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Impact of Utilitarian and Hedonic Attitudes on the Dimensions of Brand Trust

Year 2015, Issue: 23, 151 - 168, 30.12.2015


The brand trust that evolves from brand’s ability to successfully deliver on its promises can be discussed in two dimensions: brand intention and brand reliability. The hedonic dimension, which is associated with certain emotions in customer’s preference of a certain brand or the utilitarian dimension, which is associated with more rational aspects resulting from a product’s ability to satisfy functional or physical roles can have an impact on the brand trust perceived by consumers. According to the results of the research it is found that the respondents with respect to utilitarian and hedonic dimension have a significant correlation with the reliability dimension of brand trust (for utilitarian dimension r=0.62, p<0.01; for the hedonic dimension r=0.61, p<0.01). And also utilitarian and hedonic dimension have a significant correlation with the intention dimension of brand trust (for hedonic dimension r=0.55, p<0.01; for utilitarian dimension r=0.57, p<0.01). The results of this study indicate that the independent variables (hedonic and utilitarian attitudes) in the model have a significant impact on both the reliability and intention dimensions of the brand trust.

keywords: brand trust, branding, consumption, hedonic attitude, utilitarian attitude


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  • GUILFORD Joy Paul (1956), Fundemental Statistics in Psychology and Education,New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • HA Hong-Youl (2004), “Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 13(5), pp. 329-342.
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  • HIRSCHMAN Elizabeth C. & HOLBROOK Morris B. (1982), “Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and Propositions”, Journal of Marketing, 46(3), pp. 92-101.
  • HISCOCK Jennifer (2001), Most Trusted Brands, Marketing, pp. 23-33. Available at: http://www. (accessed 21 December 2013).
  • KELLER Kevin Lane (2008), Strategic Brand Management: Building,Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, New Jersey, Pearson International Edition.
  • KRISHNAN H.S. (1996), “Characteristics of memory associations: A consumerbased brand equity perspective”, International Journal of Reseacrh in Marketing, 13(4), pp. 389-405.
  • KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN Rengin (2009), Reklam Nasıl Çözümlenir?, İstanbul, Beta Publishing.
  • LAU Geok Theng & LEE Sook Han (1999), “Consumers’ Trust in a Brand and the Link to Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 4(4), pp.341-370.
  • LEVY Sidney J. (1959), “Symbols for Sale,” Harvard Business Review, 37, pp. 117-124.
  • LARZELERE Robert E. & HUSTON Ted L. (1980), “Toward Understanding Interpersonal Trust in Close Relationships”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 42(3), pp. 595-604.
  • McALLISTER Daniel J. (1995), “Affect and cognition based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), pp. 24-59.
  • MOORMAN Christine, DESHPANDE Rohit, & ZALTMAN Gerald (1993), “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), pp. 81-101.
  • MORGAN Edmund S. (1967). “The Puritan Ethic and the American Revolution”, The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3-43.
  • MORGAN Robert M. & HUNT Shelby D. (1994), “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58(3), pp. 20-38.
  • ODABAŞI Yavuz (1999), Tüketim Kültürü, İstanbul, Sistem Publishing.
  • QUINTAL Vanessa Ann, LEE Julie Anne & SOUTAR Geoffrey N. (2010), “Risk, Uncertainty and The Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Toursim Example”, Tourism Management, 31(6), pp. 797-805.
  • REMPEL John K., HOLMES, John G. & ZANNA Mark P. (1985), “Trust in close relationships”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(1), pp. 95-112.
  • Reuters (2014), “Worldwide smartphone shipments top one billion units for the first time, according to IDC”, available at: (accessed 24 February 2014).
  • ROSELIUS Ted (1971), “Consumer Ranking of Risk Reduction Methods”, Journal of Marketing, 35(1), pp. 56-61.
  • SCHIFFMAN Leon G. & KANUK Leslie L. (1997), Consumer Behaviour, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
  • SHOCKER Allan D., SRIVASTAVA Rajendra K. & RUEKERT Robert W. (1994), “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Brand Management: An Introduction to the Special Issue”, Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), pp. 149-158.
  • SOLOMON Michael R. (1994), Consumer Behavior, Buying, Having and Being, Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
  • SPANGANBERG Eric R., VOSS Kevin E. & CROWLEY Ayn E. (1997), “Measuring The Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Attitude: A Generally Applicable Scale”, Advances in Consumer Research, 24, pp. 235-24.
  • TOSUN Nurhan Babür (2010), İletişim Temelli Marka Yönetimi, İstanbul, Beta Publishing.
  • WOLFSDORF David (2013), Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Cambridge, University Press.
  • YANIKLAR Cengiz (2006), Tüketimin Sosyolojisi, İstanbul, Birey Publishing.
Year 2015, Issue: 23, 151 - 168, 30.12.2015



  • Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Yatırımcıları Derneği 2015 Yılı Metrekare Büyüklüklerine Göre AVM Raporu, (2015).
  • ARNOULD Eric J., PRICE Linda & ZINKHAN George M. (2004), Consumers, New York, McGrawHill.
  • BABIN Barry. J., DARDEN William R. & GRIFFIN Mitch (1994), “Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), pp. 644-656.
  • BATRA Rajeev & AHTOLA Olli. T.i (1990), “Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Sources of Consumer Attitudes”, Marketing Letters, 2(2), pp. 159-170.
  • BOCOCK Robert (1997), Consumption, London, Routledge.
  • CAMPBELL Collin (1987), The Romantic Ethic and The Spirit of Modern Consumerism, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing.
  • CHAMPNISS Guy & RODES VILA Fernando (2011), Brand Valued: How socially valued brands hold the key to a sustainable future and business success, United Kingdom, John Wiley & Sons.
  • CHAUDHURI Arjun & HOLBROOK Morris B. (2001), "The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance”, Journal of Marketing, 65(2),pp. 81-93.
  • CHITTURI Ravindra, RAGHUNATHAN Rajagopal & MAHAJAN Vijay (2008).“Delight by Design: The Role of Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Benefits”, Journal ofMarketing, pp. 48-63.
  • De CHERNATONY Leslie (2006), From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation: The Strategic Process of Growing and Strengthening Brands, Oxford, Butfterworth Heinemann.
  • DELGADO-BALLESTER Elena & MUNUERA-ALEMAN José Luis (2005), “Does brand trust matter to brand equity?”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14(3), pp. 187-196.
  • DELGADO-BALLESTER Elena (2004), “Applicability of a brand trust scale across product categories: A multigroup invariance analysis”, European Journal of Marketing, 38(5), pp. 573-592.
  • DHAR Ravi & WERTENBROCH Klaus (2000), “Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Good”, Journal of Marketing Research, XXXVll, pp. 60-71.
  • DONEY Patricia M. & CANNON Joseph P. (1997), “An Examination of the Nature of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 61(2), pp. 35-51.
  • ESCH Franz Rudolf, LANGNER Tobias, SCHMITT Bernd H. & GEUS Patrick (2006), “Are brands forever? How brand knowledge and relationships affect current and future purchases”, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 15(2), pp. 98-105.
  • FIELD Andy & HOLE Graham J. (2004), How to Design and Report Experiments,London, Sage Publications.
  • FROST Taggart, STIMPSON David V., & MAUGHAN Micol R. (1978), “Some correlates of trust”, The Journal of Psychology, 99(1), pp.103-108.
  • FUKUYAMA Francis (1995), Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, New York, Free Press.
  • GANESAN Shankar (1994), “Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 58(2), pp.1-19.
  • GARBARINO Ellen, & JOHNSON, Mark S. (1999), “The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 63(2), pp. 70-87.
  • GEGEZ Ahmet Ercan (2007), Pazar Araştırmaları, İstanbul, Beta Yayınevi.
  • GUILFORD Joy Paul (1956), Fundemental Statistics in Psychology and Education,New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • HA Hong-Youl (2004), “Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 13(5), pp. 329-342.
  • HESS Jeffrey S. (1995), “Construction and assessment of a scale to measure consumer trust”, American Marketing Association, pp. 20-27.
  • HIRSCHMAN Elizabeth C. & HOLBROOK Morris B. (1982), “Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and Propositions”, Journal of Marketing, 46(3), pp. 92-101.
  • HISCOCK Jennifer (2001), Most Trusted Brands, Marketing, pp. 23-33. Available at: http://www. (accessed 21 December 2013).
  • KELLER Kevin Lane (2008), Strategic Brand Management: Building,Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, New Jersey, Pearson International Edition.
  • KRISHNAN H.S. (1996), “Characteristics of memory associations: A consumerbased brand equity perspective”, International Journal of Reseacrh in Marketing, 13(4), pp. 389-405.
  • KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN Rengin (2009), Reklam Nasıl Çözümlenir?, İstanbul, Beta Publishing.
  • LAU Geok Theng & LEE Sook Han (1999), “Consumers’ Trust in a Brand and the Link to Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 4(4), pp.341-370.
  • LEVY Sidney J. (1959), “Symbols for Sale,” Harvard Business Review, 37, pp. 117-124.
  • LARZELERE Robert E. & HUSTON Ted L. (1980), “Toward Understanding Interpersonal Trust in Close Relationships”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 42(3), pp. 595-604.
  • McALLISTER Daniel J. (1995), “Affect and cognition based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations”, Academy of Management Journal, 38(1), pp. 24-59.
  • MOORMAN Christine, DESHPANDE Rohit, & ZALTMAN Gerald (1993), “Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), pp. 81-101.
  • MORGAN Edmund S. (1967). “The Puritan Ethic and the American Revolution”, The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3-43.
  • MORGAN Robert M. & HUNT Shelby D. (1994), “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58(3), pp. 20-38.
  • ODABAŞI Yavuz (1999), Tüketim Kültürü, İstanbul, Sistem Publishing.
  • QUINTAL Vanessa Ann, LEE Julie Anne & SOUTAR Geoffrey N. (2010), “Risk, Uncertainty and The Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Toursim Example”, Tourism Management, 31(6), pp. 797-805.
  • REMPEL John K., HOLMES, John G. & ZANNA Mark P. (1985), “Trust in close relationships”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(1), pp. 95-112.
  • Reuters (2014), “Worldwide smartphone shipments top one billion units for the first time, according to IDC”, available at: (accessed 24 February 2014).
  • ROSELIUS Ted (1971), “Consumer Ranking of Risk Reduction Methods”, Journal of Marketing, 35(1), pp. 56-61.
  • SCHIFFMAN Leon G. & KANUK Leslie L. (1997), Consumer Behaviour, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
  • SHOCKER Allan D., SRIVASTAVA Rajendra K. & RUEKERT Robert W. (1994), “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Brand Management: An Introduction to the Special Issue”, Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), pp. 149-158.
  • SOLOMON Michael R. (1994), Consumer Behavior, Buying, Having and Being, Boston, Allyn and Bacon.
  • SPANGANBERG Eric R., VOSS Kevin E. & CROWLEY Ayn E. (1997), “Measuring The Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Attitude: A Generally Applicable Scale”, Advances in Consumer Research, 24, pp. 235-24.
  • TOSUN Nurhan Babür (2010), İletişim Temelli Marka Yönetimi, İstanbul, Beta Publishing.
  • WOLFSDORF David (2013), Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Cambridge, University Press.
  • YANIKLAR Cengiz (2006), Tüketimin Sosyolojisi, İstanbul, Birey Publishing.
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ceyda Deneçli

Nurhan Babür Tosun

Publication Date December 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015Issue: 23


APA Deneçli, C., & Babür Tosun, N. (2015). Impact of Utilitarian and Hedonic Attitudes on the Dimensions of Brand Trust. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi(23), 151-168.

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