Writing Rules

Publication Principles and Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines:
Those who want to submit an article to Mülkiye Journal can register to the site at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/1/submission/step/manuscript/new and use the "New Post" option on the USER PAGE in the main menu with the author ID. You will be asked to indicate in which of the journal sections you would like to send to the journal to be evaluated for publication.

All manuscripts sent to the journal are reviewed first by the Editorial Board and it is decided whether they are suitable for peer review. Only the articles submitted for publication in the "article" section are subject to peer review after the editor's decision. Mulkiye Journal has adopted the principles of "Double-Blind Peer Review" and each article is submitted for the evaluation of at least two referees.

Efforts are made to review the applications independently of the author and not to inform each other about the identities of the author and referee. For this purpose, persons such as authors, editors and referees who send files to the system should pay attention to the following points regarding the text and files.

1. Authors should delete the places where their names and institutions are mentioned in the text. Including footnotes etc. side texts.
2. While Microsoft documents are stored, personal information is also written into the file information. For this reason, either this personal information should be found and deleted from the document properties, or the document should be re-saved in a way that does not contain personal information in the following order. ( File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save)
3. In PDF files, the author name should be deleted by selecting the document properties from the Adoba Acrobat main menu.

Publishing Principles and Style Guidelines 

Manuscripts to be sent to the Mulkiye Journal must not have been published before or have not been included in a review process for publication in another journal. Manuscripts should be sent to the journal via Dergipark.

Responsibilities for all articles published in the Mulkiye Journal belongs to the author. The publication of the submitted articles depends on the decision of the editorial board. No royalties are paid for the articles published in the journal. Even if the articles are not published, they are not returned to the author(s). The copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to the Journal of Mulkiye. Republishing the entire published article is subject to the permission of Mülkiye Journal. It is free to cite the articles published in the Mulkiye Journal, provided that the source is cited.
Mulkiye Journal is a critical social sciences journal that is published four times a year and works according to the double-blind peer-review system. The journal has been a member of COPE ( Committee on Publishing Ethics ) since 2012 . Therefore, the authors and those contributing to the journal are bound by the ethical standards set by COPE. Detailed information on these standards can be found on our journal's website.

Text Formatting
1. I. All articles (articles, book reviews, etc.) should be written in MS Word program, in Calibri character, 11 font size and 1.5 spacing. Only the title of the article, the name(s) of the author(s) and institutional information should be included on the cover page of the manuscript. The address to which the correspondence will be made should be specified and the full mail address(es) of the author(s) should be given, as well as the fax number and e-mail address(es), if any. The second page should contain the abstract and keywords.
2. ii. For general spelling rules, the principles published on the Turkish Language Association's website (www.tdk. org.tr) should be adopted.
3. iii. 7000-12000 words including articles, abstract, keywords, endnotes and references; book reviews 1000-3000 words; other articles (case study, activity evaluation, comment, etc.) should be between 3000-6000 words.
4. iv. For the articles, a 300-400-word Turkish and 300-400-word English summary and five keywords in both languages should be prepared, written in 10 font size and single spacing.
5. v. At most four levels of headings should be used in the articles. These headings should be written hierarchically as follows:
First Level Subtitle: Xxxxxxxxxxxx (First letter capitalized and bold)
Second Level Subtitle: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx (First letter capitalized and italic)
Third Level Subtitle: i) Xxxxxxxxxxx (starts with i, ii, iii, etc.)
Fourth Level Subtitle : - Xxxxxxxxxxx (Starts with hyphen)
1. vi. In the articles, the beginning of the paragraph should not be inside, and there should be one line space between the two paragraphs.
2. vii. Explanatory notes should be given in the form of endnotes, not footnotes. Authors are expected to take care to keep the number of explanatory notes to a minimum. Endnotes to be added to the end of the article should be written in 10 font size, single spacing, and one line space should be left between the two endnotes.
3. viii. Graphics, photographs, tables, etc. used in the writings. Images should be placed in appropriate places in the text. Such visuals should be listed as Table1, Table2, Figure1, Figure2, Annex1, Annex2.
4. ix. Except for the cover page, the name of the author(s) should not be included in the text. If the author(s)' own work is referenced in the bibliography, only the phrase "Author" should be written instead of the name of the author(s), and the year should be specified, and no other information (article title, book title, etc.) should be included about the author(s) work. . The name of the author(s) should also be deleted from the 'Properties' option of the Word format text (This option can be found in the 'File' section of the Microsoft Word program).
5. x. Double quotes (“ ”) should be used for quotations, and single quotes (' ') for emphasis.

Reference Guidelines
References in articles should be written according to the Harvard referencing style. According to this;
i) If a reference is to be given to a source in general and the name of the author is mentioned in the text, only the publication year of the work should be included in parentheses.
Example: Özbek (1999) presents a more critical standing on this issue.
ii) If a reference is made to a specific page (or page range) of a source and the surname of the author is mentioned in the text, the year of publication and page number/page range should be included in parentheses.
Example: Ferro comparing colonialism and imperialism (2002: 48) …
iii) If a reference is made to a certain page (or page range) of a source and the name of the author is not mentioned in the text, the surname of the author, publication year and page number should be included in parentheses.
Example: The organization of war has created a certain differentiation in the character of states (Tilly, 2005: 40-44).
iv) When citing a source with more than one author, "and" should be placed between the surnames of the authors. If the number of authors is more than three, “et al.” after the surname of the first author. should be written.
Example: As stated in the Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels, 1998: 55), …
Example: In another important study of the 20th century (Best et al., 2006), …
v) If more than one source will be referenced at the same time on a topic, use “;” to separate these sources. mark should be used.
Example: The alliance system established by Bismarck (Armaoğlu, 1975: 184-212; Ülman, 2002: 144-157) …
vi) If more than one source of an author with the same date is used, the letters a, b, c … should be placed adjacent to the publication years of these sources.
Example: Çetin Altan has addressed this issue three times in the last six months (2012a; 2012b; 2012c).
vii) If an author's sources with different dates are to be referenced at the same time, a comma should be placed between the publication years of these sources.
Example: Timur (1994, 1996, 1998), in his works on Ottoman history, …
viii) If a reference is to be made to the secondary source, first the information about the secondary source will be given, then the phrase "referred by" will be written and the information pertaining to the citing source will be specified.
Example: In the actions carried out by the GAL in the Basque region of France 171 during the 1983-1986 period, 27 people, 10 of whom were French, who had no ties to ETA, lost their lives (Roller, 2002: 116 as cited in Aktoprak, 2010: 382).
ix) If an institution's publication is to be referenced, the name of the institution, year of publication and, if any, page number should be written in order.
Example: Data on the subject (TÜİK, 2011: 7) …
x) Reference to periodicals,
- Column/article: Author's surname, year and page number.
Example: In an article in which criticism of the Sledgehammer case was expressed (Çetinkaya, 2012: 5) …
- News with unknown author: Name of the publication (italics) , date and page number, if any.
Example: Some allegations about the downed plane (, The Economist, 2012: 16) …
xi) Electronic resources:
- References to an unknown source on a website, in the endnotes, Title of the document , (document date). Internet address. Last access date should be written in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Example: The Monnet Plan. http://www.cvce.eu/recherche/unit-content/-/ unit/5cc6b004-33b7-4e44-b6db-f5f9e6c01023/4802c240-1497-4127-9b14-f7b6896d6fd9. Last accessed 15/10/2012.
- Reference to the source whose author is known in periodicals: The surname of the author and the year of publication.
Example: In an article in which criticism of the Sledgehammer case was expressed (Çetinkaya, 2012) …
xii) To abbreviate quotations in the text, three dots should be used as follows:
Example: The following determination regarding the difficult situation the state is in today is appropriate:
The state is now in a much more problematic position. On the one hand, big capital is demanded to regulate its activities in the name of national interest, and on the other hand, it is forced to create an “attractive environment for business life” in order to attract transnational and global finance capital and prevent capital flight towards more attractive and profitable climates… on the other hand, in the name of national interest. (Harvey, 1999: 195)
Example: From this perspective, “paradoxically, the final victory of the peasant revolution… brings the end of the peasantry” (Hardt and Negri, 2004: 140).
xiii) For quotations that will exceed four lines, one line should be skipped and the paragraph should be indented, and the quotation should be written in 1 line spacing and in 10 font size, without quotation marks.
Example: The following determination regarding the difficult situation the state is in today is appropriate:
The state is now in a much more problematic position. On the one hand, big capital is demanded to regulate its activities in the name of national interest, and on the other hand, it is forced to create an “attractive environment for business life” in order to attract transnational and global finance capital and prevent capital flight towards more attractive and profitable climates… on the other hand, in the name of national interest. (Harvey, 1999: 195)
Example: Harvey (1999: 195) makes the following determination regarding the difficult situation the state is in today:
The state is now in a much more problematic position. On the one hand, big capital is demanded to regulate its activities in the name of national interest, and on the other hand, it is forced to create an “attractive environment for business life” in order to attract transnational and global finance capital and prevent capital flight towards more attractive and profitable climates… on the other hand, in the name of national interest.
xiv) References to personal interviews should be written as follows:
Example: Çelenk, who stated that he approached this issue with suspicion (Personal interview, 10.12.2012)…

Bibliography Listing
The bibliography to be added at the end of the article should be written in 10 font size, single spacing and according to the Harvard referencing style. Accordingly;
i) All references should be listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.
ii) The surnames of the authors should be written in capital letters only.
iii) If more than one work of an author is used, the name of the author should be rewritten for each work and the order should be made according to the dates of the works from oldest to newest.
iv) If the information required for bibliography is missing, the following signs will be used:
no date
no printing place
no publisher yay.y.
v) The book should be written as follows:
Example: Kurlansky M (2005). 1968: The Year That Rocked The World . London: Vintage.
Example: Marx K and Engels F (1998). Communist Manifesto . trans. M Erdost, Ankara: Sol Publications.
Example: Ratio B (der) (2001). Turkish Foreign Policy . Volume I, 2nd Edition, Istanbul: İletişim Publications.
Example: Best A et al. (2008). International Political History: 20th Century . trans. TU Bilge and E Kurt, Istanbul: Publication Room.
vi) In the compilation book, the chapter should be written as follows:
Example: Ferrarotti F (1997). The Birth of a Counterculture: From Kropotkin to Sakharov. In: F Mayor and A Forti (eds), Science and Power , trans. M Küçük, Ankara: TÜBİTAK, 107-123.
Example: Akdevelioğlu A and Kürkçüoğlu Ö (2001). Relations with the Middle East. In: B Oran (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy , Volume I, 2nd Edition, Istanbul: İletişim Publications, 357-369.
vii) The article from the journal (unless otherwise stated in the journal in question) should be written as follows:
Example: Okay MO (2003). Reflection of Crises of Faith from the Early Periods of Modernization and Turkish Modernization to Literature. Journal of East West Thought , 3, 53-64.
Example: Cooke P (1988). Modernity, Postmodernity and the City. Theory, Culture and Society , 5 (2-3), 475-492. 174
Example: Türel O (2011). Thinking about the Middle East in the Summer of 2011. Civil Service Magazine , 35(3), 9-60.
viii) The thesis should be written as follows:
Example: Albayrak Ö (2003). Theoretical Foundations of Welfare Economics: Market Welfare Relation. (Unpublished Master Thesis). Ankara: Ankara University.
ix) Periodicals should be written as follows:
- Citing the news/column with a known author
Example: Zeyrek D (2012). Peace Not War. Radikal , October 19, 7.
- The news whose author is not known should be written as follows:
Example: Radical (19/10/2012). A school was set on fire in Yüksekova. 12.
x) Internet resources should be written as follows:
- Citing the news/column of which the author is known in the periodical
Example: Zeyrek D (2012). Peace Not War. Radical , 19 October. Last accessed 21/10/2012.
- The news whose author is not known in the periodical should be written as follows:
Example: Radical (19/10/2012). A school was set on fire in Yüksekova. Last accessed 21/10/2012.
- Citing unknown sources
Title of the document. Internet address. Last access date, DD/MM/YYYY.
Example: The Monnet Plan. http://www.cvce.eu/recherche/unit-content/-/ unit/5cc6b004-33b7-4e44-b6db-f5f9e6c01023/4802c240-1497-4127-9b14-f7b6896d6fd9. Last accessed 15.10.2012.
- Citing the sources with known authors
Author's last name followed by initials (date if applicable). Title of the document . Internet address. Last access date, DD/MM/YYYY.
Example: Chomsky N (06.10.2012), Issues That Obama and Romney Avoid. http://www.zcommunications.org/issues-that-obama-and-romney-avoid-by-noamchomsky. Last accessed on 19.10.2012.
xi) The institution report should be written as follows: Abbreviation of the name of the institution (full name of the institution) (document date). Title of the document. Publication place: Institution name/publisher.
Example: TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2011). Turkey with Statistics 2011. Ankara: TURKSTAT
xii) Personal interview should be written as:
Example: Personal interview with Taner Timur, 27.09.2012.
xiii) Secondary sources referenced in the article should not be cited in the Bibliography.

Mülkiye Dergisi: Mülkiyeliler Birliği Konur Sokak No. 1, Kızılay - ANKARA, TÜRKİYE. Tel: +90 312 4185572; Faks: +90 312 4191373; mulkiyedergisi@mulkiye.org.tr / Mülkiye Dergisi, Mülkiyeliler Birliği Genel Merkezi Yayın Organı'dır.