Research Article
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Body on the Border: Hannibal or the Popularity of Chopping up on TV

Year 2015, Issue: 22, 151 - 170, 26.08.2015


This study analyzes the historical context of the phenomenon of violence and the structure of the transformations it undergoes; particularly the transformation that unfolded with the transition from modernity to postmodernity. Hannibal is a series with intense scenes of bodily violence, and has a voting rate of 8.6 on IMDB with the votes of over a hundred thousand viewers. This descriptive study focuses on two aspects; i) discovering what kind of an ideological and historical dimension violence has and how this ideology is represented and transformed on the TV screen with postmodernity through the Hannibal series, ii) the exploration and theoretical discussion of TV violence through the transformation that has occured in how the body is approached. The most significant finding of the study is the coherent relationship between the body, violence and ideology.

keywords: tv, violence, ideology, popular culture, body, Hannibal 


  • AGAMBEN Giorgio (1999), Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and The Archive, New York, Zone Books. ALTHUSSER Louis (2014), On The Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and The Ideological State Apparatuses, New York, Verso.
  • BAUMAN Zygmunt (2005), Work, Comsumerism and The New Poor, New York, Open University Press.
  • BAUMAN Zygmunt (2003), Liquid Love: On The Frailty of Human Bonds, Cambridge, Polity Press. Available at: cTrULFt4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=liquid+love+bauman&hl=tr&sa=X&ei=DU N2VIH5H_GP7AaW6YHwBg&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=liquid%20 love%20bauman&f=false
  • BEAUVOIR Simone de (1989), The Second Sex, London, Jonathan Cape.
  • BENJAMIN Walter (2006), The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire, Harvard, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • BERGSON Henri (1991), Matter and Memory, New York, Zone Books. BUTLER Judith (1995), Contingent Foundations, in: Nicholson L (ed) Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange, New York, Routledge, 35-59.
  • BUTLER Judith (2007), Gender Trouble: Feminism and The Subversion of Identity, New York, Routledge.
  • CHEVIRON Nilgün Tutal (2013), Televizyon ve İçimizdeki Şiddet (Television and the Violence Within Us), İstanbul, Kırmızı.
  • EAGLETON Terry (1996), The Illisuons of Postmodernism, Oxford, Blackwell.
  • EAGLETON Terry (2014), Culture and The Death of God, London, Yale University Press.
  • ERGÜL Hakan (2000), Televizyonda Haberin Magazinelleşmesi (Tabloidization of Television News), İstabul, İletişim.
  • FISKE John (1989), Understanding Popular Culture, New York, Routledge. FOUCAULT Michel (1995), Discipline and Punish: The Birth of The Prison, New York, Vintage Books.
  • FOUCAULT Michel (1978), The History of Sexuality: Volume 1. An Introduction, New York, Pantheon Books.
  • FREUD Sigmund (1998), Psikopatoloji Üzerine (On Psychopathology), Çev. Selçuk Budak, Ankara, Öteki.
  • GANS Herbert J. (1974), Popular Culture and High Culture, New York, Basic Books.
  • GARTMAN David (1998), “Postmodernism; or, The Cultural Logic of Postfordism?”, The Sociological Quarterly, 39 (1): 119-137.
  • GERBNER George (1963), “Communication and The Humanization of Homo Sapiens”, AAUW Journal, (56): 102-104.
  • GERBNER George (1966), Images Across Cultures: Teachers in Mass Media Fiction and Drama”, The School Review, (74): 212-229.
  • GERBNER George (1967), Mass Media and Human Communication Theory, Frank E. X. Dance (Ed). Human Communication Theory: Original Essays, New York, Hot, Rinehart & Winston, 40-60.
  • GERBNER George (1974), “Communication: Society is The Message”, Communication, (1): 57-64.
  • GERBNER George (1985), Mass Media Discourse: Message System Analysis As A Component of Cultural Indicators, Teun A. van Dijk (Ed). Discourse and Communication: New Approaches to The Analysis of Mass Media Discourse and Communication, Berlin: Walter de Guyter & Co, 13-25.
  • HABERMAS Jurgen (1987) The Entry into Postmodernity: Nietzsche as a Turning Point, in: Habermas J (Ed) The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Massachusetts, MIT Press, 83-106.
  • HALL Stuart (1999), Encoding, Decoding, in: Simon During (Ed) The Cultural Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 507-518.
  • HALLORAN James D. (1983), Kitle İletişimi: Şiddetin Belirtisi mi, Yoksa Nedeni mi? (Mass Communication: Symptom or Cause of Violence?), Oya Tokgöz (Ed). İletişim ve Toplum Sorunları: Kuram ve Uygulama, Ankara, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, 62-84.
  • HORKHEIMER Max and ADORNO Theodor W. (2002), Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
  • JAMESON Fredric (1984), “Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”, New Left Review, 146: 53-92.
  • JAMESON Fredric (2002), A Singular Modernity: Essay on The Ontology of Present, London, Verso.
  • KELLEHEAR Allan (2007), A Social History of Dying, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • KINCH Ashby (2013), Imago Mortis: Mediating Images of Death in Late Medieval Culture, Leiden, Brill.
  • MARX Karl (1982), Capital I: A Critical of Political Economy, Middlesex, Penguin Books.
  • MORLEY David (2006), “Globalisation and Cultural Imperialism Reconsidered: Old Questions in New Guises”, in: Curran James and Morley David (Eds) Media and Cultural Theory, Oxon, Routledge, 30-44.
  • ÖZER Ömer (2010a), Pazarda Şatışın Öyküsü: Medyada Sunulan Şiddeti Ekonomisi (The Story of Sale in The Market: The Economy of Violence Presented in Media), in: Özer Ömer (Ed) Medyada Şiddet Kültürü (Violence Culture in Media), İstanbul, Literatürk, 35-60.
  • ÖZER Ömer (2010b), Medyanın İdeolojik Şiddeti (Ideological Violence of Media), in: Özer Ömer (Ed) Medyada Şiddet Kültürü (Violence Culture in Media), İstanbul, Literatürk, 451-494.
  • PACTEAU Francette (1994), The Symptom of Beauty, London, Reaktion Books.
  • SARLO Beatriz (2012), Geçmiş Zaman: Bellek Kültürü ve Özneye Dönüş Üzerine Bir Tartışma (Tiempo Pasado: Cultura de la Memoria y Giro Subjetivo Una Discusion), Çev. Peral Bayaz Charum and Deniz Ekinci, İstanbul, Metis.
  • SENNETT Richard (2002), The Fall of Public Man, London, Penguin Books.
  • SENNETT Richard (2011), Karakter Aşınması: Yeni Kapitalizmde İşin Kişilik Üzerindeki Etkileri (The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in The New Capitalism), Çev. Barış Yıldırım, İstanbul, Ayrıntı.
  • SONTAG Susan (2005), On Photography, New York, Rosetta Books.
  • STAUTH Georg and TURNER Bryan S. (1988), “Nostalgia, Postmodernism of Critique of Mass Culture”, Theory, Culture and Society 5 (2): 509-526.
  • TREND David (2008), Medyada Şiddet Efsanesi: Eleştirel Bir Giriş (The Myth of Media Violence: A Critical Introduction), Çev. Gül Bostancı, İstanbul, YKY.
  • VATTIMO Gianni (2011), “Ortak Dil Olarak Yorumbilgisi (Hermeneutics as Koine)”, in: Küçük Mehmet (Ed) Modernite versus Postmodernite, 317-329.
  • ZIZEK Slavoj (1991), Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture, Massachusetts, MIT Press.
  • ZIZEK Slavoj (2008), The Sublime Object of Ideology, New York, Verso. (Date of access: 11.11. 2014)

Body on the Border: Hannibal or the Popularity of Chopping up on TV

Year 2015, Issue: 22, 151 - 170, 26.08.2015


This study analyzes the historical context of the phenomenon of violence and the structure of the transformations it undergoes; particularly the transformation that unfolded with the transition from modernity to postmodernity. Hannibal is a series with intense scenes of bodily violence, and has a voting rate of 8.6 on IMDB with the votes of over a hundred thousand viewers. This descriptive study focuses on two aspects; i) discovering what kind of an ideological and historical dimension violence has and how this ideology is represented and transformed on the TV screen with postmodernity through the Hannibal series, ii) the exploration and theoretical discussion of TV violence through the transformation that has occured in how the body is approached. The most significant finding of the study is the coherent relationship between the body, violence and ideology


  • AGAMBEN Giorgio (1999), Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and The Archive, New York, Zone Books. ALTHUSSER Louis (2014), On The Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and The Ideological State Apparatuses, New York, Verso.
  • BAUMAN Zygmunt (2005), Work, Comsumerism and The New Poor, New York, Open University Press.
  • BAUMAN Zygmunt (2003), Liquid Love: On The Frailty of Human Bonds, Cambridge, Polity Press. Available at: cTrULFt4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=liquid+love+bauman&hl=tr&sa=X&ei=DU N2VIH5H_GP7AaW6YHwBg&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=liquid%20 love%20bauman&f=false
  • BEAUVOIR Simone de (1989), The Second Sex, London, Jonathan Cape.
  • BENJAMIN Walter (2006), The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire, Harvard, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • BERGSON Henri (1991), Matter and Memory, New York, Zone Books. BUTLER Judith (1995), Contingent Foundations, in: Nicholson L (ed) Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange, New York, Routledge, 35-59.
  • BUTLER Judith (2007), Gender Trouble: Feminism and The Subversion of Identity, New York, Routledge.
  • CHEVIRON Nilgün Tutal (2013), Televizyon ve İçimizdeki Şiddet (Television and the Violence Within Us), İstanbul, Kırmızı.
  • EAGLETON Terry (1996), The Illisuons of Postmodernism, Oxford, Blackwell.
  • EAGLETON Terry (2014), Culture and The Death of God, London, Yale University Press.
  • ERGÜL Hakan (2000), Televizyonda Haberin Magazinelleşmesi (Tabloidization of Television News), İstabul, İletişim.
  • FISKE John (1989), Understanding Popular Culture, New York, Routledge. FOUCAULT Michel (1995), Discipline and Punish: The Birth of The Prison, New York, Vintage Books.
  • FOUCAULT Michel (1978), The History of Sexuality: Volume 1. An Introduction, New York, Pantheon Books.
  • FREUD Sigmund (1998), Psikopatoloji Üzerine (On Psychopathology), Çev. Selçuk Budak, Ankara, Öteki.
  • GANS Herbert J. (1974), Popular Culture and High Culture, New York, Basic Books.
  • GARTMAN David (1998), “Postmodernism; or, The Cultural Logic of Postfordism?”, The Sociological Quarterly, 39 (1): 119-137.
  • GERBNER George (1963), “Communication and The Humanization of Homo Sapiens”, AAUW Journal, (56): 102-104.
  • GERBNER George (1966), Images Across Cultures: Teachers in Mass Media Fiction and Drama”, The School Review, (74): 212-229.
  • GERBNER George (1967), Mass Media and Human Communication Theory, Frank E. X. Dance (Ed). Human Communication Theory: Original Essays, New York, Hot, Rinehart & Winston, 40-60.
  • GERBNER George (1974), “Communication: Society is The Message”, Communication, (1): 57-64.
  • GERBNER George (1985), Mass Media Discourse: Message System Analysis As A Component of Cultural Indicators, Teun A. van Dijk (Ed). Discourse and Communication: New Approaches to The Analysis of Mass Media Discourse and Communication, Berlin: Walter de Guyter & Co, 13-25.
  • HABERMAS Jurgen (1987) The Entry into Postmodernity: Nietzsche as a Turning Point, in: Habermas J (Ed) The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Massachusetts, MIT Press, 83-106.
  • HALL Stuart (1999), Encoding, Decoding, in: Simon During (Ed) The Cultural Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 507-518.
  • HALLORAN James D. (1983), Kitle İletişimi: Şiddetin Belirtisi mi, Yoksa Nedeni mi? (Mass Communication: Symptom or Cause of Violence?), Oya Tokgöz (Ed). İletişim ve Toplum Sorunları: Kuram ve Uygulama, Ankara, Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği, 62-84.
  • HORKHEIMER Max and ADORNO Theodor W. (2002), Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
  • JAMESON Fredric (1984), “Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”, New Left Review, 146: 53-92.
  • JAMESON Fredric (2002), A Singular Modernity: Essay on The Ontology of Present, London, Verso.
  • KELLEHEAR Allan (2007), A Social History of Dying, New York, Cambridge University Press.
  • KINCH Ashby (2013), Imago Mortis: Mediating Images of Death in Late Medieval Culture, Leiden, Brill.
  • MARX Karl (1982), Capital I: A Critical of Political Economy, Middlesex, Penguin Books.
  • MORLEY David (2006), “Globalisation and Cultural Imperialism Reconsidered: Old Questions in New Guises”, in: Curran James and Morley David (Eds) Media and Cultural Theory, Oxon, Routledge, 30-44.
  • ÖZER Ömer (2010a), Pazarda Şatışın Öyküsü: Medyada Sunulan Şiddeti Ekonomisi (The Story of Sale in The Market: The Economy of Violence Presented in Media), in: Özer Ömer (Ed) Medyada Şiddet Kültürü (Violence Culture in Media), İstanbul, Literatürk, 35-60.
  • ÖZER Ömer (2010b), Medyanın İdeolojik Şiddeti (Ideological Violence of Media), in: Özer Ömer (Ed) Medyada Şiddet Kültürü (Violence Culture in Media), İstanbul, Literatürk, 451-494.
  • PACTEAU Francette (1994), The Symptom of Beauty, London, Reaktion Books.
  • SARLO Beatriz (2012), Geçmiş Zaman: Bellek Kültürü ve Özneye Dönüş Üzerine Bir Tartışma (Tiempo Pasado: Cultura de la Memoria y Giro Subjetivo Una Discusion), Çev. Peral Bayaz Charum and Deniz Ekinci, İstanbul, Metis.
  • SENNETT Richard (2002), The Fall of Public Man, London, Penguin Books.
  • SENNETT Richard (2011), Karakter Aşınması: Yeni Kapitalizmde İşin Kişilik Üzerindeki Etkileri (The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in The New Capitalism), Çev. Barış Yıldırım, İstanbul, Ayrıntı.
  • SONTAG Susan (2005), On Photography, New York, Rosetta Books.
  • STAUTH Georg and TURNER Bryan S. (1988), “Nostalgia, Postmodernism of Critique of Mass Culture”, Theory, Culture and Society 5 (2): 509-526.
  • TREND David (2008), Medyada Şiddet Efsanesi: Eleştirel Bir Giriş (The Myth of Media Violence: A Critical Introduction), Çev. Gül Bostancı, İstanbul, YKY.
  • VATTIMO Gianni (2011), “Ortak Dil Olarak Yorumbilgisi (Hermeneutics as Koine)”, in: Küçük Mehmet (Ed) Modernite versus Postmodernite, 317-329.
  • ZIZEK Slavoj (1991), Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture, Massachusetts, MIT Press.
  • ZIZEK Slavoj (2008), The Sublime Object of Ideology, New York, Verso. (Date of access: 11.11. 2014)
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Eren Ercan

Publication Date August 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015Issue: 22


APA Ercan, E. (2015). Body on the Border: Hannibal or the Popularity of Chopping up on TV. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi(22), 151-170.

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