Writing Rules



Manuscripts must be submitted electronically. It is necessary to create an account in the Dergipark system for Submission. Click to register. (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/register). Preferably, authors are expected to submit a Microsoft Word or pdf file. Please prepare the paper in accordance with the template prepared for Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism (Jomat). To download the template please click here. Make sure that there is no author information in the manuscript submitted to the system. Along with the Manuscript file, authors will be prompted to upload a Metadata file. Please click here to download the Metadata excel file. There are two pages you need to fill in the excel file you downloaded. Fill and save the “Metadata” and “Author Contribution” pages, respectively. Upload this file as an additional file together with the manuscript at the submission stage. Metadata excel file contains excel macros. Therefore, please make your activation process before you start filling out. Except for the manuscript and metadata, it is recommended that authors upload a "Title Page". It is also recommended to upload the dataset for empirical studies.
Manuscript Layout
1) The main document should contain the title (the title should be written in sentence format. In other words, only the first letter of the first word of the sentence should be capital letter), abstract, 3 to 7 keywords, text, appendices, notes, references, each table and figure. Tables and figures should be properly embedded in the manuscript. Footnotes in the paper should be numbered consecutively.
2) Abstract is to be 150 - 300 words. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, the principal results and major conclusions.
3) There are no absolute word count requirements, but target lengths for research notes are 3,000 to 5,000 words all inclusive. A typical manuscript will not exceed 12,000 words.
The submitted manuscripts or substantial parts of them should not have been previously published or submitted for publication somewhere else. The abbreviated version of the contents for presentation at a meeting is not regarded as a publication.
All authors ensure that they have furnished a substantial contribution to the paper and that they are in agreement with form and contents of the manuscript. Corresponding authors confirm that they hold the copyrights to their articles as well as to the text and illustrations attached therein in the authors´ contract. If material (e.g., illustrations or tables) is used from other sources, authors must submit a written statement from the holder(s) of the copyright(s) indicating they have obtained permission to publish this material in jomat. The authors of articles published by jomat grant jomat the right to store the articles in its databases for an unlimited period of time and to distribute and reproduce the articles electronically. The authors retain all remaining exploitation rights to their articles, subject to the condition that any further use of the articles shall make reference to their original publication in jomat ("originally published in JOMAT").
Authors should indicate, either in their cover letter or in the title page, whether the research reported in their paper was the result of a for-pay consulting relationship or if they or their employer has a financial interest in the topic of the paper which might constitute a conflict of interest.
In general, papers may be of any length but should be self-contained. Further, they should provide new findings or deal with new methods.
Supplementary material, such as data sets etc., should be submitted together with the manuscript.
There is no submission and publication fees or page charges.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically. It is necessary to create an account in the Dergipark system for Submission. Click to register. (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/register). Preferably, authors are expected to submit a Microsoft Word or pdf file. Please prepare the paper in accordance with the template prepared for Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism (Jomat). To download the template please click here. Make sure that there is no author information in the manuscript submitted to the system. Along with the Manuscript file, authors will be prompted to upload a Metadata file. Please click here to download the Metadata excel file. There are two pages you need to fill in the excel file you downloaded. Fill and save the “Metadata” and “Author Contribution” pages, respectively. Upload this file as an additional file together with the manuscript at the submission stage. Metadata excel file contains excel macros. Therefore, please make your activation process before you start filling out. Except for the manuscript and metadata, it is recommended that authors upload a "Title Page". It is also recommended to upload the dataset for empirical studies.

Manuscript Layout
1) The main document should contain the title (the title should be written in sentence format. In other words, only the first letter of the first word of the sentence should be capital letter), abstract, 3 to 7 keywords, text, appendices, notes, references, each table and figure. Tables and figures should be properly embedded in the manuscript. Footnotes in the paper should be numbered consecutively.
2) Abstract is to be 150 - 300 words. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, the principal results and major conclusions.
3) There are no absolute word count requirements, but target lengths for research notes are 3,000 to 5,000 words all inclusive. A typical manuscript will not exceed 12,000 words.

The reference list should appear at the end of the text, with hyperlinks to full-text papers on the Web, and should start on a new page. Issue numbers, and pages should be provided for all journals cited in the references and should be APA 7 Style. For correct referencing through APA 7, below links can be advised for more information; https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples

Displayed formulas should be numbered consecutively on the right as (1), (2), etc. All characters should be defined and used unambiguously. Standard italicization should be used. When referring to formulas in the text, only numbers in parentheses should be used, for example, (1). At the beginning of sentences, numbers in parentheses should be preceded by the word "equation", for example, Equation (1).
Tables should be of a reasonable number and size. Columns should be designed clearly and explanations should be given in footnotes using letters below the table body. Only the first word in each column heading and in each entry of the stub column should be capitalized. Titles should be formatted above the tables as follows:
Table 1: Result of measurement model
Note: The source should be indicated under each table. If the table was created by the author(s), it should be specified as follows:
Source: Authors elaboration

Figures should be complete and clearly drawn. Special care should be taken to ensure that lettering and symbols are of a comparable size and readable. Figures should not be overloaded with information. It is preferable to provide the figures as vectoral (scalable and editable) graphics. If not possible, a high resolution and dimensional image should be provided. It is recommended that the image be at least 300 dpi. However, a better resolution may be required depending on the visual content. When labeling, initial capitalization should be used. The Label should be below the shape, and should look like this:
Figure: Study region
Note: The source must be indicated under each Figure. If the figure was created by the author(s), it should be specified as follows:
Source: Authors elaboration

In submitting papers to Jomat the authors certify that:
All authors contributing to a paper authorize the corresponding author to communicate with the journal. Corresponding author is responsible for communication on behalf of all authors and any confirmation and contract will be made between these two parties. The authors are deemed to have accepted this situation by submitting a paper to Jomat.
It is recommended to have a maximum of 7 authors for a paper.
Corresponding authors warrant, on behalf of themselves and their co-authors, that: the article is original, has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal and does not infringe upon any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
They are the sole authors of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in granting rights to Jomat are not in breach of any other obligation. If the law requires that the paper be published in the public domain, they will notify Jomat at the time of submission.
the paper contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy; they have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To their best -and currently accepted scientific- knowledge all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness or damage to the user.
The author(s) are responsible for every content on the paper. By submitting a the paper, they are deemed to have accepted all of Jomat's rules and policies.

The authors agree that their papers may be published by JOMAT under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY).


88x31.png   All the contents of this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License (From September 2022) and available as full open access.

© Copyrights of all contents published in this journal are retained by their author(s).