Writing Rules

Article Submission Rules and Publishing Process  

Submitted articles are first reviewed by the editor for purpose, subject matter, content, and adherence to writing guidelines. Those found suitable in these respects have their author names anonymized and are sent to two reviewers recognized in their field for scholarly evaluation, following the opinion of the Editor and/or the Editorial Board. Under no circumstances are the reviewers given the author's name, nor are the reviewers' names disclosed to the authors.
Authors are requested to make any adjustments specified by the reviewers or requested by the editors using Microsoft Word’s “track changes” feature. Authors may notify the editorial board of their summaries, comments or objections regarding the changes requested during the evaluation process with a revision report.
Reviewer reports are kept for two years. If one reviewer report is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent to a third reviewer, or the Editorial Board may make the final decision based on the reports. Authors take into consideration the criticisms, suggestions, and corrections requested by the reviewers and the Editorial Board.
Approval is obtained from the author for articles ready for publication.
Each author is sent a printed copy of the journal.

Author Guidelines
Articles submitted to the journal must fully comply with the following rules. Articles that do not comply with the writing rules will not be considered for review.

Articles submitted to the journal, including footnotes and bibliography, should not exceed 12,000 words.
Articles submitted to the journal should include abstracts of 230-250 words in Turkish and 280-300 words in English, along with 5 keywords, and titles in both Turkish and English. Abstracts should include the purpose, significance, method, and results of the study.
In addition to the article, authors should submit a cover file containing the author's short biography, contact and ORCID information, and a signed copyright transfer form by the author(s).
The submitted document and file properties should not contain any terms that reveal the identity of the author. The text and footnotes should not provide information about the author's name or institution, nor should they refer to theses, projects, etc., that underpin the article. Such footnotes should be included in a cover file containing author information. If the author feels the need to provide additional information about the history of the article, this should be indicated in the cover file submitted with the article.
All articles in ILEF Journal must display in-text references and bibliographies according to the Chicago Reference Format's author-date system. For this, you can refer to our Reference and Text Format page.
Titles used in the article should be short and clear.
Articles should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, and double-spaced in doc or docx file format. Footnotes should be written in 9 point size and single-spaced.
The main title and subtitles of the article should be bold and the first letters of the words should be capitalized.
Quotes exceeding 40 words should be indented one centimeter from the paragraph, in block format, single-spaced, and in 11 point size.
When quoting, sources should be written under tables and figures.
For any inquiries regarding article submission and the journal, contact can be made via the email address ilefjournal@gmail.com.

Last Update Time: 4/30/24, 3:52:20 PM