Research Article
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Year 2005, Issue: 2, 117 - 138, 01.06.2005



  • CAMPBELL K., (2000), Issues In Designing For Inclusivity, Leaders in Learning 2000.
  • MARCUS A., Global and Intercultural User-Interface Design, JACKO Julie A. (Editor), SEARS Andrew (Editor) (2002), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications (Human Factors and Ergonomics) Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
  • FERNANDES T. (1999), Global Interface Design, London, Morgan Kaufmann. LAKOFF G. & JOHNSON M. (1980), Metaphors We Live By, Chicago, University of Chicago Press (Trd); 2nd edition (April 2003).
  • DEL GALDO Elisa M. (Ed.), NIELSEN Jakob (Ed.) (1996), International Users interface, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
  • NIELSEN, J., (1994), Usability Engineering, Norman Kaufmann, YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • HORTON, W. (1994), The Icon Book : Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation, John Wiley and Sons,
  • EVERS, V. & DAY, D. (1997), The Role of Culture in Interface Acceptance, Human Computer Interaction, INTERACT’97, Chapman and Hall, London,
  • EVERS V., (1999), Cross-Cultural Aspects Of The Human Computer Interface, A thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
  • RUSSO, P. & BOOR, S. (1993), How fluent is your interface? Designing for international users. Human Factors in Computing Systems, Procedings of INTERCHI’93, Amsterdam, New York: ACM, , p24-29.
  • ELLIS, A.N. and BEATTIE, G. (1986) The Psychology of Language and Communication, Lawrence Erllbaum Associates, Hove, UK.
  • GREENE, J. (1986) Language Understanding: A cognitive approach, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
  • GRIFFITH, T. L. (1998) Cross-cultural and cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology: Focus on group support systems in Bulgaria, Interacting with computers, Special Issue: Shared values and shared interfaces, 9, 4, 431- 447.
  • KUKULSKA-HULME, A.M. (1999) Language and Communication: Essential Concepts for User Interface and Documentation Design, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • SAPIR, E. (1949) Selected Writings of Edward Sapir, University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • SCHIRATO, T. and YELL, S. (2000) Communication and Culture: An introduction, Sage Publications, London.
  • WHORF, B. L. (Ed.) (1956) Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. CAREY Tom, Human Computer Interaction, Addison Wesley, Wokingham, UK, 1994.
  • BLANDIN J., Usability Evaluation On-Line Learning Programs: A Sociological Standpoint, GHAOUI Claude (Edi.), (2003), Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs, Idea Group Publishing.
  • GRIMES, B. F., PITTMAN R. S., ve GRIMES J. E. (1999), Ethnologue: Languages of the world, 13th ed. (online). SIL International. (
  • YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • NAKANISHI, A. (1990), Writing systems of the world: Alphabets, syllabaries, pictograms. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company.
  • NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, (1995), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 10-4: Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions.
  • HARRIS J. ve MC CORMACK R., (2000), Considerations for global Internet development, Sapient Corporation Report, ACM Digital Library.
  • INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION, ISO 9241 (1998): Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part 11: Guidance on usability
Year 2005, Issue: 2, 117 - 138, 01.06.2005



  • CAMPBELL K., (2000), Issues In Designing For Inclusivity, Leaders in Learning 2000.
  • MARCUS A., Global and Intercultural User-Interface Design, JACKO Julie A. (Editor), SEARS Andrew (Editor) (2002), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications (Human Factors and Ergonomics) Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
  • FERNANDES T. (1999), Global Interface Design, London, Morgan Kaufmann. LAKOFF G. & JOHNSON M. (1980), Metaphors We Live By, Chicago, University of Chicago Press (Trd); 2nd edition (April 2003).
  • DEL GALDO Elisa M. (Ed.), NIELSEN Jakob (Ed.) (1996), International Users interface, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
  • NIELSEN, J., (1994), Usability Engineering, Norman Kaufmann, YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • HORTON, W. (1994), The Icon Book : Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation, John Wiley and Sons,
  • EVERS, V. & DAY, D. (1997), The Role of Culture in Interface Acceptance, Human Computer Interaction, INTERACT’97, Chapman and Hall, London,
  • EVERS V., (1999), Cross-Cultural Aspects Of The Human Computer Interface, A thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
  • RUSSO, P. & BOOR, S. (1993), How fluent is your interface? Designing for international users. Human Factors in Computing Systems, Procedings of INTERCHI’93, Amsterdam, New York: ACM, , p24-29.
  • ELLIS, A.N. and BEATTIE, G. (1986) The Psychology of Language and Communication, Lawrence Erllbaum Associates, Hove, UK.
  • GREENE, J. (1986) Language Understanding: A cognitive approach, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
  • GRIFFITH, T. L. (1998) Cross-cultural and cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology: Focus on group support systems in Bulgaria, Interacting with computers, Special Issue: Shared values and shared interfaces, 9, 4, 431- 447.
  • KUKULSKA-HULME, A.M. (1999) Language and Communication: Essential Concepts for User Interface and Documentation Design, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • SAPIR, E. (1949) Selected Writings of Edward Sapir, University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • SCHIRATO, T. and YELL, S. (2000) Communication and Culture: An introduction, Sage Publications, London.
  • WHORF, B. L. (Ed.) (1956) Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. CAREY Tom, Human Computer Interaction, Addison Wesley, Wokingham, UK, 1994.
  • BLANDIN J., Usability Evaluation On-Line Learning Programs: A Sociological Standpoint, GHAOUI Claude (Edi.), (2003), Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs, Idea Group Publishing.
  • GRIMES, B. F., PITTMAN R. S., ve GRIMES J. E. (1999), Ethnologue: Languages of the world, 13th ed. (online). SIL International. (
  • YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • NAKANISHI, A. (1990), Writing systems of the world: Alphabets, syllabaries, pictograms. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company.
  • NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, (1995), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 10-4: Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions.
  • HARRIS J. ve MC CORMACK R., (2000), Considerations for global Internet development, Sapient Corporation Report, ACM Digital Library.
  • INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION, ISO 9241 (1998): Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part 11: Guidance on usability

Bilişim Toplumunda İnternet Üzerinden Kültürlerarası İletişim ve Kullanılabilirlik: Paradigmalar ve Parametreler

Year 2005, Issue: 2, 117 - 138, 01.06.2005


Yeni bin yılla birlikte, iletişim teknolojilerinde hızlı gelişim, bilişim toplumuna geçiş sürecini hayatımızın önemli bir parçası haline getirmiştir. Özellikle internet, sürekli gelişen etkileşimli yapısı ve yaygın kullanımıyla, coğrafi olarak birbirinden uzak kullanıcıların birbirleriyle iletişimine olanak tanımış ve alternatif bir kültürlerarası iletişim odağı olarak öne çıkmıştır. İnsan ve bilgisayar arasındaki etkileşimi daha etkin ve verimli hale getirme çabası, hedeflenen bu etkin kullanımı tanımlamak üzere "kullanılabilirlik" kavramını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Ortaya konan kullanılabilirlik ilkeleri, temelde ürün işlevselliğinin kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarını ne ölçüde karşıladığını ölçmek üzere geliştirilmiş olup, herhangi bir bağlamsal, toplumsal veya kültürel özellikten bağımsız olarak ele alınmaktadır, fakat özellikle internet siteleri gibi etkileşimli grafik arayüzler, uluslararası kullanıcı kitlelerinin kullanımına açık olduğundan, kültürel bağlamı gözardı eden yıkarıdaki gibi bir yaklaşım, kültürlerarası iletişimi mümkünsüz kılan bir ihmale dönüşebilmektedir. Aksine kullanılabilirlik, toplumsal ve kültürel özelliklere güçlü biçimde bağlıdır, çünkü herhangi bir nesnenin kullanımı, aynı zamanda kültürel deneyimin de bir parçası olan toplumsal bir etkinliktir. Bu bağlamda kullanılabilirlik, kültürel ve toplumsal boyutuyla da değerlendirilmeli ve internet siteleri gibi uluslararası iletişime açık ortamların tasarımında, belli kültürlerarası parametreler özellikle dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu parametreleri saptamak üzere yapılan akademik araştırmalar ve ilgi sektörlerin yürüttüğü profesyonel çalışmalar sonucu her biri temel parametreler içeren belli paradigmalar ortaya atılmıştır. Bu çalışmada amaç, benzer paradigmalarla ortaya konan parametreleri, önerdiğimiz bağlam üzerinden detaylı örneklerle ele almak ve internet siteleri üzerinde kültürlerarası kullanılabilirlik ve iletişime olanak tanıyan arayüzlerin tasarımı doğrultusunda ilkeler saptamaktır.


  • CAMPBELL K., (2000), Issues In Designing For Inclusivity, Leaders in Learning 2000.
  • MARCUS A., Global and Intercultural User-Interface Design, JACKO Julie A. (Editor), SEARS Andrew (Editor) (2002), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications (Human Factors and Ergonomics) Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
  • FERNANDES T. (1999), Global Interface Design, London, Morgan Kaufmann. LAKOFF G. & JOHNSON M. (1980), Metaphors We Live By, Chicago, University of Chicago Press (Trd); 2nd edition (April 2003).
  • DEL GALDO Elisa M. (Ed.), NIELSEN Jakob (Ed.) (1996), International Users interface, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
  • NIELSEN, J., (1994), Usability Engineering, Norman Kaufmann, YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • HORTON, W. (1994), The Icon Book : Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation, John Wiley and Sons,
  • EVERS, V. & DAY, D. (1997), The Role of Culture in Interface Acceptance, Human Computer Interaction, INTERACT’97, Chapman and Hall, London,
  • EVERS V., (1999), Cross-Cultural Aspects Of The Human Computer Interface, A thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
  • RUSSO, P. & BOOR, S. (1993), How fluent is your interface? Designing for international users. Human Factors in Computing Systems, Procedings of INTERCHI’93, Amsterdam, New York: ACM, , p24-29.
  • ELLIS, A.N. and BEATTIE, G. (1986) The Psychology of Language and Communication, Lawrence Erllbaum Associates, Hove, UK.
  • GREENE, J. (1986) Language Understanding: A cognitive approach, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
  • GRIFFITH, T. L. (1998) Cross-cultural and cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology: Focus on group support systems in Bulgaria, Interacting with computers, Special Issue: Shared values and shared interfaces, 9, 4, 431- 447.
  • KUKULSKA-HULME, A.M. (1999) Language and Communication: Essential Concepts for User Interface and Documentation Design, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • SAPIR, E. (1949) Selected Writings of Edward Sapir, University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • SCHIRATO, T. and YELL, S. (2000) Communication and Culture: An introduction, Sage Publications, London.
  • WHORF, B. L. (Ed.) (1956) Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. CAREY Tom, Human Computer Interaction, Addison Wesley, Wokingham, UK, 1994.
  • BLANDIN J., Usability Evaluation On-Line Learning Programs: A Sociological Standpoint, GHAOUI Claude (Edi.), (2003), Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs, Idea Group Publishing.
  • GRIMES, B. F., PITTMAN R. S., ve GRIMES J. E. (1999), Ethnologue: Languages of the world, 13th ed. (online). SIL International. (
  • YUNKER John, (2003), Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies, New Riders Publishing, USA.
  • NAKANISHI, A. (1990), Writing systems of the world: Alphabets, syllabaries, pictograms. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company.
  • NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, (1995), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 10-4: Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions.
  • HARRIS J. ve MC CORMACK R., (2000), Considerations for global Internet development, Sapient Corporation Report, ACM Digital Library.
  • INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION, ISO 9241 (1998): Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part 11: Guidance on usability
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Kerem Rızvanoğlu

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005Issue: 2


APA Rızvanoğlu, K. (2005). Bilişim Toplumunda İnternet Üzerinden Kültürlerarası İletişim ve Kullanılabilirlik: Paradigmalar ve Parametreler. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi(2), 117-138.

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