Writing Rules

  1. If the original language of the submitted article is Turkish, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, keywords, English title, English abstract and keywords; If the original language of the article is English, English title, English abstract and keywords, Turkish title, Turkish abstract and keywords should be included. Exceptionally, foreign authors do not have to write Turkish abstracts and titles. Abstracts should not be more than 200 words.

  2. The title of the manuscript should be written in 12 font size, capital, bold, Times New Roman font and centered on the page.

  3. Under the title of the manuscript, the first letters of the author's names and surnames should be capitalized, the other letters should be small, and full name should be bold and right-aligned. Title, institution and contact information should be given as a footnote attached to the surname.

  4. Keywords should be written under abstract. All words except the first and special names in the keywords should start with lowercase letters and separated by commas. Abbreviations should not be used in abstract writing.

  5. Abstract should be written in 10 font size including a heading(bold), with the first letter of the heading capitalized, the other letters small and left-aligned. Title, author information, abstract, keywords, information, and acknowledgment should be placed on one page.

  6. If the study has been presented before, if it is produced from a project, proceeding or thesis, an explanation should be added to the title as a footnote.

  7. The “Introduction” section should start from the next page.

  8. The copyright form must be filled by all authors when applying to the Dergipark Article Application System. This form is available on our web site and on the application system.

  9. An in-text citation system (APA 6.0) is used in our journal. For more information: https://www.apastyle.org/

  10. Submitted articles should be written before and after 6nk and single-line spaced. Articles; title, author information, abstract, keywords, title, text, tables, figures, and references, should be no more than 20 pages. The manuscript should be written in 12 font size using Times New Roman. Page structure should be 2 cm from the top, bottom, right and left and 0,5 cm binding margins should be on the left. The distance from the edge should be 1.25 cm in the footer and 1.25 cm at the top.

  11. The title classification in the text should be made with numbers. Such as; 1, 1.1., 1.1.1 .; 2., 2.1., 2.1.1., 3., 3.1., 3.1.1. The introduction title will not be assigned a number. For all titles of the article in the text; the first letters should be in capital letters and the other letters small, all in bold, in 12 font size, in Times New Roman font and left-aligned. The conclusion also should not be included in the title classification.

  12. The page number should be specified in the article at the bottom center.

  13. Articles submitted for publication should not contain any paragraph indent in the text and titles. Only with the quotations in quotation marks or in the lists, 1 cm indent should be applied.

  14. Graphs and tables should appear as much as possible on the cited page or immediately after. The references and notes under the charts and tables should aim to make these materials understandable regardless of the main text.

  15. The table and figure title should be bold, centered and numbered (“Table 1:” or “Figure 5:”). Table and figure titles should be above the table or figure (Example: Table 1: 1990-2019 Post-Soviet Military Spending in Russian Federation). Tables and figures should be centered and the text scrolling feature should be turned off. Notes and references below the table should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 points, italic and centered. After and before the tables and figures (if there is a note or source, after the note or source), one-line space should be left.

  16. Each appendix to the article should be given on separate pages and after the references. The letters of each of the words in the title of the Appendix should be capitalized and left-aligned only the word Appendix with a number should be bold (such as “Appendix 1: PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION RESULTS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”).

  17. Authors' surnames and publication dates (and page information, if necessary) should be used when referring to references. For example:

    Ozcelik (2015) ...; Ozcelik (2015, p. 150) ...; Özçelik (2015, p. 182-186) ...;

    According to Özçelik (2014) ...; According to Özçelik and Tuncer (2014) ...; Özçelik and Tuncer (2014) ...; Özçelik et al., (2016) (if there are three or more authors) ...

    If more than one study is referred to at the end of the sentence, these references should be given in parentheses in the order of the year. For example: (Tuncer, 2004; Tuncer and Ozcelik, 2007; Tuncer et al., 2009; Ozcelik, 2014).
  18. If the source is quoted exactly, it should be shown in quotation marks and page information must be added while giving a reference. While giving a reference in an article written in the Turkish language “s.” and “ss.” should be used for page information. In the case of an article written in the English language “p.” and “pp.” should be used for page information.
  19. [For Turkish authors or articles in Turkish.] The articles should be taken as examples of the spelling guide and spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association. For detailed information, please refer to the website of the Turkish Language Association: www.tdk.gov.tr. Turkish dictionaries should be used instead of foreign words. When using unusual words in Turkish, the equivalent in a foreign language can be given in parentheses.
  20. The articles written in English and the English sections of the articles submitted in Turkish should be subjected to a proficient language check prior to submission. Regardless of the content, articles that are insufficient in terms of language are returned/rejected. It is important that authors pay maximum attention to this issue.

  21. If the submitted articles do not meet the above-mentioned requirements, they will be sent back for necessary correction process or rejected by the editorial board without being included in the evaluation process.

  22. The percentage of similarity score (Turnitin) should not be more than 15%.

  23. If a footnote is used in the article and a reference was made in this part, this source should be added to the references.

  24. The reference should be written under the title “REFERENCES” in English and “KAYNAKÇA” in Turkish immediately after the conclusion. Names of all authors should be given when writing references. The researcher should write the sources used in his / her study in alphabetical order of surnames. In the writing of each resource, all the lines except the first line are written 1 cm inside. When referring to more than one study of the same author, references are given from old to new according to the year of publication. If the author has more than one publication with the same date, the sources are separated by placing letters such as a, b next to the publication date. Articles should include the starting and ending page number(s) in the source where the article is published. If there is more than one author, the “and” should be used before the last author.

    Bibliography information should be organized in the guidance of APA 6.0 as in the following examples:

    Preliminary note: Only the first words of the titles should be capital, the other of all words of the title should be lower case.
    a) Book;

    a1) Single author book:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.

    a2) Multi-author book:
    Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.

    a3) Chapter in the book:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Title of Study. Editor (Prep./Ed.). Book name (page numbers). Publication place: Publisher.

    a4) Translation books:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the book (Translator Surname, N.). Place of publication: Publisher, Year of the source publication.

    a5) Electronic books:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the book. doi:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the book. URL Date of access:

    b) Corporate Publications:
    Name of The institution (Year of Publication). Title of publication. Place of Publication: Publisher.

    c) Thesis:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Thesis Title (Master / Ph.D. Thesis). Name of the Institute, Location.

    d) Titles without Author:
    Title (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.

    e) Scientific Journal Article:
    Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name, volume(number), page range. doi:
    Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name, volume(number), page range. URL Date of access:

    The DOI or URL is for articles accessed online.

    f) Newspaper Article:

    f1) With author:
    Author Surname, N. (Year, Month Day). Article Name. Newspaper Name, page range.

    f2) Without author:
    Article Name. (Year, Month Day). Newspaper Name, page range.

    f3) Online:
    Author Surname, N. (Year, Month Day). Article Name. Newspaper Name. URL Date of access:

    g) Proceedings:

    g1) Published:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the paper. Editor (Ed.). Book Title (page number). Place of Publication: Publisher.

    g2) Unpublished:
    Speaker Surname, N. (Year, Month). Proceedings Name. Meeting Name. Institution Name, Meeting Place.

    h) Poster:
    Author Surname, N. (Year, Month). Poster Name. Meeting Name. Institution Name, Meeting Place.

    i) Encyclopedia Article:
    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Article Name. Name of Encyclopedia, (volume no: page no) Place of Publication: Publisher.

    j) Report:
    Institution Name. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No). Place of Publication: Issuer.


    Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No). Place of Publication: Issuer.

    k) Laws and Regulations:
    Name of the Law. (Year Month Day of Acceptance). Publication Name, Issue.
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