our journal are followed through Dergipark.

Articles submitted to our journal should not have been published anywhere before.

Submission of articles to the journal is free of charge. No fee is charged for the article accepted for publication.

Articles written in a foreign language are not sent for peer review without being reviewed and corrected by the language editors assigned for that language. translated articles; It is sent to language and related field experts to be evaluated in terms of conformity with the original, appropriate use of field concepts and language. Translations in which experts have negative opinions are not published.

Study; The journal is reviewed by the editor in terms of compliance with publication principles, academic writing rules and the Citation System, and plagiarism.

Authors should delete the places where their names and institutions are mentioned in the text uploaded to the system. Bottom notes etc. Word documents including side texts are stored, while personal information is written into the file information. For this reason, either this personal information should be found and deleted from the document properties.

The Editorial Board examines the articles submitted to the journal primarily in terms of publication principles, journal scope, scientific content and form. An Editor is appointed for the works that pass the preliminary examination.

The editor sends the manuscript to at least 2 referees for evaluation by applying the rules of blind refereeing.

Referees are selected from people who have a doctoral thesis, book or article on the subject.

The referee should evaluate the online referee form and justify their correction with a minimum 150-word explanation on the system. The referee should upload the Word version of the file to the system by making his/her opinion and opinion on the work that he/she has examined with the Track changes in Word option turned on. The revisions made by the author should be uploaded to the system with the Track Changes option turned on. The referee should review the incoming corrections and upload them to the system again on Word if there are any corrections.

If the author does not agree with the referee's opinions, the editor is given the right to object and defend his opinions. The editor ensures mutual communication between the author and the referee by maintaining confidentiality. The referee process is completed within a maximum of 30 (20 + 10) days.

If both referee reports are positive, the study is submitted to the Editorial Board with a proposal to evaluate its publication. If one of the two referees has a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third referee.

Studies can be published with the positive decision of at least two referees.

In order for the study to be published, it must receive positive evaluation from at least 2 referees. For articles in a foreign language, care is taken to select referees who are fluent in that language.

After the completion of the referee process, the Editor will correct the manuscript in terms of writing. The completed article is sent to the typesetting and layout.

In the Working Typesetting and Layout Stage, it is made ready for publication and published by typesetting and layout.

Last Update Time: 9/21/22, 3:44:53 PM


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