ISSN: 1305-2411
e-ISSN: 2548-124X
Founded: 2004
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Galatasaray University Journal of Communication (İleti-ş-im) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published biannually every June and December by Galatasaray University, Faculty of Communication.

İleti-ş-im is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year (in June and December) by Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication.

The basis of the journal's publication policy is to include new and original research with a strong theoretical basis that contributes to the field by taking different perspectives on communication studies as a starting point. The journal publishes scholarly and original studies written in Turkish, French, or English on topics related to communication studies, articles, translations, book reviews and proceedings, as well as special editorial files on current debates in the field of communication.

The publisher of the journal is the Dean of the Faculty on behalf of Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication.

All research articles, review articles, and book reviews published in İleti-ş-im are subjected to pre-editorial review and a strict peer review process consisting of double-blind refereeing.

The first issue of İleti-ş-im was published in December 2004 and is indexed by ULAKBIM TR Index - Social Sciences and Humanities Database and EBSCO Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC).

İleti-ş-im is a member of the Publication Ethics Committee.

İleti-ş-im provides immediate open access to its content, embracing the principle that making scientific research freely available to the public will increase the global sharing of knowledge. In line with the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of open access, the journal allows its readers to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text" of articles.

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