Aim & Scope

1. Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları (Studies in Language and Literature) is an internationally peer-reviewed, electronic and print journal featuring original scientific studies in language and literature as well as history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, economic history, political science, economics and management.

2. Submitted manuscripts should be original research not published or not accepted for publication elsewhere. Previously published manuscripts are not accepted under any circumstances. Proceedings of academic conferences can only be admitted if they have not been published elsewhere, which should also be clearly stated. Ethical responsibility for such manuscripts rests solely with the authors themselves.

3. Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal is published biannually in Spring (March) and Fall (October).

The Spring and Fall issues are published digitally and in print on March 21 and October 21, respectively. Manuscript submission deadlines are March 1 for Spring and October 1 for Fall issues. Dates shall be announced for special issues to be published in between.

4. Copies of the journal are mailed to national and international libraries, international indexing authorities and subscribers within a month of their publication.

5. Every author receives one copy of the relevant issue.

6. Spelling and abbreviations should be based on the Spelling Dictionary of TDK (Turkish Language Society).

7. Manuscript Assessment

Manuscripts submitted to the Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal are first examined by the Editorial Board. Scholarly objectivity and scientific quality are the main criteria in manuscript assessment. Manuscripts deemed eligible for publication are then sent to two expert peer reviewers. Peer reviewers remain anonymous, with reports kept for a period of five years.

Peer reviewers are to assess manuscripts within 20 days. Those who fail to do so are contacted and granted a one-time extension of 10 days. Reviewing process is terminated for reviewers who fail to submit their report within the said deadline.

Even if the manuscript completes all the above processes and is ready to go in print with positive peer reviews, excluded from the final publication list by a decision of the Editorial Board, in case of linguistic and stylistic problems, incoherence in terms of subject or unethical academic requests and behavior.

In case of disagreement, authors have the right to raise objections to peer reviews by presenting their rationale. Rejected manuscripts shall not be returned to their respective authors.

8. Authors agree to transfer to the Türkiye Dil ve Edebiyat Derneği (Language and Literature Association of Turkey) their copyright for manuscripts accepted for publication in the Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal. Responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles lies entirely with the authors. Excerpts from the articles and photography are subject to citation rules.

9. Language of Publication

Language of publication for the journal Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları is Turkish. Researchers in philology may publish articles written in their language of specialty and other Turkic languages.

10. Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts formatted as per the publication guidelines can be sent to the e-mail address:

Period Months
March October