Cartographie des espaces de rencontre : Stratégies spatiales des jeunes adultes utilisant des applications de rencontres géolocalisées en Turquie
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 41, 17 - 45, 29.12.2024
Aylin Sunam Audry
Gözde Cöbek
Yiğit Bahadır Kaya
Cet article donne un aperçu des stratégies spatiales des jeunes adultes résidant dans des villes métropolitaines et non métropolitaines qui utilisent des applications de rencontres géolocalisées. L'étude porte sur l'analyse de 64 jeunes utilisateurs, âgés de 18 à 30 ans et résidant dans six villes différentes de Turquie. La méthode de cartographie cognitive floue (Kosko, 1986) a permis de mieux comprendre leurs stratégies spatiales et leurs processus décisionnels. Les résultats de l'étude révèlent que le genre, l'orientation sexuelle et les modèles géographiques inhérents au milieu culturel (métropolitain et non métropolitain) exercent une influence prononcée sur les stratégies spatiales des utilisateurs d'applications de rencontres géolocalisées et sur les tactiques qu'ils emploient lorsqu'ils rencontrent des partenaires potentiels dans la ville. L'étude apporte une contribution significative à la littérature existante sur le sujet en démontrant l'influence de facteurs tels que l'anonymat, la pression sociale et les préoccupations en matière de sécurité sur les pratiques des utilisateurs d'applications de rencontres géolocalisées en ce qui concerne leur utilisation des espaces urbains.
- Acuner, D. (2019). Canavarlaştırılan Kent Sokakları: Kadının Kent Deneyimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Cenk Özbay,
- Ayşecan Terzioğlu (Ed.), Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri içinde (109–126). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
- Ali, N., Phillips, R., Chambers, C., Narkowicz, K., Hopkins, P., & Pande R. (2020). Halal dating: Changing relationship attitudes and experiences among young British Muslims. Sexualities, 23(5–6), 775–792.
- Altınordu, A. (2009). The debate on “neighborhood pressure” in Turkey. ASA Footnotes, 37(2), 5.
- Anderson, M., Vogels, E. A., & Turner, E. (6 Şubat 2020). The virtues and downsides of online dating. Pew Research Center. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Aydoğan, B. (2020). Konum Temelli Çevrimiçi Tanışma Uygulamalarını Kadınların Flört Deneyimleri Açısından Düşünmek: Tinder Ve Happn. Moment Dergi, 7(2). doi:10.17572/mj2020.2.287313
- Broeker, F. (2023). Love and Technology: An Ethnography of Dating App Users in Berlin (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Chan, L.S. (2016). How Sociocultural Context Matters in Self-Presentation: A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Profiles on Jack’d, a Mobile Dating App for Men Who Have Sex With Men. International Journal of Communication, 10(2016), 6040–6059.
- Cöbek, G. (2022). Flört uygulamalarındaki imajlar dünyası: “Klişelerin diktatörlüğü”ne karşı doğallık. Moment, 9(1), 13-34.
- Cöbek, G. (2023). Right of men to hook up: An analysis of Tinder’s architecture and its cultural interpretations in Turkey. In G. Muschert, M. Ragnedda, M. Şentürk, & H. Eşrefoğlu (Eds.), New Media / New Society? Istanbul University Press.
- Cöbek, G., & Ergin, M. (2021). Swipe me if you can: Cultural and gendered uses of Tinder in Turkey. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences, 5(3), 11-38.
- Cui, Y., Yamashita, N., Liu, M., & Lee, Y. (2022). “So close, yet so far”: Exploring Sexual-minority women’s relationship-building via online dating in China. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Çakır, R. (29 Mayıs 2013). Prof. Şerif Mardin: "Mahalle Baskısı, Ne Demek İstedim?" Ruşen Çakır. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Çeler, Z. (2024). Global migrations of the discourse of “gender ideology” and moral panics: transnational fundamentalism from the Vatican to Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 1–22. doi:10.1017/npt.2024.30
- Deniz, A. (2020). Changing Geographies of Intimacy: A Study on FemaleTinder Users in İstanbul. Fe Dergi, 12(1), 113–124.
- DeHaan, S., Kuper, L. E., Magee, J. C., Bigelow, L., Mustanski, B. S. (2013). The interplay between online and offline explorations of identity, relationships, and sex: A mixed methods study with LGBT youth. Journal of Sex Research, 50(5), 421-434.
- De Rooij, L. (2020). The Relationship between Online Dating and Islamic Identity among British Muslims. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 9, 1-32.
- de Souza e Silva, A. ve Frith, J. (2012). Mobile Interfaces in Public Spaces: Locational Privacy, Control, and Urban Sociability. Oxford, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Dickerson, J. A. ve Kosko, B. (1994). Virtual worlds as fuzzy cognitive maps. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 3(2), 173–189.
- Dixon, S. J. (27 Mart 2024a). Online dating worldwide - Statistics & Facts. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Dixon, S. J. (22 Mayıs 2024b). Distribution of online dating service users in the United Kingdom (UK) as of March 2024, by age group. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Dixon, S. J. (13 Aralık 2023). Online dating service users in the United States as of September 2023, by age group. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Finn, E. (2017). What Algorithms Want Imagination in the Age of Computing. The MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262536042.
- Frith, J. ve Özkul, D. (2019). Mobile media beyond mobile phones. Mobile Media & Communication, 7(3), 293-302. doi:10.1177/2050157919850405
- Galloway, A.R. (2006). Gaming : Essays on algorithmic culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
- Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Volman-Pampanel, D., Opuda, E., & Tarshish, N. (2024). Dating Apps: A New Emerging Platform for Sexual Harassment? A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 25(1), 752-763.
- Giles, C., Ashford, C. ve Brown, K. J. (2022). Online safety and identity: navigating same-sex male social “dating” apps and networks. Information & Communications Technology Law, 31(3), 269-286.
- Gürcan, C., ve Üstünel, A. O. (2024). “It’s like a gamble, anything could happen”: Women navigating safety and agency in online dating in urban Turkey. Feminism & Psychology, 34(1), 151-171.
- Hasan, F. (2020). Keep it halal! A smartphone ethnography of Muslim dating. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10(1), 135–154.
- Hetsroni, A., Tuncez, M. ve Özdemir, M. (2020). Stereotypical Gender Attributions across Sexual Orientations on Tinder: Evidence from Turkey. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 14-23.
- Hjorth, L. (2013). The place of the emplaced mobile: A case study into gendered locative media practices. Mobile Media & Communication, 1(1), 110–115.
- Hoang, N. P., Asano, Y. ve Yoshikawa, M. (2016). Your neighbors are my spies: Location and other privacy concerns in dating apps. 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). doi:10.1109/icact.2016.7423531
- Husain, F. (2020). Halal Dating, Purdah, and Postfeminism: What the Sexual Projects of Pakistani Women Can Tell Us about Agency. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 45(3).
- Jarvis, H., Cloke, J. ve Kantor, P. (2009). Cities and gender. Londra: Routledge.
- Jerome, C. ve Hadzmy, A.J.b.A. (2022). Coming Out Strategies on Social Media among Young Gay Men in Malaysia. Youth, 2, 39–52. youth2010004
- Kavas, A. (8 Mart 2018). Karşılaştırmalarla 81 İl İçin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Karnesi-2018. TEPAV. Erişim Tarihi 12 Aralık 2024,
- Kavasoglu, İ., Gumus, H., & Kivel, D. (2024). “We Are Also in These Spaces!”: Struggles with Leisure Constraints of LGBTQ People from Turkey. Leisure Sciences, 1–16.
- Kosko, B. (1986). Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 24(1), 65 – 75.
- MacKian, S. (2004). Mapping reflexive communities: visualizing the geographies of emotion. Social & Cultural Geography, 5(4), 615-631. DOI: 10.1080/1464936042000317730.
- Miles, S. (2017). Sex in the digital city: location-based dating apps and queer urban life. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(11), 1595-1610.
- Milgram, S. (1977). “The familiar stranger: An aspect of urban anonymity”. The individual in a social world. Reading, MA. Adisson –Wesley.
- Narin, B. (2018). A Netnography Study About Wapa as a Mobile Dating Application. Moment Journal: Journal of Cultural Studies, 5(2), 343-367.
- Nicolle, C. (2022). “The Whole Neighbourhood Is Becoming Gay!” Reflections on the Effects of Geolocated Dating Apps on the Practice and Perception of the Urban Space of Gay Men in Major French Cities. Blidon, M., Brunn, S.D (Ed.) Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places içinde (147-164). Cham: Springer.
- Nisa, E. F. (2021). Online Halal Dating, Ta’aruf, and the Shariatisation of Matchmaking among Malaysian and Indonesian Muslims. CyberOrient, 15(1), 231-258.
- Öz, Ö. ve Eder, M. (2018). ‘Problem Spaces’ and Struggles Over the Right to the City: Challenges of Living Differentially in a Gentrifying Istanbul Neighborhood. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(6), 1030-1047.
- Özbay, C. (2017). Queering sexualities in Turkey: Gay men, male prostitutes and the city. I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd.
- Özbaş Anbarli, Z. (2021). Dijital Ağda İlişkiler: Kullanıcıların Tinder Deneyimleri. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 12(23), 89–119.
- Özyeğin, G. (2015). New Desires, New Selves: Sex, love, and piety among Turkish youth. New York University Press.
- Parisi, L. ve Comunello, F. (2020). Dating in the time of “relational filter bubbles”: Exploring imaginaries, perceptions and tactics of Italian dating app users. The Communication Review, 23(1), 66–89.
- Pasin, B. (2020). Görün(m)üyorum, Öyleyse Varım: Konumsal Medyada Kuir Mekân Pratikleri. Cemile Tokgöz Şahoğlu, Betül Aydoğan (Ed.) Konumsal Medya: Dijital Çağda Mekân Üzerine Disiplinlerarası Tartışmalar içinde (205-214). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
- Phan, A., Seigfried-Spellar, K., ve Choo, K.-K. R. (2021). Threaten me softly: A review of potential dating App Risks. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100055.
- Portolan, L. ve McAlister, J. (2022). Jagged Love: Narratives of Romance on Dating Apps during COVID-19. Sexuality and Culture, 26(1), 354–372.
- Rochadiat, A. M., Tong, S. T. ve Novak, J. M. (2018). Online dating and courtship among Muslim American women: Negotiating technology, religious identity, and culture. New Media & Society, 20(4), 1618–1639.
- Sharabi, L. L., Ryder, C. V. ve Niess, L. C. (2023). A Space of Our Own: Exploring the Relationship Initiation Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Dating App Users. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(7), 2277-2297.
- Sotoudeh, R., Friedland, R. ve Afary, J. (2017). Digital romance: the sources of online love in the Muslim world. Media, Culture & Society, 39(3), 429-439.
- Soybakış, O. (2019). Kamusal Alanda Saklambaç: İstanbul’da Eşcinsel ve Biseksüel Erkeklerin Mekansal Sosyalleşmesi. Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu (Ed.), Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri içinde (267-280). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
- audiences: Dating App Users in Turkey 2023. (2023). Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Sunam Audry, A., Bas, O., İnceoğlu, İ., Kaya, Y. B., Cöbek, G., & Alkurt, S. V. (2024). Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey. Mobile Media & Communication, 12(3), 662-687.
- Tanrıöver, H. U. & Sunam, A. (2017). Türkiye'deki çevrimiçi evlilik siteleri: Medyanın benlik sunumuna etkisinin toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir analizi. İleti-ş-im, 26, 9-38.
- Tuğal, C. (2021). Urban Symbolic Violence Re-Made: Religion, Politics and Spatial Struggles in Istanbul. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45(1): 154-163.
- TUİK. (26 Ağustos 2022). Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması, 2022. Erişim 12 Aralık 2024,
- Veel, K. ve Thylstrup, N. B. (2018). Geolocating the stranger: the mapping of uncertainty as a configuration of matching and warranting techniques in dating apps. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 10(3), 43–52.
- Yılmaz, T. (20 Ağustos 2020). Grindr’dan sonra Hornet de yasaklı, sırada ne var? Bianet. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
Mapping Dating Spaces: Spatial Strategies of Young Adults Using Location-Based Dating Apps in Turkey
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 41, 17 - 45, 29.12.2024
Aylin Sunam Audry
Gözde Cöbek
Yiğit Bahadır Kaya
This article provides insight into the spatial strategies of young adults residing in metropolitan and non-metropolitan cities who utilize location-based dating applications. The study encompassed the analysis of 64 young users, aged between 18 and 30, from six different cities in Turkey. The fuzzy cognitive mapping method (Kosko, 1986) was employed to gain insights into their spatial strategies and decision-making processes. The findings indicate that gender and geographical patterns inherent to the cultural milieu (metropolitan and non-metropolitan) exert a pronounced influence on the spatial strategies of dating apps users and the tactics they employ when encountering prospective partners in the city. The study makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on the subject by demonstrating the influence of factors such as anonymity, social pressure and security concerns on the practices of users of location-based dating applications in relation to their use of urban spaces.
- Acuner, D. (2019). Canavarlaştırılan Kent Sokakları: Kadının Kent Deneyimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Cenk Özbay,
- Ayşecan Terzioğlu (Ed.), Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri içinde (109–126). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
- Ali, N., Phillips, R., Chambers, C., Narkowicz, K., Hopkins, P., & Pande R. (2020). Halal dating: Changing relationship attitudes and experiences among young British Muslims. Sexualities, 23(5–6), 775–792.
- Altınordu, A. (2009). The debate on “neighborhood pressure” in Turkey. ASA Footnotes, 37(2), 5.
- Anderson, M., Vogels, E. A., & Turner, E. (6 Şubat 2020). The virtues and downsides of online dating. Pew Research Center. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Aydoğan, B. (2020). Konum Temelli Çevrimiçi Tanışma Uygulamalarını Kadınların Flört Deneyimleri Açısından Düşünmek: Tinder Ve Happn. Moment Dergi, 7(2). doi:10.17572/mj2020.2.287313
- Broeker, F. (2023). Love and Technology: An Ethnography of Dating App Users in Berlin (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Chan, L.S. (2016). How Sociocultural Context Matters in Self-Presentation: A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Profiles on Jack’d, a Mobile Dating App for Men Who Have Sex With Men. International Journal of Communication, 10(2016), 6040–6059.
- Cöbek, G. (2022). Flört uygulamalarındaki imajlar dünyası: “Klişelerin diktatörlüğü”ne karşı doğallık. Moment, 9(1), 13-34.
- Cöbek, G. (2023). Right of men to hook up: An analysis of Tinder’s architecture and its cultural interpretations in Turkey. In G. Muschert, M. Ragnedda, M. Şentürk, & H. Eşrefoğlu (Eds.), New Media / New Society? Istanbul University Press.
- Cöbek, G., & Ergin, M. (2021). Swipe me if you can: Cultural and gendered uses of Tinder in Turkey. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences, 5(3), 11-38.
- Cui, Y., Yamashita, N., Liu, M., & Lee, Y. (2022). “So close, yet so far”: Exploring Sexual-minority women’s relationship-building via online dating in China. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Çakır, R. (29 Mayıs 2013). Prof. Şerif Mardin: "Mahalle Baskısı, Ne Demek İstedim?" Ruşen Çakır. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Çeler, Z. (2024). Global migrations of the discourse of “gender ideology” and moral panics: transnational fundamentalism from the Vatican to Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 1–22. doi:10.1017/npt.2024.30
- Deniz, A. (2020). Changing Geographies of Intimacy: A Study on FemaleTinder Users in İstanbul. Fe Dergi, 12(1), 113–124.
- DeHaan, S., Kuper, L. E., Magee, J. C., Bigelow, L., Mustanski, B. S. (2013). The interplay between online and offline explorations of identity, relationships, and sex: A mixed methods study with LGBT youth. Journal of Sex Research, 50(5), 421-434.
- De Rooij, L. (2020). The Relationship between Online Dating and Islamic Identity among British Muslims. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 9, 1-32.
- de Souza e Silva, A. ve Frith, J. (2012). Mobile Interfaces in Public Spaces: Locational Privacy, Control, and Urban Sociability. Oxford, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Dickerson, J. A. ve Kosko, B. (1994). Virtual worlds as fuzzy cognitive maps. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 3(2), 173–189.
- Dixon, S. J. (27 Mart 2024a). Online dating worldwide - Statistics & Facts. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Dixon, S. J. (22 Mayıs 2024b). Distribution of online dating service users in the United Kingdom (UK) as of March 2024, by age group. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Dixon, S. J. (13 Aralık 2023). Online dating service users in the United States as of September 2023, by age group. Statista. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Finn, E. (2017). What Algorithms Want Imagination in the Age of Computing. The MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262536042.
- Frith, J. ve Özkul, D. (2019). Mobile media beyond mobile phones. Mobile Media & Communication, 7(3), 293-302. doi:10.1177/2050157919850405
- Galloway, A.R. (2006). Gaming : Essays on algorithmic culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
- Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Volman-Pampanel, D., Opuda, E., & Tarshish, N. (2024). Dating Apps: A New Emerging Platform for Sexual Harassment? A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 25(1), 752-763.
- Giles, C., Ashford, C. ve Brown, K. J. (2022). Online safety and identity: navigating same-sex male social “dating” apps and networks. Information & Communications Technology Law, 31(3), 269-286.
- Gürcan, C., ve Üstünel, A. O. (2024). “It’s like a gamble, anything could happen”: Women navigating safety and agency in online dating in urban Turkey. Feminism & Psychology, 34(1), 151-171.
- Hasan, F. (2020). Keep it halal! A smartphone ethnography of Muslim dating. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10(1), 135–154.
- Hetsroni, A., Tuncez, M. ve Özdemir, M. (2020). Stereotypical Gender Attributions across Sexual Orientations on Tinder: Evidence from Turkey. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 14-23.
- Hjorth, L. (2013). The place of the emplaced mobile: A case study into gendered locative media practices. Mobile Media & Communication, 1(1), 110–115.
- Hoang, N. P., Asano, Y. ve Yoshikawa, M. (2016). Your neighbors are my spies: Location and other privacy concerns in dating apps. 18th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). doi:10.1109/icact.2016.7423531
- Husain, F. (2020). Halal Dating, Purdah, and Postfeminism: What the Sexual Projects of Pakistani Women Can Tell Us about Agency. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 45(3).
- Jarvis, H., Cloke, J. ve Kantor, P. (2009). Cities and gender. Londra: Routledge.
- Jerome, C. ve Hadzmy, A.J.b.A. (2022). Coming Out Strategies on Social Media among Young Gay Men in Malaysia. Youth, 2, 39–52. youth2010004
- Kavas, A. (8 Mart 2018). Karşılaştırmalarla 81 İl İçin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Karnesi-2018. TEPAV. Erişim Tarihi 12 Aralık 2024,
- Kavasoglu, İ., Gumus, H., & Kivel, D. (2024). “We Are Also in These Spaces!”: Struggles with Leisure Constraints of LGBTQ People from Turkey. Leisure Sciences, 1–16.
- Kosko, B. (1986). Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 24(1), 65 – 75.
- MacKian, S. (2004). Mapping reflexive communities: visualizing the geographies of emotion. Social & Cultural Geography, 5(4), 615-631. DOI: 10.1080/1464936042000317730.
- Miles, S. (2017). Sex in the digital city: location-based dating apps and queer urban life. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(11), 1595-1610.
- Milgram, S. (1977). “The familiar stranger: An aspect of urban anonymity”. The individual in a social world. Reading, MA. Adisson –Wesley.
- Narin, B. (2018). A Netnography Study About Wapa as a Mobile Dating Application. Moment Journal: Journal of Cultural Studies, 5(2), 343-367.
- Nicolle, C. (2022). “The Whole Neighbourhood Is Becoming Gay!” Reflections on the Effects of Geolocated Dating Apps on the Practice and Perception of the Urban Space of Gay Men in Major French Cities. Blidon, M., Brunn, S.D (Ed.) Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places içinde (147-164). Cham: Springer.
- Nisa, E. F. (2021). Online Halal Dating, Ta’aruf, and the Shariatisation of Matchmaking among Malaysian and Indonesian Muslims. CyberOrient, 15(1), 231-258.
- Öz, Ö. ve Eder, M. (2018). ‘Problem Spaces’ and Struggles Over the Right to the City: Challenges of Living Differentially in a Gentrifying Istanbul Neighborhood. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(6), 1030-1047.
- Özbay, C. (2017). Queering sexualities in Turkey: Gay men, male prostitutes and the city. I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd.
- Özbaş Anbarli, Z. (2021). Dijital Ağda İlişkiler: Kullanıcıların Tinder Deneyimleri. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 12(23), 89–119.
- Özyeğin, G. (2015). New Desires, New Selves: Sex, love, and piety among Turkish youth. New York University Press.
- Parisi, L. ve Comunello, F. (2020). Dating in the time of “relational filter bubbles”: Exploring imaginaries, perceptions and tactics of Italian dating app users. The Communication Review, 23(1), 66–89.
- Pasin, B. (2020). Görün(m)üyorum, Öyleyse Varım: Konumsal Medyada Kuir Mekân Pratikleri. Cemile Tokgöz Şahoğlu, Betül Aydoğan (Ed.) Konumsal Medya: Dijital Çağda Mekân Üzerine Disiplinlerarası Tartışmalar içinde (205-214). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
- Phan, A., Seigfried-Spellar, K., ve Choo, K.-K. R. (2021). Threaten me softly: A review of potential dating App Risks. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100055.
- Portolan, L. ve McAlister, J. (2022). Jagged Love: Narratives of Romance on Dating Apps during COVID-19. Sexuality and Culture, 26(1), 354–372.
- Rochadiat, A. M., Tong, S. T. ve Novak, J. M. (2018). Online dating and courtship among Muslim American women: Negotiating technology, religious identity, and culture. New Media & Society, 20(4), 1618–1639.
- Sharabi, L. L., Ryder, C. V. ve Niess, L. C. (2023). A Space of Our Own: Exploring the Relationship Initiation Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Dating App Users. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(7), 2277-2297.
- Sotoudeh, R., Friedland, R. ve Afary, J. (2017). Digital romance: the sources of online love in the Muslim world. Media, Culture & Society, 39(3), 429-439.
- Soybakış, O. (2019). Kamusal Alanda Saklambaç: İstanbul’da Eşcinsel ve Biseksüel Erkeklerin Mekansal Sosyalleşmesi. Cenk Özbay, Ayşecan Terzioğlu (Ed.), Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Kültürleri içinde (267-280). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
- audiences: Dating App Users in Turkey 2023. (2023). Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
- Sunam Audry, A., Bas, O., İnceoğlu, İ., Kaya, Y. B., Cöbek, G., & Alkurt, S. V. (2024). Nationwide research on the uses and motivations of dating apps by young adults in the cultural environment of Turkey. Mobile Media & Communication, 12(3), 662-687.
- Tanrıöver, H. U. & Sunam, A. (2017). Türkiye'deki çevrimiçi evlilik siteleri: Medyanın benlik sunumuna etkisinin toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir analizi. İleti-ş-im, 26, 9-38.
- Tuğal, C. (2021). Urban Symbolic Violence Re-Made: Religion, Politics and Spatial Struggles in Istanbul. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45(1): 154-163.
- TUİK. (26 Ağustos 2022). Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması, 2022. Erişim 12 Aralık 2024,
- Veel, K. ve Thylstrup, N. B. (2018). Geolocating the stranger: the mapping of uncertainty as a configuration of matching and warranting techniques in dating apps. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 10(3), 43–52.
- Yılmaz, T. (20 Ağustos 2020). Grindr’dan sonra Hornet de yasaklı, sırada ne var? Bianet. Erişim 17 Kasım 2024.
Flört Mekânlarını Haritalamak: Türkiye'de Konum Tabanlı Tanışma Uygulamalarını Kullanan Genç Yetişkinlerin Mekânsal Stratejileri
Yıl 2024,
Sayı: 41, 17 - 45, 29.12.2024
Aylin Sunam Audry
Gözde Cöbek
Yiğit Bahadır Kaya
Bu makale metropol ve metropol dışı şehirlerinde yaşayan ve konum tabanlı tanışma uygulamalarını kullanan genç yetişkinlerin mekânsal stratejileri hakkında bir değerlendirme sunmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Türkiye’nin 6 farklı şehrinde yaşayan,18-30 yaş arası, 64 genç kullanıcının konum tabanlı tanışma uygulamaları aracılığıyla tanıştıkları partnerleriyle ilk buluşma mekân seçimleri bulanık bilişsel haritalama yöntemi (Kosko, 1986) ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları toplumsal cinsiyetin ve kültürel ortama özgü coğrafi kalıpların (metropol ve metropol dışı) konum tabanlı tanışma uygulama kullanıcılarının mekânsal stratejilerini ve partner adayları ile buluşurken başvurdukları taktikleri önemli ölçüde belirlediğini göstermektedir.
Destekleyen Kurum
121K687 numaralı, “Türkiyeli Gençlerin Konum Tabanlı Mobil Uygulamalar Aracılığı ile Partner Seçme Pratiklerinin İncelenmesi” isimli 3501 Kariyer Geliştirme projemizi destekleyen TÜBİTAK BİDEB 3501 Kariyer Geliştirme Programı'na teşekkür ederiz.
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