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Şarkılar Seni Söyler: Gündelik Yaşamda Müzikal Nostalji

Yıl 2020, , 7 - 31, 27.06.2020


Nostalji ve müzik arasındaki etkileşimsel uzam her gün daha fazla araştırmanın yapıldığı bir temas bölgesini oluşturur. Özellikle bireysel boyutta işleyen nostaljiyi ele alan metinlerin çoğunda nostaljinin müzikle olan yakın ilişkisine işaret edilmektedir. Müzik ve nostalji arasında neredeyse doğal görülen bu ilişkiye rağmen, gündelik yaşamda aktörlerin bu ilişkiyi nasıl deneyimledikleri konusunda bilgimiz çok sınırlıdır. Müzik deneyimi gibi, karmaşık bir duygu olarak tanımlanan nostalji deneyimi de asıl olarak bireylerin duyu dünyalarında gerçekleşir. Müzikal nostalji, bu çalışmada gündelik yaşamda müzik aracılığı ile deneyimlenen özel bir nostalji biçimini ifade etmek için kullanılmaktadır. Bu kavramsallaştırmadan hareketle, genç yetişkinlerin kimlik oluşturma süreçlerinde müzikal nostaljinin nasıl bir kaynak oluşturduğunun incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, etnografik bir keşif çalışması yürütülmüş ve aktörlerin müzikal nostaljiyi uzamsal bir taktik olarak kullandıkları sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Attali, J. (2005). Gürültüden müziğe. (G. G. Türkmen, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Barrett, F. S., Grimm, K. J., Robins, R. W., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C. ve Janata, P. (2010). Music-evoked nostalgia: Affect, memory, and personality. Emotion, 10(3), 390-403. doi:10.1037/a0019006
  • Batcho, K. I. (1998). Personal Nostalgia, World View, Memory, and Emotionality, 22
  • Bennett, A. (2002). Researching youth culture and popular music: A methodological critique. British Journal of Sociology, 53(3), 451-466. doi:10.1080/0007131022000000590
  • Blacking, J. (1973) How Musical is Man? Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.
  • Born, G. (2011). Music and the materialization of identities. Journal of Material Culture, 16(4), 376-388. doi:10.1177/1359183511424196
  • Boym, S. (2009). Nostaljinin Geleceği. İstanbul: Metis
  • Bull, M. (2000). Sounding Out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg.
  • Bull, M. (2009) The Auditory Nostalgia of iPod Culture. içinde, Sound Souvenirs: Audio Technologies. Memory and Cultural Practices. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, s. 83–93.
  • Cheung, W.-Y., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Hepper, E. G., Arndt, J. ve Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2013). Back to the Future: Nostalgia Increases Optimism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(11), 1484-1496. doi:10.1177/0146167213499187
  • Cicchelli, V. (2001). Les jeunes adultes comme objet théorique. Recherches et Prévisions, 65(1), 5-18. doi:10.3406/caf.2001.961
  • Chou, H.-Y. ve Lien, N.-H. (2014). Old Songs Never Die: Advertising Effects of Evoking Nostalgia With Popular Songs. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 35(1), 29-49. doi:10.1080/10641734.2014.866845
  • Davis, F. (1977). Nostalgia, Identity and the Current Nostalgia Wave. The Journal of Popular Culture, 11(2), 414-424. doi:10.1111/j.0022-3840.1977.00414.x
  • De Certeau, M. (2008). Gündelik hayatın keşfi I: Eylem, uygulama, üretim sanatları (çev. L. Arslan Özcan).Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
  • DeNora, T. (1999). Music as a technology of the self. Poetics, 27(1), 31-56. doi:10.1016/S0304-422X(99)00017-0
  • DeNora, T. (2000). Music in Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Feld, S. (1984). Communication, Music, and Speech about Music. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 16, 1. doi:10.2307/768199
  • Feld, S. (2015). Acoustemology. D. Novak and M. Shakeeny (Der.), içinde, Keywords in Sound. Durham/ Duke University Press.
  • Finnegan, R. (2003). Music, Experience and the Anthropology of Emotion. M. Clayton, T. Herbert and R. Middleton (Der.), içinde, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction (s. 181–192). New York: Routledge
  • Frith, S. (1981) Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure, and the Politics of Rock’n’Roll, New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Frith, J. ve Ahern, K. F. (2015). Make a sound garden grow: Exploring the new media potential of social soundscaping. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(4), 496-508.
  • Geertz, C. (1973). “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture”, The Interpretation of Cultures içinde, New York: Basic Books
  • Gill, D. (2017). Melancholic modalities: Affect, Islam, and Turkish classical musicians. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gouk, P. (2000). Music, Melancholy and Medical Spirits in Early Modern Thought. Peregrine Horden (Der.), içinde, Music as Medicine: The History of Music Therapy since Antiquity (s. 173-194). Guilford: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Hennion, A. (2001) Music Lovers. Taste as Performance. Theory, Culture, Society, 18 (5), s.1-22
  • Hennion, A. (2003). Music and mediation: Toward a new sociology of music, M. Clayton, T. Herbert, R. Middleton (Der.) içinde, The cultural study of music: A critical introduction (s. 249–260). London: Routledge.
  • Hennion, A. (2007). La Passion musicale: Une sociologie de la médiation. Paris: Editions Métailié.
  • Homeros. (1992) Odysseia, (çev. Azra Erhat - A. Kadir), Can Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Hymes, D. (1964), “Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication.” American Anthropologist, 66(6), s.1-34.
  • Jäncke, L. (2008). Music, memory and emotion. Journal of Biology, 7(6), 21. doi:10.1186/jbiol82
  • Merriam, A. P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  • Nagy, G. (1999). The best of the Achaeans: concepts of the hero in Archaic Greek poetry. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Nattiez, J. (1990). Music and discourse: Toward a semiology of music (C. Abbate, Trans.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Nowak, R. (2016). Music Listening Activities in the Digital Age: An Act of Cultural Participation through Adequate Music. Leonardo Music Journal, 26(26), 20-23.
  • Pistrick, E. (2015). Performing nostalgia: Migration culture and creativity in South Albania. SOAS musicology series. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  • Rouch, J. ve Feld, S. (2003) Cine-Ethnography (Visible Evidence) University of Minnesota Press
  • Schafer, R. M. (1994). The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World. Destiny Books
  • Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Routledge, C. ve Arndt, J. (2015). Nostalgia counteracts self-discontinuity and restores self-continuity: Self-discontinuity, nostalgia, continuity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(1), 52-61. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2073
  • Seeger, A. (1991). Styles of Musical Ethnography. Bruno Nettl ve Philip V. Bohlman (Der.), içinde, Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Shepherd, J. (1991) Music as Social Text. Polity Press and Basil Blackwell
  • Simmel, G. (2009). “Duyuların Sosyolojisi”. George Simmel Bireysellik ve Kültür, çev: Tuncay Birkan, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. s: 219-231.
  • Small, C. (1998). Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
  • Starobinski, J. ve Kemp, W. S. (1966). The Idea of Nostalgia. Diogenes, 14(54), 81-103. doi:10.1177/039219216601405405
  • Starobinski, J. (2007)."Tanrı Katında Ruh: Akedia Günahı", (çev. Serap B. Öztürk), Cogito, Yaz, S. 51, s. 224-232
  • Stokes M. (2012).Aşk Cumhuriyeti, Türk Popüler Müziğinde Kültürel Mahrem, (Çeviri: Hira Doğrul), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Stokes, M. (2017). Musical Ethnicity: Affective, Material and Vocal Turns, World of Music, 6(2), 19-34.
  • Stravinsky, I. (2011) Müziğin Poetikası. Çev.: Cem Taylan. İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık
  • ter Bogt, T. F. M., Vieno, A., Doornwaard, S. M., Pastore, M. ve van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M. (2017). “You’re not alone”: Music as a source of consolation among adolescents and young adults. Psychology of Music, 45(2), 155-171. doi:10.1177/0305735616650029
  • Titon, J. T. (1984). Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples. New York Schirmer.
  • Turino, T. (2008). Music as social life: The politics of participation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Turner, B. S. (1987) “A Note on Nostalgia”, Theory, Culture & Society 4 : 147-156.
  • Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Arndt, J. ve Routledge, C. (2006). Nostalgia: Content, triggers, functions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91(5), 975-993. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.91.5.975
  • Vess, M., Arndt, J., Routledge, C., Sedikides, C. ve Wildschut, T. (2012). Nostalgia as a Resource for the Self. Self and Identity, 11(3), 273-284. doi:10.1080/15298868.2010.521452

Les chansons vous chantent : nostalgie musicale dans la vie quotidienne

Yıl 2020, , 7 - 31, 27.06.2020


La musique et la nostalgie résident dans une maison commune. Cette zone de contact présente de riches opportunités de recherche pour les chercheurs. Un grand nombre d’études soulignent les fortes relations entre musique et nostalgie. Cependant, malgré cette relation solide, nous avons une connaissance limitée de la façon dont la musique et la nostalgie sont vécues dans la vie quotidienne. L’expérience de la nostalgie, ainsi que l’expérience musicale, se déroule principalement dans les mondes sensoriels des individus. Dans cette étude, le terme « nostalgie musicale » est utilisé pour exprimer une expérience spécifique, c’est-à-dire la nostalgie à travers la musique telle qu’elle est vécue au quotidien. Sur la base de cette conceptualisation, cette étude vise à observer le rôle de la nostalgie musicale dans le processus de formation identitaire des jeunes adultes.


  • Attali, J. (2005). Gürültüden müziğe. (G. G. Türkmen, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Barrett, F. S., Grimm, K. J., Robins, R. W., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C. ve Janata, P. (2010). Music-evoked nostalgia: Affect, memory, and personality. Emotion, 10(3), 390-403. doi:10.1037/a0019006
  • Batcho, K. I. (1998). Personal Nostalgia, World View, Memory, and Emotionality, 22
  • Bennett, A. (2002). Researching youth culture and popular music: A methodological critique. British Journal of Sociology, 53(3), 451-466. doi:10.1080/0007131022000000590
  • Blacking, J. (1973) How Musical is Man? Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.
  • Born, G. (2011). Music and the materialization of identities. Journal of Material Culture, 16(4), 376-388. doi:10.1177/1359183511424196
  • Boym, S. (2009). Nostaljinin Geleceği. İstanbul: Metis
  • Bull, M. (2000). Sounding Out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg.
  • Bull, M. (2009) The Auditory Nostalgia of iPod Culture. içinde, Sound Souvenirs: Audio Technologies. Memory and Cultural Practices. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, s. 83–93.
  • Cheung, W.-Y., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Hepper, E. G., Arndt, J. ve Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2013). Back to the Future: Nostalgia Increases Optimism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(11), 1484-1496. doi:10.1177/0146167213499187
  • Cicchelli, V. (2001). Les jeunes adultes comme objet théorique. Recherches et Prévisions, 65(1), 5-18. doi:10.3406/caf.2001.961
  • Chou, H.-Y. ve Lien, N.-H. (2014). Old Songs Never Die: Advertising Effects of Evoking Nostalgia With Popular Songs. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 35(1), 29-49. doi:10.1080/10641734.2014.866845
  • Davis, F. (1977). Nostalgia, Identity and the Current Nostalgia Wave. The Journal of Popular Culture, 11(2), 414-424. doi:10.1111/j.0022-3840.1977.00414.x
  • De Certeau, M. (2008). Gündelik hayatın keşfi I: Eylem, uygulama, üretim sanatları (çev. L. Arslan Özcan).Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
  • DeNora, T. (1999). Music as a technology of the self. Poetics, 27(1), 31-56. doi:10.1016/S0304-422X(99)00017-0
  • DeNora, T. (2000). Music in Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Feld, S. (1984). Communication, Music, and Speech about Music. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 16, 1. doi:10.2307/768199
  • Feld, S. (2015). Acoustemology. D. Novak and M. Shakeeny (Der.), içinde, Keywords in Sound. Durham/ Duke University Press.
  • Finnegan, R. (2003). Music, Experience and the Anthropology of Emotion. M. Clayton, T. Herbert and R. Middleton (Der.), içinde, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction (s. 181–192). New York: Routledge
  • Frith, S. (1981) Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure, and the Politics of Rock’n’Roll, New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Frith, J. ve Ahern, K. F. (2015). Make a sound garden grow: Exploring the new media potential of social soundscaping. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(4), 496-508.
  • Geertz, C. (1973). “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture”, The Interpretation of Cultures içinde, New York: Basic Books
  • Gill, D. (2017). Melancholic modalities: Affect, Islam, and Turkish classical musicians. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gouk, P. (2000). Music, Melancholy and Medical Spirits in Early Modern Thought. Peregrine Horden (Der.), içinde, Music as Medicine: The History of Music Therapy since Antiquity (s. 173-194). Guilford: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Hennion, A. (2001) Music Lovers. Taste as Performance. Theory, Culture, Society, 18 (5), s.1-22
  • Hennion, A. (2003). Music and mediation: Toward a new sociology of music, M. Clayton, T. Herbert, R. Middleton (Der.) içinde, The cultural study of music: A critical introduction (s. 249–260). London: Routledge.
  • Hennion, A. (2007). La Passion musicale: Une sociologie de la médiation. Paris: Editions Métailié.
  • Homeros. (1992) Odysseia, (çev. Azra Erhat - A. Kadir), Can Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Hymes, D. (1964), “Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication.” American Anthropologist, 66(6), s.1-34.
  • Jäncke, L. (2008). Music, memory and emotion. Journal of Biology, 7(6), 21. doi:10.1186/jbiol82
  • Merriam, A. P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  • Nagy, G. (1999). The best of the Achaeans: concepts of the hero in Archaic Greek poetry. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Nattiez, J. (1990). Music and discourse: Toward a semiology of music (C. Abbate, Trans.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Nowak, R. (2016). Music Listening Activities in the Digital Age: An Act of Cultural Participation through Adequate Music. Leonardo Music Journal, 26(26), 20-23.
  • Pistrick, E. (2015). Performing nostalgia: Migration culture and creativity in South Albania. SOAS musicology series. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  • Rouch, J. ve Feld, S. (2003) Cine-Ethnography (Visible Evidence) University of Minnesota Press
  • Schafer, R. M. (1994). The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World. Destiny Books
  • Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Routledge, C. ve Arndt, J. (2015). Nostalgia counteracts self-discontinuity and restores self-continuity: Self-discontinuity, nostalgia, continuity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(1), 52-61. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2073
  • Seeger, A. (1991). Styles of Musical Ethnography. Bruno Nettl ve Philip V. Bohlman (Der.), içinde, Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Shepherd, J. (1991) Music as Social Text. Polity Press and Basil Blackwell
  • Simmel, G. (2009). “Duyuların Sosyolojisi”. George Simmel Bireysellik ve Kültür, çev: Tuncay Birkan, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. s: 219-231.
  • Small, C. (1998). Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
  • Starobinski, J. ve Kemp, W. S. (1966). The Idea of Nostalgia. Diogenes, 14(54), 81-103. doi:10.1177/039219216601405405
  • Starobinski, J. (2007)."Tanrı Katında Ruh: Akedia Günahı", (çev. Serap B. Öztürk), Cogito, Yaz, S. 51, s. 224-232
  • Stokes M. (2012).Aşk Cumhuriyeti, Türk Popüler Müziğinde Kültürel Mahrem, (Çeviri: Hira Doğrul), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Stokes, M. (2017). Musical Ethnicity: Affective, Material and Vocal Turns, World of Music, 6(2), 19-34.
  • Stravinsky, I. (2011) Müziğin Poetikası. Çev.: Cem Taylan. İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık
  • ter Bogt, T. F. M., Vieno, A., Doornwaard, S. M., Pastore, M. ve van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M. (2017). “You’re not alone”: Music as a source of consolation among adolescents and young adults. Psychology of Music, 45(2), 155-171. doi:10.1177/0305735616650029
  • Titon, J. T. (1984). Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples. New York Schirmer.
  • Turino, T. (2008). Music as social life: The politics of participation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Turner, B. S. (1987) “A Note on Nostalgia”, Theory, Culture & Society 4 : 147-156.
  • Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Arndt, J. ve Routledge, C. (2006). Nostalgia: Content, triggers, functions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91(5), 975-993. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.91.5.975
  • Vess, M., Arndt, J., Routledge, C., Sedikides, C. ve Wildschut, T. (2012). Nostalgia as a Resource for the Self. Self and Identity, 11(3), 273-284. doi:10.1080/15298868.2010.521452

The Song Sings You: Musical Nostalgia in Everyday Life

Yıl 2020, , 7 - 31, 27.06.2020


Music and nostalgia dwell in a common home. The contact zone between music and nostalgia offers rich research opportunities for researchers. However, despite the great number of studies examining the strong relations between music and nostalgia, we have a limited knowledge on how musical nostalgia is being experienced in everyday life. The experience of nostalgia, as well as the musical experience, primarily takes place in the individuals’ sensorium. In this study, the term “musical nostalgia” is used to express nostalgia through music, as it is experienced in everyday life. Based on this conceptualization, this study aims to observe the role of musical nostalgia in the process of identity formation of young adults.


  • Attali, J. (2005). Gürültüden müziğe. (G. G. Türkmen, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Barrett, F. S., Grimm, K. J., Robins, R. W., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C. ve Janata, P. (2010). Music-evoked nostalgia: Affect, memory, and personality. Emotion, 10(3), 390-403. doi:10.1037/a0019006
  • Batcho, K. I. (1998). Personal Nostalgia, World View, Memory, and Emotionality, 22
  • Bennett, A. (2002). Researching youth culture and popular music: A methodological critique. British Journal of Sociology, 53(3), 451-466. doi:10.1080/0007131022000000590
  • Blacking, J. (1973) How Musical is Man? Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.
  • Born, G. (2011). Music and the materialization of identities. Journal of Material Culture, 16(4), 376-388. doi:10.1177/1359183511424196
  • Boym, S. (2009). Nostaljinin Geleceği. İstanbul: Metis
  • Bull, M. (2000). Sounding Out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg.
  • Bull, M. (2009) The Auditory Nostalgia of iPod Culture. içinde, Sound Souvenirs: Audio Technologies. Memory and Cultural Practices. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, s. 83–93.
  • Cheung, W.-Y., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Hepper, E. G., Arndt, J. ve Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2013). Back to the Future: Nostalgia Increases Optimism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(11), 1484-1496. doi:10.1177/0146167213499187
  • Cicchelli, V. (2001). Les jeunes adultes comme objet théorique. Recherches et Prévisions, 65(1), 5-18. doi:10.3406/caf.2001.961
  • Chou, H.-Y. ve Lien, N.-H. (2014). Old Songs Never Die: Advertising Effects of Evoking Nostalgia With Popular Songs. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 35(1), 29-49. doi:10.1080/10641734.2014.866845
  • Davis, F. (1977). Nostalgia, Identity and the Current Nostalgia Wave. The Journal of Popular Culture, 11(2), 414-424. doi:10.1111/j.0022-3840.1977.00414.x
  • De Certeau, M. (2008). Gündelik hayatın keşfi I: Eylem, uygulama, üretim sanatları (çev. L. Arslan Özcan).Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
  • DeNora, T. (1999). Music as a technology of the self. Poetics, 27(1), 31-56. doi:10.1016/S0304-422X(99)00017-0
  • DeNora, T. (2000). Music in Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Feld, S. (1984). Communication, Music, and Speech about Music. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 16, 1. doi:10.2307/768199
  • Feld, S. (2015). Acoustemology. D. Novak and M. Shakeeny (Der.), içinde, Keywords in Sound. Durham/ Duke University Press.
  • Finnegan, R. (2003). Music, Experience and the Anthropology of Emotion. M. Clayton, T. Herbert and R. Middleton (Der.), içinde, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction (s. 181–192). New York: Routledge
  • Frith, S. (1981) Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure, and the Politics of Rock’n’Roll, New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Frith, J. ve Ahern, K. F. (2015). Make a sound garden grow: Exploring the new media potential of social soundscaping. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(4), 496-508.
  • Geertz, C. (1973). “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture”, The Interpretation of Cultures içinde, New York: Basic Books
  • Gill, D. (2017). Melancholic modalities: Affect, Islam, and Turkish classical musicians. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gouk, P. (2000). Music, Melancholy and Medical Spirits in Early Modern Thought. Peregrine Horden (Der.), içinde, Music as Medicine: The History of Music Therapy since Antiquity (s. 173-194). Guilford: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Hennion, A. (2001) Music Lovers. Taste as Performance. Theory, Culture, Society, 18 (5), s.1-22
  • Hennion, A. (2003). Music and mediation: Toward a new sociology of music, M. Clayton, T. Herbert, R. Middleton (Der.) içinde, The cultural study of music: A critical introduction (s. 249–260). London: Routledge.
  • Hennion, A. (2007). La Passion musicale: Une sociologie de la médiation. Paris: Editions Métailié.
  • Homeros. (1992) Odysseia, (çev. Azra Erhat - A. Kadir), Can Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Hymes, D. (1964), “Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication.” American Anthropologist, 66(6), s.1-34.
  • Jäncke, L. (2008). Music, memory and emotion. Journal of Biology, 7(6), 21. doi:10.1186/jbiol82
  • Merriam, A. P. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
  • Nagy, G. (1999). The best of the Achaeans: concepts of the hero in Archaic Greek poetry. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Nattiez, J. (1990). Music and discourse: Toward a semiology of music (C. Abbate, Trans.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Nowak, R. (2016). Music Listening Activities in the Digital Age: An Act of Cultural Participation through Adequate Music. Leonardo Music Journal, 26(26), 20-23.
  • Pistrick, E. (2015). Performing nostalgia: Migration culture and creativity in South Albania. SOAS musicology series. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  • Rouch, J. ve Feld, S. (2003) Cine-Ethnography (Visible Evidence) University of Minnesota Press
  • Schafer, R. M. (1994). The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World. Destiny Books
  • Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Routledge, C. ve Arndt, J. (2015). Nostalgia counteracts self-discontinuity and restores self-continuity: Self-discontinuity, nostalgia, continuity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(1), 52-61. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2073
  • Seeger, A. (1991). Styles of Musical Ethnography. Bruno Nettl ve Philip V. Bohlman (Der.), içinde, Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Shepherd, J. (1991) Music as Social Text. Polity Press and Basil Blackwell
  • Simmel, G. (2009). “Duyuların Sosyolojisi”. George Simmel Bireysellik ve Kültür, çev: Tuncay Birkan, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. s: 219-231.
  • Small, C. (1998). Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
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Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Murad Özdemir 0000-0003-3987-8825

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2020
Kabul Tarihi 17 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, M. (2020). Şarkılar Seni Söyler: Gündelik Yaşamda Müzikal Nostalji. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi(32), 7-31.

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